Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele

Self-worth through the portal of scent with ASCENTION founder, Greta Fitz

Jaclyn Steele Season 3 Episode 105

Greta has over two decades of experience growing brands at Coty, Shiseido, L'Oréal, and disrupted the fragrance industry with the creation of Clean Reserve in 2016. She’s united her extensive clean beauty expertise, alongside her own wellness journey, to create a whole new beauty category that she calls “Wellness Fragrance.” Following a serious health-scare, Greta realized the visceral power of scent and how it’s directly tied to emotions. She used aromatherapy principles in her own self-care journey to help elevate her mind in times of stress, while combining healing crystals to empower positive intentions. 

 Realizing there was a huge void in the premium marketplace, Greta wanted to bridge the gap between scent and wellness and developed the new premier wellness-fragrance brand, ASCENTION. ASCENTION pairs aromatherapy-inspired perfume with ethically sourced crystals in rituals to condition positive feel-good vibes. ASCENTION is rooted in mindfulness and self-care, and pushes the boundaries of what fragrance is. It’s not just about smelling good, but more about feeling good.

Join us as we chat about self-worth, intentions, rituals, clean beauty, self-care and ALL THE YUMMY things.



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Light, Love, & Peace,

Jaclyn Steele

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So that's basically what we sought out to do like so that whoever buys from my collection or joins my collective they know that, okay, these fragrances, I don't have to think about them. I know that they're clean. I know that they're responsibly harvested, I know that they're sustainably harvested. I know they're not depleting the environment of its natural resources. And also one thing about me is that I've learned how to work with perfumers to create linear fragrances meaning a lot of people who smell fragrance, they get a headache, right. So a lot of people are like, I don't really wear fragrances because of I get the headaches and that's usually the ingredients that go in.

Jaclyn Steele:

Hi, I am Jaclyn Steele, and welcome to self discovery. Howard Thurman so beautifully wrote, don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive, coming alive. That my friends is what self discovery is all where that man today on the podcast, we have such a special guest Her name is Greta fits. And before I introduce you to her and you hear our conversation, I want to tell you about this incredible woman. She is the founder and CEO of ascension wellness fragrances and let me tell you guys, these fragrances, they're clean, they're beautiful. They have affirmations that come with them. They have crystals that come with them. They are aromatherapy inspired perfume. I brought them to the hospital with me when I gave birth. That's how important they are to me. So again, before I introduce you, I want to tell you a little bit about Greta. She has over two decades of experience growing brands like kadhi and Shiseido L'Oreal, and she has disrupted the fragrance industry with the creation of clean reserve in 2016. Side note I also own some clean reserve fragrance you guys know I'm a clean beauty junkie and clean reserve, which was the first clean beauty fragrance company that she was a part of is also incredible. You guys already know about kadhi and Shiseido and L'Oreal. She's United her extensive clean beauty expertise alongside her own wellness journey to create a whole new beauty category that she calls wellness fragrance. How exciting is that? Following a serious health scare. Greta realized the visceral power of scent and how it's directly tied to emotions. She used aromatherapy principles in her own self care journey to help elevate her mind in times of stress while combining healing crystals to empower positive intentions. Does that sound like something we want to know about? Absolutely, yes. So realizing there is a huge void in the premium marketplace. Greta wanted to bridge the gap between scent and wellness and developed the new premier wellness fragrance brand ascension, ascension pairs, aromatherapy inspired perfume with ethically sourced crystals and rituals to condition positive feel good vibes and let me tell you they do. Ascension is rooted in mindfulness and self care and pushes the boundaries of what fragrance is. It's not just about smelling good, but more about feeling good. I cannot wait to introduce you guys to Greta, you will love her and you will love this company ascension without further ado, here is our conversation. Oh, all right, ladies and gentlemen, listeners of this podcast. Thank you for being here today. We have a very special guest. Miss Greta Fitz, thank you so much for being here.


Oh my gosh, Jacqueline, thank you for having me. This is such an honor.

Jaclyn Steele:

I'm so glad that we got to connect a couple of months ago you are luminary she is the founder of ascension, which is this incredible wellness fragrance company that I'm pretty sure is going to expand into other areas but what you have done is so brilliant combining intention, clean fragrance, and this sense of self care and self love in a bottle. Yeah, how I mean Oh my gosh. Okay, so I have played my foot for you. Yes. Can you give us a little background story on why you created ascension beauty


co Oh, I'd love to so I grew up in the beauty industry. I worked for the past, I think over two decades, right? So over 20 years, I've worked at L'Oreal cotesia, Sado. And I've basically seen the ins and outs of product development, you know, for designer brands, marketing, the designer brands, lifestyle brands. And it really was such a privilege and a blessing to be there, because it just showed me what my passion was. And I saw how people just, you know, gravitated and transformed the use of beauty products. Right. And then back few years back, I worked at a company that specialized in clean beauty products. And that was another eye opener of everything that shouldn't should not go into products. Kind of Yeah. And just, you know, why are we always having, you know, allergic reactions to things? And why do we have headaches when we smell fragrances, and, you know, so that just didn't sit right with me. And that shaped my values into who I am today. I created a brand called Clean reserve a few years ago, with Sephora, which is incredible. And it and it showed that people had this palette for learning more about Clean beauty, and that was bout 2016 100%.

Jaclyn Steele:

And I have some clean, reserved fragrance that I love. It is so beautiful.


