Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
You will be unstoppable if you practice these
If you want to self-actualize or live the fullest life you can live, then today's episode is for you. I don't know anyone who is highly successful that doesn't practice these daily. And what I'm sharing with you in this episode is simple, tactical, and can be implemented immediately with potentially life changing results.
livinglibations.com and use Code: JACLYN12 for 12% off
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Badass Habits by Jen Sincero
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele
Hello, hello, hello and welcome to some very fresh content for season four. That's right season four of self worth. With me, Jaclyn Steele, I hope you enjoy the most popular replays from season three in the month of January. But now through the end of the year, we will be having fresh content. And I'm not gonna lie, guys, I am feeling so energetic. I want to like jump out of my seat right now because I'm so excited to be sharing the content that I'm going to be sharing with you this month. Today's topic is you will be unstoppable if you practice these. And I'm going to just jump right in because I have so much energy to do this. Okay, the theme of February just like last year, we're gonna have a theme every single month. And the theme of February is actually my word for the year, which is on stoppable in every episode this month will center around what it takes to be unstoppable. We're going to chat habits, we are going to chat excuses, acceptance, gratitude and even momentum. And I'm really, really pumped. So grab a cup of coffee, grab your tea, grab some water. Let's get into it. On that note of getting into it, I want to make sure you guys know that my newsletter the scoop is back. It's out today and will drop the first Wednesday of every month. And this newsletter is not your average newsletter. Okay? It is geared toward elevating your life with meditations and amazing books, podcast episodes, a q&a, if you guys have questions, and super high vibe products with a special discount just for my community, you can sign up in the show notes below, or on my website, Jaclyn steele.com. And because I'm super visual person, I'm also giving you a free downloadable PDF with the theme of the month, the song of the month, the ritual of the month, the book of the month, etc. In that email newsletter that comes out every month, so that you can print it out or put it on your desktop and use it to uplift you daily. My goal in this podcast is not to just share information that's been worthwhile in my life, which I love to do. But it's shared in a way that you can integrate it into your life into your very being in your cells. And an uplevel the frequency at which you live. I realize that's a tall order. And it may take me years to get to that point, hopefully not. But part of the newsletter and part of this PDF the impetus behind it is to create more integration into your everyday life. So the theme isn't just something you think about once a week when you listen to the podcast on Wednesdays. It's something you take into Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday as well. As I was prepping for these episodes during my walk this morning, I decided I wanted to do something a little different this year. I literally thought of this in the morning. And I'm doing it the same day taking action last year, as you know, at a theme of the month and I really enjoyed that. It kept me on track and allowed us to dive deeper into 12 different topics. So as I said, I'm continuing with the theme of the month. But going a step further. Every theme this year will also be accompanied by a song. This is so you can drill the concept home. I encourage you to listen to the song at least once a day to remind you of what you are working on and how important it is. The song this month is unstoppable by Sia. I listened to it on my walk this morning. I listen to this song when I'm feeling like I need some motivation or I feel discouraged. I also listen to this song when I'm feeling really excited, and I want to be even more pumped up. Music is the language of the heart. And as somebody who is a musician, and I used to be a musician full time and a songwriter. It allows us to feel feelings that often we don't allow ourselves to feel and hopefully adding a song to each theme of the month this year will help you integrate this season's high vibe content even further into your life. So today's topic that centers around being unstoppable is all about your habits. And if you practice great habits you will most serve certainly be unstoppable. I'm going to approach this episode from two directions. One is super simple. And I heard it from the documentary Stutz on Netflix. And the therapist in the documentary was talking about the fastest way to go about changing your life. And he drew a pyramid with only three horizontal sections. Simplicity is so incredibly powerful, my friends, just look at Apple, simple, simple, simple, simple. Same thing goes for becoming unstoppable. If we keep it simple, we are more likely to be unstoppable. Okay. At the bottom of the pyramid with these three sections, he wrote, body, or in other words, your physical health. If you want to change your life quickly, start moving your body eating better, and sleeping at least eight hours a night. It's really that simple. That will make us look better. Certainly, the sleep, the eating better