Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele

This mindset could totally transform your self-worth

August 03, 2022 Jaclyn Steele Season 3 Episode 125
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
This mindset could totally transform your self-worth
Show Notes Transcript

I did several episodes at the end of last year on the topic of fear and overcoming it - I highly suggest listening to those if you are struggling with this, but today, I want to talk about what it looks like to live with an abundance mindset and how this shift has the potential to transform your self-worth.

Book Mentioned:
Conversations with God by Neal Donald Walsch


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Light, Love, & Peace,

Jaclyn Steele

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Jaclyn Steele:

Hello, hello hello and welcome to today's episode of self worth with yours truly Jaclyn Steele, if it sounds like I'm whispering a little bit, it's because I am my son is sleeping in the next room and I'm trying to do all of the things and get this podcast recorded while he is taking a nap. And y'all, he has an unpredictable nap or sometimes it's like 10 minutes sometimes it's like three hours. So here I am going to try and get this done in one take. This month on the podcast. This beautiful and very toasty month of August in Scottsdale, Arizona. The theme is drumroll abundance. But before I dive in to today's topic, I want to share a quote from the book Conversations with God which is one of the most significant books that I have read in my life and read it like seven years ago. Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch, this is the quote I want to share with you. All human actions are motivated at their deepest level by two emotions, fear or love. I'm going to read that one more time because this is so significant. All human actions are motivated at their deepest level by two emotions, fear or love. In truth, there are only two emotions. Only two words in the language of the soul. Fear wraps our bodies in clothing. Love allows us to stand naked, fear clings to and clutches all that we have. Love gives all that we have away. Fear holds close. Love holds dear. Fear grasps love, lets go. Fear wrinkles, love suits. Fear attacks. Love amends. Friends, this is such a powerful concept. To think that every single human emotion can either be traced to love or fear just boggles my mind. If this is true, then the way that we think about ourselves in the world is either rooted in love, or in fear. I bring this up because the topic this month is abundance. And abundance is rooted deeply, deeply in love. And acting and thinking out of love is very brave. And it's especially courageous in a world that has conditioned us, in my opinion, to act out of fear. I did several episodes the end of last year in season two, on the topic of fear and overcoming it, I highly suggest listening to those if you are struggling with fear. But today, I want to talk about what it looks like to live with an abundance mindset and how this shift has the potential to transform your self worth. Let me ask you a question. What comes to mind when you think about the word abundance? My guess is it has something to do with money. That's my first thought too. So zero judgment, okay. But I want to challenge us to think harder and reach deeper when it comes to the true meaning of the word. The dictionary says abundance means an extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply. Think about this in terms of time, of generosity, of energy, of wealth, of friendships, of joy, of happiness, of resources available to us of opportunities available to us of the beauty around us. To me, abundance and specifically, an abundance mindset is simply a shift in perspective. It's a shift in perspective from there isn't enough for me to there is plenty for me. Think about that for a second. What would it feel like to believe that there is plenty for you? Think about it in terms of time. I mentioned recently in Episode 123. How one of my default negative thought loops is that I should be farther by now. But if I apply an abundance mindset to this negative thought, it's transmuted to, I have an abundance of time to do the things that matter to me. That changes the whole energy of my heart. It takes the pressure off, it instills hope, maybe even a little excitement about the abundance of possibilities. Think about the abundance mindset in terms of self care. Women, notoriously, and some men too. But women notoriously do and do and do for others, and allow ourselves to slip through the cracks, specially when we have kids, then we let that go on continuing to do and do and do for others, until we get totally burnt out, or worse, sick. And we say, well, we didn't have the time to care for ourselves. But the truth is, we didn't have an abundance mindset. We were saying, I cannot be there for my child, and be there for myself. Or I could not show up fully for my job and take care of myself. The abundance mindset, though, shifts this, the abundance mindset says, I can be there for my child, and take excellent care of myself. It says, I can show up fully for my job, and take excellent care of myself when I'm off the clock. Regarding this, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. And we have so much