Yeah, it's such a beautiful brand. I'm so proud to be part of it. And the team's amazing. And when I was going through all of this, the other aspect of it is that when you talk about fragrances and majority of my career has been in fragrance. Everyone just talks about memories, right? Like memories of freshman Ross like throws you back to your childhood or for me, like my happy place is the beach. So when I smell driftwood, or I smell salty air, like ozonic suntan lotion, it throws me back two summers at the beach. And I'm just so happy, right? But no one's really talking about well, how did that happen? How did you form that memory instant connection, right? And it's so actionable. It's so powerful and, and it's based on science. So scent is our strongest sense that ties memory and emotion, right, because it bypasses all the different parts of the brain and go straight to the amygdala and the hippocampus and it forms a memory. Right. So regardless of good, bad or indifferent, you know, for example, when I was pregnant with my second child, the smell of licorice, I couldn't handle for whatever reason I still love licorice right? Now, I can't I smell a question like, oh, no, no, thanks. Because you know what? Well, no, thank you. Yeah, the words right, you know? Right. So as I was going through this whole discovery, you know, um, I was also going through my own health challenges, not realizing that a lot of my health challenges could have been avoided, and most of them can be because stress literally kills us. And I know, we hear it from doctors from you know, it's, they know that I'm going to agree that they know what they're talking about, obviously, right? Like, if if we can avoid stress, and stress is everywhere. And it's how we're programmed through social media, the news, you know, our family, like everything is based on a fear based mentality, right? Because when you have fear the truth, I know, and I'm gonna get a little deep, when you have fear, you can control right? Actions. And just like with my kids, if I want them do something I like, you know, I'm like, Okay, well, you're not going to get this, then, you know, a reward. And maybe I shouldn't do that, you know, now, I get, I get it. But you know what I mean? Like, that's always like, Don't cross the street. Don't do this, like as a child, right? So you have this fear based mentality growing up and, you know, going through your, your professional life, you're like, oh, my gosh, if I mess up, am I gonna lose my job? Am I gonna, you know, you always have these thoughts, you know, and for me, it was I didn't know how to mitigate and transmute that. So instead, it pocketed in parts of my body. Yeah. And we're talking about the chakras and a little bit, but it pocketed in parts of my body that deal with stability. So that's your bottom three chakras. That's your root chakra, your sacral and your solar plexus. Right. And for me, I started having issues like stomach issues, IBS I had. I couldn't like if anything triggered me I had to run to the bathroom. I know that's TMI, but a lot of us exposure. No, but I get it, I

Jaclyn Steele:

get it. And I love that you're talking about this because our emotional state affects our physical state, way more than Western medicine gives it


credit. Yes. 100%. And the other thing with Western medicine is that isn't really medicine does it? Like it just doesn't heal us? It doesn't heal us. It's a family. Right? Basically, you you basically get rid of the symptoms, but the underlying cause is still there, right. So like I said earlier, you can avoid stress, but there are tools to navigate through and at the time It was burnout, culture burnout culture was you know all about, you're stressed out, you're overbooked, that means you're successful. You're doing something right. You know, so overrated. So overrated now in hindsight, and when my hair started falling out in chunks, right, like my bones amazing now, but I had this gorgeous, thank you so much. But it's and it's funny because at the time, I didn't know what was going on. I was like, Is it because I bleached my hair? And on the subway in Manhattan, I would look around and I saw other women having, you know, like, oh, maybe I'm aging. But I didn't realize that my stress was literally causing my hair to fall out, right. And then having all of these issues, went to the doctor doctor found a precancerous polyp in my colon. And it's primarily due to stress. So that's where my Wow, basically, doctor said that if I left that alone, and didn't listen to my body, I probably wouldn't be alive today. So wow, yeah. So that was eye opening for me. And I realized that I had to do something, I didn't want to go on medication, because like we talked earlier, I wanted to go to the root cause and I wanted to basically hold myself accountable and navigate through stress and fear, and my own insecurities. Right. And for me at the time, all I knew was fragrance. I knew that fragrance made me feel amazing, right. And I didn't have time to work out. But now I do because now I'm a different person. Sister area, right girl. And so I had fragrance. And I had, you know, certain I knew certain aroma, therapeutic benefits of lavender, and citrus and sandalwood. And I just had like these essential oils, that I knew that if I felt something I felt triggered, I would smell it and would make me feel better, right? And then I started working with crystals. Because at the time, when you hit a low, you hit a low, you know, people who suffer with mental health issues, they know what I'm talking about, you know, depression and you lose yourself belief you lose your self worth, because you go to this imposter syndrome, like how could this happen to me and all the shame comes over so

Jaclyn Steele:

much shame and guilt so much. And I think especially for women, too.


Yes. 100%. And, and you have to kind of go through that. So what was my kind of saving grace was working with crystals, you know, because I need and I'm holding a rose quartz now as, as we're speaking tonight, right? And literally like, and I just programmed myself that if I ever needed if I needed something to believe in, because I didn't believe in myself. I had my crystals with me, and some could call it a placebo effect. I call it an energetic trans transmission, right? That I get a little bit of infusion, and whatever works, you know, and it worked. And before I knew it, I found myself belief in myself worth that I realized that everything does happen for a reason. And I started investigating further and how I felt leveling up like my mood and my self belief. So one day I was meditating, because I incorporated meditation also into my daily practice to help me separate my ego from my mind, you know, just to get more grounded, I said, and I'm like, What do I do? Because I don't want to go back to corporate. I don't want to go back to Manhattan like that, like all that stress killed me, what do I do? And the message was open your eyes and I opened my eyes and I had all of I had my palo santo I had. I had like my crystals. I had my essential oils and I'm looking around and this was back. I'm talking way back. And I'm like, Oh my God, and they formed a triangle around me. And I'm like, Oh my gosh. And then I realized I was going through my own right. Yeah, I was going through my own ascension. Like I was literally, I felt like a feat like, you know, the old saying like the phoenix rising from the ashes. I literally felt like a phoenix rising from the ashes. I was like, Okay, wait a minute, I just burned what I thought of myself. The ego based mentality of what success is and status symbol and all this shit that I you know, and I looked at that, right? I'm like this, I don't like this. It's almost killed me, you know. And then I took out the things about myself that I loved. I put it here. I replanted into new soil. Metaphorically. Right. Yeah. And that was like, let me let me focus on this. And before I knew it, I left my corporate job. And I just put my blood sweat, tears, passion, intense belief system, all of it into creating ascension. And, and before I knew it, I taught this is also like, like reinvigorating my spiritual journey, you know, like you suppress that all in your life. Yes, yes. You know,