the moving our bodies, but more importantly, it will make us feel better. I've spoken about health a whole lot on this podcast because it's the foundation for growth. And Dr. Stutz reiterated that the second level of the pyramid is relationships with others. If you want to be unstoppable, you cannot have recurring sucky life draining relationships in your life, you just cannot period, they will distract you and siphon your energy, like a hole in a boat. It can be hard to let go of relationships, I understand that deeply. But it's even harder to remain stuck. My advice is to genuinely wish them light. If you are letting go of these relationships, wish them light and love. And then move forward. That's part one of relationships. Part two, is cultivating life affirming community. Focus on growing relationships with people that are high vibe, that are doing things that help them grow. People who are healthy, with great habits, you are who you hang out with. And we need community to be happy. We're social beings. So relationships, that's a second part of the period pyramid, right above body, the top of the pyramid from Stutz is your relationship with yourself. What is that? Like? Do you like yourself? Do you respect yourself? Do you know yourself deeply? This requires effort. The first iteration of this podcast was called self discovery for over two years, because it was all about the relationship with yourself and discovering that relationship with yourself. And then as I continued to do that, I realized at the heart of everything is my self worth. Because when my self worth is healed, and in a high spot, there is very little that I cannot conquer. But going back to relationship with self, this requires effort. It's like Julia Roberts and runaway bride, where she gets so fed up, because she doesn't know how she likes her eggs. And she's been saying that her favorite way to have eggs is however her partner ate them depending on the partner she was with. So sometimes it was scrambled. Sometimes it was sunny side up, sometimes it was Eggs Benedict, you get the idea. In the scene I'm referring to though, she decides to prepare eggs a bunch of different ways for herself, and then chooses the one she actually enjoys. She's deciding for herself. She's choosing herself. And the metaphor here is sometimes you have to make the eggs. Sometimes you have to try a lot of different things before you land on the thing that is aligned with your soul. But it's worth trying. It's worth knowing yourself, it's going to make you it's going to make your life filled with so much more joy, so much more purpose when you know who you are. Another way to think about this is to ask, What do I need to operate at the highest frequency daily? What do I need to operate at the highest frequency daily? This question helps the answers to unravel. And I know this because that's something that I asked myself and when you tend to your own energy and nourish it, and intend to keep it at a high vibrational state. You'll get to know yourself do simply because you'll know what lifts you up and what drags you down it will become very apparent very quickly. So ask what do I need to operate at the highest frequency daily? This question also will help you establish great habits because you will become addicted to living in that high vibrational state. Okay? So that's the basic pyramid from Stutz. If you focus on those three things, you will be well, well on your way to being unstoppable. Now, I want to go a step further. I recently started rereading Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. There's a reason this book has sold millions and millions and millions of copies and has become a classic over the last several decades. This book is so simple and profound. And incorporating daily, just one of his seven habits has already changed my life. I highly recommend you read the book. I'm gonna link it in the show notes. But here's a little cheat. And these are the seven habits. I have them written on my glass Blackboard, in front of my desk so I can see them every single day. Number one is be proactive. What is being proactive mean? means not resting on your laurels. If you want to do something, take action. If you want to avoid a certain result, take action. Don't wait around. Don't wait for things to happen. Don't wait to be discovered. become somebody that is so irresistible, that you will be discovered. Create something that is so irresistible that it will be discovered. Don't wait for it to be found. Put it out there. Be proactive. This episode of self discovery is supported by living libations. I was turned on to this company after my Hashimotos diagnosis. I've always always loved clean beauty products, but living libations is clean on another level. I'll explain a little bit about why their primary ingredients are plant oils, and plant oils or botanical miracles. When oils are skillfully combined, the mosaic effect of 1000s of plant compounds burst forth with an intelligence and a life force that defines every single living libations creation. This not only makes their products extremely effective, and I can attest to that because the first night I started using them, I noticed a difference the next morning one freaking night, but it also makes these products smell amazing like heaven. In addition, living libations products are cruelty free. They're Fairtrade and almost all the products are raw, gluten free and vegan. I cannot say enough about this incredible