power, it is up to us how we choose to use each hour, even five minutes. Here's something to think about. This is an abundant and aspirational thought, the more successful you become, the less you should have on your calendar. That's an abundant mindset. It's, I can be wildly successful, and still have free time. Do you guys see why this is so revolutionary, and how it can change your self worth so much. Instead of either or it becomes and the abundant mindset means replacing the word or with the word and I could do this, or that becomes I can do this. And that. Guys, it's not about adding more to your plate. It's understanding that you have power and you have autonomy over your day. And if you want to prioritize yourself, you will do what it takes to do that. If you want to prioritize your work, you will do what it takes to do that. If you want to prioritize recording a podcast episode, you will do what it takes to do that. Here are some affirmations that relate to the abundant mindset, okay. I can be wealthy and remain humble. These are, these are mindset shifts that I want to share. Because I feel like it's so easy for people to have a perspective on these mindsets that is very black and white. But it doesn't have to be okay. So I can be wealthy and remain humble. I can be kind and have healthy boundaries. I can work really hard and still take excellent care of myself. That also has to do with having healthy boundaries. I can have a child, this one was big for me and still have my own identity. I can work out and I can make time to rest. The abundance mindset gives you space to think differently. Maybe you have half an hour and you think I could either work or I could meditate. The abundance mindset says I'm going to work out for 15 minutes and I'm going to meditate for 15 minutes. Do you see where I'm going here? How this mindset can change so much. I can eat healthy and I can leave space for myself to indulge once in a while. I can read books to expand my mind. And I can watch a mindless show once in a while to allow my brain to rest. I can make tons of money and I can be a human that lives with great integrity and generosity. The abundance mindset is reserved for people with high levels of self worth, I'm going to repeat that. The abundance mindset is reserved for people with high levels of self worth. People who are secure enough in themselves to leave room for others to shine, and to win. People who lead with their insecurities don't leave space for abundance. In their minds, the world is scarce. If someone wins, it means that they lose. If someone is attractive, it means that they could be less attractive. If someone is wealthy, it means that there is less of the pie for them. But this simply isn't true. The abundance mindset says that there is enough to go around. And guys, I've experienced this over and over and over. In my 35 years on this planet, there is enough to go around. Especially when we have the abundance mindset. The more you adopt this mindset, the more you will see abundance everywhere. The abundance mindset allows us to live in self confidence, we aren't as apt to compare ourselves to others because we know that everyone has space to shine and be seen. That's why this is such a game changer in regard to our self worth. When we transmute scarcity to abundance, the world opens up, our energy shifts dramatically. An energy is power, energy is powerful, and magnetic. And the energy we put out is what we will get back. If you say that you will always be alone, then you will always be alone, you're telling the universe that you want to be alone. If you say that you are open to finding love, then you will open yourself to finding love. If you say that you are broke, then you will continue to be broke. If you say that you are open to money making opportunities, then you will attract money making opportunities. I've seen all of this happen in my own life. This seems so simple. But it's true. The way we think and speak and act is a direct reflection of what is going on inside of us. And then the outside world mirrors that back. I've seen this again, over and over. If you are waiting for the other shoe to drop, you will find that shoe it's just a matter of time. If you are looking at life with an abundance mindset, then when an obstacle arises, you simply think, well, this is an opportunity for me to pivot and learn something new. These mindsets carry two totally different frequencies. One is based in fear and one is based in love. One is not an abundance mindset and one is an abundance mindset. It comes back to love and fear. When we live out of our insecurities, out of comparison, out of either or out of scarcity, we are living out of fear and therefore setting ourselves up to experience those things. When we live out of abundance, out of enoughness out of our worthiness, out of our willingness to make mistakes but still take up space in the world. We are living out of love and therefore setting ourselves up to have more expansive and beautiful experiences. Anytime you find yourself in a fearful thought loop. It's okay. We all do it. Just know that you have the power to choose better, to choose a more loving thought and to choose a mindset of abundance. This shift in perspective has the power to change your trajectory to a destination beyond your wildest dreams.