Jaclyn Steele:

I think we think it has to be either or, either we're successful at this or we're spiritual. Either we have money or we're grounded and we're Yogi's and were, you know, happy mentally and physically but it does not have to be either or No, and it shouldn't


be, it shouldn't be. And that goes all the way back to the scarcity fear based mentality that were brought up with through media, that you can't have it all, then and the fact of the matter is, you can, and you absolutely can. Because you have to reprogram that fear based mentality of, like, for me, like, I'll give you an example, this is the best way to illustrate it, right? Like, I was always I was raised to save for a rainy day, you know, make sure you have a little bit of money put away, make sure you invest, you know, you have your 401k, you have all of this, and I did that. I think God so whoever's listening, start your 401k. Because guess what, I'm going to change your life, right? So I would always think, like, okay, all my money is going into a 401k, you know, and I'm like, But why I don't know how long I'm gonna live. And like, the best investment for me right now, is me.

Jaclyn Steele:

So when I'm going to person hash out of that


401k, even though I'm only going to get half of it, what can I do with half of that money. And I literally put all of that money into me into starting my business, because I knew, like, I went through this for a reason. I have the business acumen for a reason. And I have the story for a reason. And I have to pay it forward. Because I know I'm not the only one going through this. And I know people might need this, you know. And this is when crystals, like the thought of crystals. And all of that was still kind of like, oh, that's Whoo, that's not, you know, so I'm talking like, 2017 28. Yeah, right. And then I just 2018 was a pivotal year for me. And that's when I said, Okay, I'm done. Holding on to this false sense of security, I'm going to let go of my job, I'm going to take that 401k the little bit that I have, I'm going to invest in me, I'm going to see how far it takes me. And Jaclyn, I'm so glad I did because that's what created ascension. That's what putting that energy out into the universe, knowing it spiritual, literally brought in these angels in human form, who were part of my network that I that I grew up in, in the beauty world who stepped up and said, I believe in your mission, I'm going to help you. And that's how we got the bottle design. We got the trademark, we got the patents, we got everything. And it wasn't a walk in a park. Right. But Correale worth it was like a Harvard MBA in like a good you know, eight months.

Jaclyn Steele:

To me, what comes up is this beautiful co creation between you a willing human participant and the divine. Yes to create something that truly I mean, I love this. So I have prosperity and I have courage. And I use them every day. And they're such like you said, the power of scent and what happens to us spiritually and mentally. So before I ever received your perfumes I'm such a like crystal junkie too. I've got him like peppered in my book. And around my house. They're everywhere. But I'm also a scent junkie too. So I love essential oils. I started using lavender when I was like 12 And so to have these I would say your fragrances are very elevated in that it's it's a it's they're so gorgeous. There's so many notes. It's not as like a simple lavender or a lemon or a eucalyptus though I love those. These feel like super high end fragrances like your Chanel like your Dolce and Gabbana, but they're clean. Yeah, which I am. Especially being pregnant. I am so careful about what I put on and in my body. But even before I was pregnant, I was so particular about everything I mean clean makeup, too. Yeah, so everything that you were talking about is so up my alley, and I'm sure up the alley of many listeners that are tuning in this episode of self discovery is supported by living libations I was turned on to this company after my Hashimotos diagnosis. I've always always loved clean beauty products, but living libations is clean on another level. I'll explain a little bit about why their primary ingredients are plant oils, and plant oils or botanical miracles. When oils are skillfully combined, the mosaic effect of 1000s of plant compounds burst forth with an intelligence and a life force that defines every single living libations creation. This not only makes their products extremely effective, and I can attest to that because the first night I started using them I noticed a difference the next morning one freaking night. But it also makes these products smell amazing like heaven. In addition, living libations products are cruelty free, their fair trade and almost all the products are raw, gluten free, and vegan. I cannot say enough about this incredible company, I have so many of their products I have their best skin ever cleansing oil and seabuckthorn I have their rose Renewal Serum, it's heaven, I have their soothsayer serum. If you feel like your skin is aging, this is a perfect serum for you the soothsayer serum, I have their happy gumdrops for healthy teeth, I have their shampoo and conditioner, I have their frankincense toothpaste, I have their deodorant, I have their love butter, I could go on and on and on about all the products that I have from them. And I am mindfully switching out all of my old products in exchange for living libations products because of the efficacy of their products, the mission behind them and the way that the company is run their commitment to diversity and environmental protection. Anyway, all that to say this is a company that I absolutely believe in and want to continue to support. If you are feeling at all overwhelmed by all of their high quality offerings, like I was in the beginning, I recommend starting with the best skin ever. In seabuckthorn it smells amazing, and you can cleanse and moisturize with it. Visit living libations calm and use code Jacqueline 12 for 12% off your purchase, living And Jacqueline 12 for 12% off your purchase. Links are in the show notes. And now back to the episode. Let me ask you this. Why did you choose clean? And is creating clean fragrance a lot harder than traditional fragrance?


That's such a great question. And so for me holistically working in clean beauty for a majority of my career, I see what goes into products, right. And I also see what happens to the products like where they end up. And it is

Jaclyn Steele:

so scary. And I don't mean to interrupt you. But I just had a thought I read this the other day. And it was someone in the wellness world equating the warnings that we see on secondhand smoke and cigarette labels now being compared to added fragrances and products like they are that harmful? I don't want to scare people. But no by that is it's really, really bad.