company. I have so many of their products I have their best skin ever cleansing oil and sea buckthorn I have their rose Renewal Serum, it's heaven, I have their soothsayer serum. If you feel like your skin is aging. This is a perfect serum for you the soothsayer serum I have their happy gumdrops for healthy teeth, I have their shampoo and conditioner, I have their frankincense toothpaste, I have their deodorant, I have their love butter, I could go on and on and on about all the products that I have from them. And I am mindfully switching out all of my old products in exchange for living libations products because of the efficacy of their products, the mission behind them and the way that the company is run their commitment to diversity and environmental protection. Anyway, all that to say this is a company that I absolutely believe in and want to continue to support. If you are feeling at all overwhelmed by all of their high quality offerings like I was in the beginning, I recommend starting with the best skin ever. In seabuckthorn it smells amazing, and you can cleanse and moisturize with it. Visit living libations.com and use code Jacqueline 12 for 12% off your purchase, living libations.com And Jacqueline 12 for 12% off your purchase. Links are in the show notes. And now back to the episode number to begin with the end in mind. What does that mean? If you're going to run a marathon, it means visualizing mile 26. If you want to get in shape, it means focusing on the person you are becoming instead of what it takes to work out for that 45 minutes. Beginning with the end in mind is all about focusing on how you're going to feel at the end of doing whatever it is that you're going to do. Very versus the muddiness or how hard it is in the middle. Focus on how amazing you're going to feel at the end. And I feel like the easiest example of this is working out. Maybe it doesn't feel good to work out in the moment. Maybe it's hard. Maybe you're out of breath, maybe your muscles hurt, maybe you're really being challenged. But have you ever regretted working out? Have you ever regretted a workout, if you want to write a book, think about how it's going to feel to finish that book and have it out in the world. If you're not visualizing that, if you're not thinking about the end, if you're not beginning with the end in mind, it's really hard to get through those middle pieces that challenge you. So begin with the end in mind. Number three, this is the one that has been so huge for me, and it is put first things first. So if you're in business, it means what's making you the most money. Put more time and energy into that. Putting First things first, if your relationship is in trouble. putting first things first looks like working on that relationship and making it a priority. put first things first. If you want to read four books a month, putting first things first looks like reading for an hour every day. And not letting anything distract you from that. Putting First things first, making sure your priorities are straight and you don't have 18 priorities. Don't have more than three and a day. put first things first. Number four, think win, win. I love this one. Because so often when people talk about business, they talk about undercutting, and they talk about being tough. And taking the Donald Trump approach which is win at all costs. Stephen Covey does not think you should win at all costs. He thinks you should think Win Win, where you benefit, and whoever you're doing business with. Also benefits. That could be business that could be a relationship where you're compromising. It's winning for the other person and it's winning for you. I like this approach because it just feels more aligned with who I am feels like an integrity filled way of living. So think win win. How can you benefit from the situation? And how can the other party benefit from the situation? Number five, Seek first to understand then to be understood. I get it. Our human nature wants to be understood. We want to defend ourselves. We want our point to come across we want it to be clear. Our egos also want to be right. But this habit is about seeking first to understand what's going on. open heartedly with integrity, with love with grace with kindness. Then, after understanding where the other person is coming from allowing yourself to be understood, Seek first to understand then to be understood. Number six synergize. Two heads are better than one right? This is about teamwork. This is about open mindedness. This is about new solutions to old problems, synergy. You don't have to go at it alone. You can piggyback off of other people's ideas, you can share ideas, you can have an abundance mindset not hoard your own ideas. Again, two heads are better than one teamwork, open mindedness. And number seven, this is one of my favorites as well sharpen the saw, preserve and enhance the greatest asset you have, which is you. And you're doing that by listening to this podcast. This podcast is all about preserving and enhancing your greatest asset which is you. It means having a balanced program for self renewal in the four areas of your life, physical, social and emotional, mental, and spiritual. And this brings us back to this DUTs pyramid of the body relationships with others and relationships with yourself. Relationship with yourself. Okay, so I'm just going to repeat those one at a time again. Number one, be proactive. Number two, begin with the end in mind. Number three, put