And that's the thing, like that's one thing I wanted, I want to clarify to everyone who's listening at the end of the day, it's the dose that makes the poison. Right? So if you think if you think about it this way, like no one other than drowning, no one's ever died going into a chlorine chlorinated pool, you know, because our skin has all those barriers are actually protect us. And the level of chlorine is at a safe level. But if you went in full throttle into a batch of chlorine, you would burn and die, right? So just want to give that analysis out there for so that people understand that at any fragrance that's created in the marketplace. They do go by the safe levels. Some brands go to the extremes like I do because of my story and other brands stay with within the safe confines because it's it's based on, you know, the effective payoff because there are when you stay within the safe confines, which is this that's what's regulated by FDA. I know there's a new name, I'm completely blanking on it right now. But it's the it's the international Regulatory Council that says like, what is safe and what isn't safe for fragrance, right? And at what dose right now what level? So I wanted to take the guesswork out of it, right? Similarly, like akin to going to a whole foods I go to a Whole Foods, knowing that everything there is safe, it's harvested responsibly. I don't have to think about it. I know that, you know, I trust a Whole Foods, right? It's when it's worth it and I will pay more money for it because it's worth it because it's the right ingredients. It's the right harvesting. And that's what I wanted to do within a fragrance like for me where I see clean, clean fragrance clean, the whole clean beauty category going is that it's just gonna be that's just the even playing field of like, okay, clean means you don't test on animals, you use vegan ingredients, you look at sustainable practices, because also the other thing that doesn't sit well with me is that if you focus on 100%, natural, right, and this and a lot of people don't talk about the sea, you focus on 100% natural, that doesn't mean that it's 100% clean. So if you look at poison ivy, right, that's 100% natural, but if you put that on your body, that's not a good idea. Do you know what I mean?

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah, there's a huge difference between clean and natural. And I think that is such a great point to bring up.


Exactly. And there's also allergens that come with 100% natural. So one thing for your listeners to know that if a brand is claiming that they are hyper allergenic, that means they're not using naturals, right? Because hypoallergenic means that there are allergens and allergy or there are sans allergens, or no allergens, or limited allergens. But how could you limit the allergens on a product that is 100% natural you naturally has right? So so for me, it's it's a nice balance, everything in life is balanced, going back to that energetic spiritual realm that the yin and the yang, right that the balance right, and depleting the earth of its natural resources. Also doesn't sit well with me because, you know, I'm sure you juice right. I saw your stories you just yeah, for so girl I know. But think about it, how much spinach? How much kale? Do you have to put into a juice a juicer to just get a cup of juice? Right? So much right now think about? Woods, sandal woods, think about any kind of trees, think about the things that we need, right? Like, the more trees we have, the more we survive, because trees are, you know, their life, their lungs, they're the lungs of the world, right? So for cutting down trees for fragrance, how many trees do you have to cut down to get one model fragrance,

Jaclyn Steele:

you are writing my language.


I don't want to be over here like all right. So so the so fragrance houses that we work with. So this isn't like just buying like to your point, the elevated aspect of the fragrance is not just going on Amazon and buying essential oils, and then like mixing it in your thing. Like, that's fine and good. But this is not what I want to do, there's a whole opportunity to level up and make this high vibrational beauty product in the luxury space, right and open this up for everyone to see that it's okay. There are beauty practices in within perfumery that use green chemistry, meaning like synthetic fragrances that are made in the lab, it doesn't mean that they're bad for you, because they're actually better for you. You're not depleting the environment, you could control the toxicity level, you can control the fact of payoff. And it's just it's a win win. And then you can also control the allergens in them, you know. So that's basically what we sought out to do like so that whoever buys from my collection or joins my collective they know that okay, these fragrances, I don't have to think about them. I know that they're clean, I know that they're responsibly harvested, I know that they're sustainably harvested. I know they're not depleting the environment of its natural resources. And also one thing about me is that I've learned how to work with perfumers to create linear fragrances, meaning a lot of people who smell fragrance, they get a headache, right. So a lot of people are like, I don't really wear fragrances because of I get the headaches. And that's usually the ingredients that go absolutely. And if you look at a fragrance, like if you put it on like a bar graph, or regular designer fragrance, right, let's say Chanel Number five, it would be like, like, oh, you know, all over the place because of all the movement, you know. And if you have less movement, but it moves in the back and you don't really notice it, the line goes straight. So what you smell on the top is what you smell on the dry down, meaning like when Yeah, that mitigates headaches, because there's less for your body to take in. Like if you smell too many fragrances. Yeah, you go to you know, sacks, and you smell all those things. And they put the, you know, the too much is too much too much. And the beans don't help. So anyway. Um, so that's why, and I think I answered your question. But yes, it's way harder to create a clean fragrance because the palette goes from a million ingredients to maybe 100. You know, so you have to get super creative. Well, that's what we achieved. Oh, it's

Jaclyn Steele:

so what you achieved. And I think what has stood out to me so much, several things. So I love that you brought up frequency and vibration, because I feel like this is the future and I've talked about it on this podcast so much. I feel like the future of healing is frequency healing. I don't know that we have all of the science there yet. But I know that I just bought a frequency bed that's supposed to be shipping next month and I'm super pumped about it. I need one of those. I'll send you the link. I'll send the link. But what stands out to me is everything about your product carries a frequency. The box is beautiful. The bottle is beautiful. The crystal is beautiful. The scent is beautiful. The cards that come with it and the affirmations and the intentions are beautiful. And what I also find to be a really big point of differentiation is how long the fragrance lasts. Because as somebody who loves essential oils and has for most of my life, I mean, my mom introduced me to essential oils when I was like 12 So for most of my life, I've been experimenting. The thing about essential oils is they smell great. They don't last though, like you put them on and it lasts a few minutes, and then it's gone. Maybe a couple of hours. I have sprayed your fragrances on my clothing. And I'll go to wear it a couple days later. And it's still there. And I'm like, Oh, this is just heaven.


That Oh, yes, I Can I just jump in like that is so that's another thing, like working in clean beauty is that a lot of the feedback has always been well, these fragrances don't last. And they don't that they don't and I

Jaclyn Steele:

had multiples. Yes. From different companies that I've tried out because I'm such a clean beauty junkie. And none of them last more than like 20 minutes


and and that's all fine and good because maybe sometimes it's because you become a nozzle like like you get so used to it. You don't smell it or you can smell musty naturally right? But for for what I wanted to accomplish, and this is why I chose the partner that I chose with I work with with mon they're amazing. The perfumers there just know like when I come in, and I say okay, we're gonna figure and they looked at me as I was crazy, as a lot of people do want to start working. And they realize I'm on to something right, you're totally,

Jaclyn Steele:

you're, you're you're ahead of the game. Oh, thanks, girl.


So I literally was just like, What does love smell like, but I want it to last, I don't want it to be like a twin flame journey. That's like a blip in your life, I want it to be like something that lasts because you are your best investment. And when you fall in love with yourself, that is the that is the love that I want to capture. But also working mind you, they work with a tiny palette of ingredients, but everything is chemistry. So working with ingredients that work and bond off of one another that then monitor your skin can last and also it's the quality of the ingredients and the level of fragrance concentration also, because fragrance literally is alcohol, water and fragrance, right, that's all that's in fragrance, you know, and like in perform, but it's that concentration of the ingredients, the percentage, and a lot of a lot of free clean fragrance brands don't put it at the maximum level for whatever reason, you know, and they have

Jaclyn Steele:

maybe it's like a mist instead of a perfume.


Exactly. And, and also like the price dictates that too, you know, so like, my my fragrances are premium for a reason. Because just like we said earlier, you go to Whole Foods because you expect good food to put on the table, and you're going to pay a little bit more. Same thing with ascension, you're going to pay a little bit more than the competition. But you're going to get an ethically sourced crystal and you're going to get a par fom fragrance that is going to last and won't give you a headache is good for you in the environment helps you set your intentions, feel good emotions, it's literally like an investment in yourself.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, it's 100%. And honestly, I mean, I know it's a premium product, but I don't feel like price wise, it's ridiculous in any way, shape or form. You know, I bought Chanel before and Dolce and Gabbana and all the nice stuff and then been like, what am I actually putting on my skin? So like to be able to buy your product, which I think is $100 Yeah, 98. And I felt like being that I wanted to make it accessible to everyone. Because that's the other thing like wellness really isn't,


you know, sold? Oh my gosh, right. Right. And I wanted it to be under $100 so that anyone, even if it's a teenager could like save up their money, their babysitting, or their tick tock money, or whatever it is. Right? I don't invest in themselves because it's so funny. Like the whole thing about like self discovery and self belief. Like we all think we want to do certain things. But when we think about it, and I've seen memes on this before is that you don't think twice about dropping like six bucks on your coffee. But if you add that all up during the week, what does that come to and it's over 100 bucks when it comes to a month. But when you invest in yourself in books in in holistic products like ascension that could help elevate your mind. You're like, oh, I don't know about that. You know? I mean, like

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh 100% 100% and I in 2020 was diagnosed with Hashimotos thyroiditis. So I had my own like health scare then wellness journey and I thought I want to go into remission in a holistic nutrient based way in as much as I possibly can. And that was the turning point for me where I realized I can buy 18 sweaters, you know from whatever fast fashion brand for two or$300 or I can get acupuncture, I can get herbs. I can invest in clean beauty I can invest didn't clean scent. And for me, one of the things that I have loved pregnancy is hard. You know this, you've been through it twice.


It is I don't know how I did that twice. But yeah.

Jaclyn Steele:

So hard. I cannot wait to beat this baby because I know it's gonna be worth it. But it is so hard. But one of the things that has taught me is the importance of ritual, taking time for myself every single day, to say, Hey, I'm going to put on prosperity. And I'm going to say my intention, and I'm going to stand here for 10 seconds and just take it in. Um, then, with with your perfume too, because it does last, I can like go back and smell it. Oh, one more thing I wanted to add was because it's concentrated, you don't need a lot. So existing those $90 goes a long, long way. But that ritual, that reminder, especially as women, especially as women, and this podcast has been called self discovery for the last two seasons, but in season three, I'm transitioning it to self worth, self worth with Jaclyn Steele because I thought, if I'm gonna hang my hat on anything in this world, and what I want my legacy to be is self worth. We as women we are so I love this about us, we're so giving, we're so loving, we're so overt. But then when it comes to understanding who we are, and our own value, there is like this total blind spot in so many of us, and myself included, I feel like I've done a lot of healing in that area. But ritual and investing in ourselves, whether that be nutrition, or fragrance or a bath with magnesium salt, you know, whatever it is, we need to understand that we are worth that investment day in and day out. Not once a week, not once a month, not once a year, every single day, even if it's 15 seconds of Spring Fragrance,


girl preach, and you know this, and I'm just gonna say, you know, I like to say things because sometimes I need to hear them. So I'm gonna say this me too dedicated to you dedicated to me, dedicated to every woman that's listening this and I love. And I love the evolution of your podcast name, because that is so indicative of your journey to write because you're working through your discovery, now, you're realizing your worth. And now you're gonna own that, you know, and this is a friendly reminder to me and everyone that not to sound sexist, but women really are the energy that we have within us. We are the most powerful magnetic gender that's out there. Because we are intuitive. We are and we and we're taught to shut that down. We're taught not to cry. We're taught not to stick up for ourselves, because it's not ladylike, and someone's not gonna like you. Oh, right. Oh, gosh, yeah, we're, we're taught to know our place. We're taught like, Oh, nice. Girls don't do that. Right, growing up, whatever it may be, you know, and this is an invitation for all of us to reclaim our power to reclaim that you follow your intuition? Because how many times tell me if I'm wrong, how many times when you do something that's not based on your intuition. Later on, you're like, really? Right. Yes. And even Yeah, I just had a call before and the gentleman on the phone was telling me about all this data. And I'm like, I don't care about your data. What does your gut say, you know, and that's what I mean. That's how Steve Jobs built his empire with Apple is through his gut, you know, and we have to go back to this intuition, this intuitive, vibrational being that we are as individuals, humans are made to emit and transmit energy and work within, like an energetic realm. And we I'm quoting Dr. Joe Dispenza, who I love him too. Yeah, he's amazing. And I read all of his books, but literally, like we stop for us to manifest and for us to attract and for us to be in that spiritual realm. We have to be magnetic and our magnet magnetism, we have to suppress and not suppress Sorry, wrong word. We have to transmute those low energetic the the jealousy, the fear, the insecurity, all of that, and transmute that into love, joy, courage, self belief, high vibrational emotion, exactly. So that we then create this and there are many ways to do it. To create this magnetic field around us that what we think that happens, right, and it doesn't,