first things first. Number four, think win, win. Number five, Seek first to understand then to be understood. Number six synergize. Number seven, sharpen the saw. Isn't it amazing how simple this stuff is? Living a life full out? isn't about overcomplicating things and stuffing every minute of every day with something It's about prioritizing the right things. This is simple. You know it in your heart and your guts. And regarding prioritizing the right things, I want to share several Stephen Covey quotes from a Forbes article I read that are incredibly powerful, and potentially transformational. Number one, the key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. So if you want to get healthy, that's scheduling and time to do what it takes to be healthy. If you want to make more money, that's scheduling and time to do the things you do need to do to make more money. If you want to have better relationships, that's scheduling in the time to do what you need to do to have better relationships. Again, this is not complicated, but we get so caught up in taskers instead of the priorities. Number two, the main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing. I love that one. Number three, live out of your imagination, not your history. It is so easy, especially with I don't know about your Instagram feeds. But I see this all the time. Follow a lot of therapists, a lot of trauma therapists, and it's very easy to get caught up in the narrative of our past. And I understand that we need to heal from that that's really important. But like Stephen said, live out of your imagination, not your history, you are not what happened to you. That's just part of the fabric of your story. Number four, trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships. If you are someone with trust, trust issues, my biggest piece of advice to you is be someone that is trustworthy. And when you vibrate on that frequency, you will attract other people that are trustworthy, not to say you aren't if you're around people who are not trustworthy, okay, I'm not trying to accuse you of that. But the fastest way to bring in what we want is to be what we want. Number five, most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important to good one. I'm definitely definitely guilty of that at times. Number six. I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions. Number seven, you have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage, pleasantly smilingly non apologetically to say no to other things. And the way that you do that is by having a bigger Yes, burning inside. The enemy of the best is often the good. Number eight, I teach people how to treat me by what I allow. That's really powerful. Number nine, love is a verb. Love, the feeling is the fruit of love. Number nine, love is a verb love, the feeling is the fruit of love, the verb of our loving actions. So love her. So love him. Be loving. Number 10. Live love, laugh, leave a legacy. The fastest, surest, easiest way to leave a legacy is by becoming the best version of yourself. It's not about doing all of the things. It's about becoming the best. You possible. One of my dear friends, Travis is a real badass in the real estate space. And I've known him his whole real estate career. Because he's been a business partner of my husband's since he started. He even lived with my husband and I for about six months, in the early days of their first business. We had like an incubator home, we had multiple people living with us, we are practically working around the clock. And I think you would agree with me when I say that's Travis, at the beginning. People really underestimated him. He was younger than the other guys, a little less experienced. But here's the truth. He has skyrocketed in the real estate interstate industry, and I mean, skyrocketed, and created so much success for himself and his family. And he attributes the success to his habits. He's one of the hardest working people I know, and also one of the most consistent, he works on himself. Every single day. He reads he works out he journals, and he puts First things first. He shows up to his business and his priorities every single day, every single day. This way of living, may not change everything overnight. And in a world where we can get things literally overnight, it's hard to have patience. But try being consistent with your habits for a month, even just one habit for a month, and see how you feel. Keep going and see what happens after six months. Can you imagine what would happen after a year, two years, five years, a lifetime. It's never too late to start practicing great habits. I'm linking three books on habits in the show notes. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People atomic habits by James clear and badass habits by Jensen zero. Again, it's never too late to start practicing great habits. You are never too busy to start practicing great habits because great habits have a way of creating time. And if you want to be unstoppable, practicing great habits is required. This year, I'm going to end every episode with a question. Because again, I want these episodes to really elevate your life and get you to take action. So the question I'm ending on today is this. What habit will you start with first? Write it down every single day this month and start practicing it as soon as you can. I guarantee that if you do this and keep adding great habits to your list, your ability to be unstoppable will have no bounds