Jaclyn Steele:

it's so true. If you're close, it's so true. And it's so simple, but we overcomplicate it This episode is supported by rise superfood mushroom coffee. Loaded with adaptogenic mushrooms rise coffee blend delivers calmer energy, sharper focus and immune support for a balanced body and clear mind. The taste is smooth, creamy and earthy, all with less than half the caffeine of normal coffee. So you don't get the jitters or that inevitable post caffeine high crash. It has quadriceps for stamina and increased oxygenation Lion's Mane for focus, concentration and neuron growth Rishi for stress and restful sleep Turkey Tail for gut health chronic fatigue and cancer fighting properties. Should talky for immunity and bone density, King trumpet for inflammation, antioxidants and heart attack and stroke fighting properties. Yes, yes, yes, I have been drinking this coffee personally. Now for months. I mix it into my regular coffee for a superfood boost. And then I add my collagen powder and a little creamer or I drink it on its own for a little bit of extra energy when I need it. This is what I call a conscious company. And one that genuinely cares about its customers head on over to rise that spelled RYZESUPRFOD to grab a bag now and enter code Jacqueline JC li n at checkout for 15% off. Now back to the episode Have you read Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch,


that's on my list that's next need to real good? Yes. So yes,

Jaclyn Steele:

it's so good. I remember when I read I read it like oh, my gosh, it's been like seven years. But I would wake up every morning and I couldn't wait to open it. It was that powerful for me. But one of the biggest takeaways I have from that is he said, every single emotion is either based in love or fear. You can trace anything back to love or fear. And so one mantra that I have that I repeat often is choose the loving thought. Like if I am in a state of anxiety, just choose a loving thought, what is the next best thing I can do? What is the most loving thing I can inject into the next moment and let it be simple and that transmutes so quickly. And I find that when I'm in like a higher vibrational energetic state, I attract so much attention and it's not based on looks. It's not based on anything material, it's based solely on the energy that I am emitting. It is real, and it is palpable. And it's available to all of us. It's not chosen. So you, it's available, all


of us. And we as females have that naturally, you know, like a lot of men are taught and this is why I'm being a more woke mom to my boys to teach them how to tap into their energetic energy and work with their energy and not be afraid to cry and like, like men are taught not to cry, because that's feminine. What Are You a girl like, you know, yeah, tap into that we all have divine masculine, divine feminine qualities, right? We

Jaclyn Steele:

need that balance,


we exactly like that, you know, there's certain it's what you need and what your body needs and working with your energy to know then what to channel through and being that in tune. You know, and, and a lot of things that I like to practice is like when I start feeling, and I know that feeling so well that I'm sure many feel this feeling. But that that pit in your stomach where you start feeling fear, right? And you start thinking like, what am I doing? I like, and you start spirals, spirals, and you start rethinking everything in your mind, like all the decisions you've made even back into like fifth grade, you know, you start going down that rabbit hole, right? You're like, Oh, I'm such an idiot, I should have done that like ourselves up. And this is this is where we have to give ourselves permission to say no, we're not doing that today. We're not doing that anymore. And there's amazing power in our breath. Like our breath heals us, Rhonda and Rhea. Les prana. Yeah, and literally just taking a minute and I do this often. I because I have moments where I spiral, like anyone else. Yeah, at least, but at least now you have tools right to transmute that energy. Then I take three centering breaths and each breath is longer than the last and sometimes I breathe on top of that, right? I kind of do a scan of my chakras to see which ones need a little bit of love and attention and usually nine times out of 10 where we pocket all of our stresses our solar plexus, which is your body Hydra navel right hmm. And I focus on that. And I take those deep breaths, and I just let that light that yellow light that represents your solar plexus just kind of come through and just I build this orb around me and I start to creatively visualize and remind myself of how far I've come. Because we don't ever take the time to say, girl, I'm proud of you, you know. And he, like, so powerful. It's so powerful. And that literally is your self worth your self identity right there. And when you start feeling imposter syndrome, when I feel it on the regular, because I'm an entrepreneur, I'm literally right. And I'm living on the edge. I'm like skydiving still, like I haven't found yet. So that's good. You know, yeah, but when I'm nervous, I'm like, Is my parachute going to, you know, eject? Am I gonna break my legs, and, you know, tying into any kind of, you know, analogy that you want, but I just remind myself, like, like, creatively visualize that where I am now, I once manifested, right? Like, like, 100%, I once wanted my own business, I wanted to have freedom, I got a tattoo, let's angel wings, that was my freedom to remind me of it. And that was a years ago when I was going through my journey, my wellness journey, right. And now when I think about where I want to go and thinking, like, Are you crazy, like, you know, you've and I have to remind myself that I did that. I did that I'm proud of you. And I did not like come this far to get this far. You know, like, that's a yes. And, and, and then I start visualizing what it is that I desire, because now I've elevated my thought process reminded myself of my power, right. And I do that with sense. So with that moment to activate the solar plexus, I work with courage. And I recite the mantra of on the other side of fears, my destiny is my destiny, right? And it's not about not feeling it, it's about feeling it. And putting that into your engine and feeling that engine so that you can then frickin slide beyond Oh,

Jaclyn Steele:

well, I love that because it takes all the fear out of it, you go, Okay, I'm here. Now it's time to feel it. And then transmute it, which I think is also really powerful about your fragrance line too, is that each fragrance instead of being, you know, some like ethereal name, which I love, like, don't get me wrong, I'm all into woowoo. But all of your fragrances are a feeling so courage, love prosperity. I think it's so important to note that it is so powerful to go what do I want to feel today? Or what am I feeling in this moment that I want to transmute, and then using a tool like fragrance like meditation, to then transmute it and actively participate in our lives, rather than pushing those negative emotions out of the way, which is, I think, primarily what we've been taught to do.


Yeah. And it's a lot of it is, like, I know, for me, like, if I felt bad, I would do retail therapy, and then I would hope Crazy, right? And then I would have these crazy credit card bills and have all this debt that I didn't know what to do with, you know, but it felt good for a second, that was a bandaid, you know, we're like Zanny it up, you know, with Xanax like to like, get rid of the stress and but I still felt it after you know. And then I had all those side effects. It's all a mandate. So here it's like that's an I love that. You notice that? Because everything that went into this brand was with so much

Jaclyn Steele:

so intentional, right? Yeah. Um, no, intentional.


I wanted to keep it so simple so that you what you get, you know what you're getting, you know, like, like, what do I need today? And that's how I go by every morning. I'm like, Okay, I scan my line, what do I need today, I think I need to love myself a little bit. So I grabbed my sense of love, and I do my little love ritual. And it's as simple as like just spraying your fragrance, feeling what it feels like to be loved, like genuinely loved unconditionally, whatever that means for you. And then remembering that feeling and knowing that you are loved, you know, and you might not be in a relationship or have a supporting, you know, familiar unit. But you're loved by the energetic realm, like you were brought here for a reason. And you do have your guides, you know, if we want to get metaphors that so much else we hear so much, so much Oh, and if people are doubting that, if you're seeing repeating numbers, that's your soul tribe 100% indicate with you.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah, side note, I started doing getting into the Akashic records this year and then I started doing Akashic readings on myself and then I started doing Akashic readings on my friends and then I started opening it up to the public and so, just what you said about like, we have so much divine help. It's incredible. And I am in the throes of nesting. You know, I'm doing a month this podcast will come out around the time this baby He is born. But I am, you know, hanging artwork and cleaning and organizing and all of these things. And I was like when I want, I started thinking about how I want people to feel when they walk into my home. I have a background in branding. And so to me, branding is all about the feeling you elicit it's not just a look, it's not just a logo, etc. And I was like, How do I want my home to be branded? Whether or not that's neurotic, I don't know. I'm,


I love it, though. I'm with you. Yeah. And so

Jaclyn Steele:

I was like, There's this quote by Marianne Williamson. And the beginning of his of it is we are powerful beyond measure. And these, the essence of the quote, it's kind of long, is that we're not afraid of our own greatness, I'm sorry, we're not afraid of not being great, we're actually afraid of our own greatness. And we are so powerful beyond measure. And when we own that power, we give others permission to do the same. And so I made it into this giant graphic. And it's the first thing that you see when you walk in. And then I have, I have this like, Mr. To, so that I can incorporate sent when people walk into my house too, because I feel like, again, we are so so powerful. And especially as women, I know men do this, but we look outside of ourselves for comfort, maybe it's retail therapy, maybe it's food, maybe it's drugs, maybe it's another person, maybe it's a romantic relationship. Those things in and of themselves are not necessarily bad. But if those are our crutch, and we are negating the power, that we have to be our own source of comfort, to be our own source of peace to be our own source of self worth. We're always going to be coming up short, we're always going to feel like we're in the negative or that our tank is not full. And doesn't have to be that.


No, and we're and that's how addictions form. We get addicted to it, we get addicted to the high and then when that high drops, because we don't have that, that foundation that you just mentioned, of building ourselves up to that level without anything else influencing us, you know, and we're addicted. We're an addictive society, we chased money, we chase success, whatever that may be. But as we started this conversation, it's all within us. Right? It's, it's, it's in our mentality. And if we evict the fear based mentality and focus more on love, and feeling that you're worthy, I think that's where it starts, that you're worthy of love, you're worthy of abundance, you're worthy of success, you no longer have to chase it, because then you attract it.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, man, which perfectly leads into my next question for you. So the theme of the podcast this month for the month of February is self worth. And I am saying within that theme, it's owning our worth. That's like my theme for the whole year. Yeah. What does that mean to you? And how do you think cent can accentuate our self worth? And do you have any examples of this from your life?


Yes. So I think owning your worth is holding yourself accountable. That if you say you're gonna do something, right, like you're saying, on a vision board, if you're say you're gonna, you know, start your wellness journey, or you're focusing on yourself, love, it all sounds great. When are you really, you know, and what does that look like for you? Because my version of love for myself might be different than yours, you know? And it's like, okay, so for example, for me, embarking on my self love Journey was filling my own tank and not looking and stop and not being thirsty for others validation, you know? So it's, and for me, that was like, I need to be physical and like, physically active because I have a lot of energy. So I was like, okay, so everyday, I'm going to go to the gym. And if I can't go everyday, I'm going to go five out of the seven days, you know, something might come up with my kids, and I can't go, if I don't go to the gym, I need to do something to get my energy up in terms of like, if I feel down, I got to do something, I'm gonna have to listen to my body. And there are days that things get in the way and I completely forget her. But it's holding yourself accountable saying, okay, hold up. What did I say I was gonna do that. I know that makes me feel good, right? I didn't do it. So now instead of saying, Oh, you're worthless. your urine asked whatever right? saying, okay, that's fine. You know, I forgive you. Now, what can we do instead? You know, and for me, it's like taking a minute to breathe or working on doing. I've started doing the five Tibetan rites. I don't know if you've done them yet. Oh, right.

Jaclyn Steele:

No, no, I haven't. But that sounds like the next thing I'm going to dive into.


Yes, after you have your baby, you don't, I wouldn't recommend with your baby. But you could. There are these simple five yoga movements that you do 21 times. And I started doing them with a fellow founder friend of mine that we hold ourselves like accountable, that's another thing that you can do is find someone who's on a similar journey as you. And if you can't hold yourself accountable, have them kind of like an AA, when they have your sponsor, find like a sponsor, that's your friend that will hold you accountable to say, Did you do your rights today or someone that you could you could basically communicate with if you need to vent, get it out, but then find a solution so you don't fester? So we've been doing these rites. And for me, it's been life changing, because it basically shocks all of your chakras into alignment, and you will feel right away, which chakra is out of alignment based on like you either get nauseous, you'll get migraines, and it goes away Once you clear out that energy. So these are called the Tibetan what, the five Tibetan rites five, there, yes, there, they have been life changing for me. And also, if you suffer from depression, it's a very quick way to elevate your game to hear frequency and to elevate your frequency, right? You feel it instantaneously. And some people give up. But that's the other thing holding yourself accountable. Right? Like if you say you're gonna do the rights to the rites, and if they're, if they're hard to do, then okay, don't do all 11 or 21, sorry, repetitions, do 10 At first or do five and build up and at least the old aren't? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So that's another good point. It's like holding yourself accountable to just start if you want to start that business, start by, you know, brainstorming a little bit each day, let it be your side hustle until it can be your front hustle. And then you know, it's, there's so many things that oh, there, I

Jaclyn Steele:

feel like we could talk for like 18 hours. So we might just have to do a part two or something.


I love what you're

Jaclyn Steele:

saying about self worth. Because I think and this is something that I've talked about a lot on this podcast, too, is personal responsibility. Our self worth cannot be rooted in anyone but ourselves. And if we're not doing the work, the first step is taking ownership of it and saying, Okay, I'm not going to beat myself up. I'm not going to shame myself or guilt myself. But I am going to start doing the moves or I'm going to start doing the breathing or I'm going to start the business plan. And I'm actually going to do it. Yeah. So as we're wrapping up, I have just a couple more questions for you. This one, I just I am such a clean beauty junkie. So this is just out of curiosity for me because you have such beautiful glowing skin. Are there any clean beauty products that you are like, this is a holy grail? This is a standout? This is amazing. I highly recommend it.


Yes, actually, it's the that my founder friends line. It's called Lolly beauty. And it's good check it out. Yeah.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh my gosh, well, if you want to send me her contact information because I will I would love to have her on the podcast


too. She's incredible. She's just like us. And she started this line to clean up Beauty and her packaging is like mushroom based packaging so it's all like Oh my god it's so good. And everything is high vibrational and I love her plum elixir I highly recommend that it is it's just so good. Like I got to last month I got another tattoo like on my on my my side and and she told me to put it on it and literally I did and it healed so beautifully so I use that lick sir like after I wash and I use like folic acid like that's just what I just staple for girls church. But um but after that I put on the plumber licks are like all over my body and it just makes my skin just like it's I could see that it sucks it up in here I'm I'm you know, in the New Jersey so it's freezing here. It's 11 degrees outside. So I know like using that product literally creates a moisture barrier so that my skin feels plump and hydrated. So I highly recommend it. You can use it in your hair you can do all over your body. So for my purpose yes get that for yourself too because when you You, when you have your baby, you're going to need that to like, you know, butter of it up. You're gonna, you're gonna really get and it smells amazing. So highly recommend it.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, I love that again, like, I'm such a beauty junkie. And so I love asking my guests what they're like holy grail product is okay. Then what's next for ascension? What do you want to promote? You know, like, nothing that you don't you don't have to say anything like any secret stuff. But what do you want to promote right now? What are you excited about next?


So right now, I would say I have two things. So the first thing I would say is, we're going into the month or we're in the month when this airs of the love Valentine's, you know that stuff. And for some people like, like, that is triggering, you know, and a good way to, to mitigate that. And it should be every month is just focusing on yourself love. And if you don't know how to start, I would just say, grab yourself in a sense of love. This is my most popular fragrance. And for good reason. Because it smells amazing. And it really works in terms of it's made with aphrodisiac ingredients. with yourself. Yes. And be careful, you know, this might cause another population burst. But But or, and, and the ritual helps you fall in love with yourself. And, and the other thing I'm excited is that I'm hoping by manifesting for this year, like one of my 2022 intentions. i It takes me a long time to create a fragrance as well with this, like

Jaclyn Steele:

so much that goes into it. Yeah,


there's it took a good two years to get these to market for good reason. Because it's just things have to just be right. And I'm and I'm excited because I'm manifesting that we're going to launch our sixth fragrance this year. And it's so good. I've never smelled anything like it. Oh, it's just gonna be so oily. I can't wait to it's like everyone who smells it is like yeah, this is like the next like, you know, it's gonna be the next on top, you know 33 Or the next slot like you know, fancy squeegee icon fragrant, I love but but on a clean level. It's so so good. And I'm just putting that out there. Um, so that's that's in the works. So we're excited. I'm so excited for you

Jaclyn Steele:

and let me know when it comes out and I will of course help support you and share on social and all that stuff. You


absolutely are going to love it

Jaclyn Steele:

girl. Oh, I'm i I have loved everything that you have put out so I have no doubt. Okay, so last question for you is where can people go to order your incredible next level perfumes? And where can people find you online?


Okay, so they can go on Ascension beauty and spelled the T so ASC e n t IOM VT And actually we're having a lot of fun on Tik Tok, like our community has exploded to over like, close to 130,000 followers, which is oh my gosh, that's amazing. It's amazing. But these are the conversations we're having and we're having a lot of fun and it's not so serious. It's just you know,

Jaclyn Steele:

it's like a curated Instagram. Yeah, no,


it's not curated at all. It's just me real like actually walking in the woods and having moments and thoughts, you know, channeling messages and navigating through like, how to get your energy right with scent. And it's, it's just a lot of fun. So if you're on Tik Tok, join us there. And of course, Instagram find us there too, but tiktoks words.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah, yeah. I will be sure to link all of those things in the show notes so people can easily access and click and follow.


Amazing. Thank you.

Jaclyn Steele:

Anything else that you want to add? Before we sign off?


I just want to say thank you. Like I just I feel so blessed to be here. I feel so privileged to be here. And just honored and and I hope that the right people hear this message from our conversation. Because sometimes you just need to hear someone else go through it and realize you're not alone because we really are, you know. Yes.

Jaclyn Steele:

And I'm so honored to have you. Thank you so much Greta,


you thank you, Jacqueline.