Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
This daily practice will 10X your momentum
When we think about momentum, we think of forward motion, right? A car racing forward, a rocket launching upward defying gravity, a tea kettle reaching its boiling point, an avalanche of snow down a mountain. When I think of momentum in my life... that looks a lot like daily tasks done regularly that lead to bigger results. This makes me feel amazing. Like I'm moving the needle forward. Like my business is growing. Like I'm moving toward my dreams. We don't usually use the word acceptance in the same sentence as the word momentum. However, when I realized I couldn't create momentum without acceptance, I knew I had to talk with you guys about this. So this is episode is about the dirty truth behind the secret to momentum.
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele
Hi friends and welcome to today's episode of self worth with Jaclyn Steele. The theme this month in February is unstoppable. And the song of the month is unstoppable by stia. I hope that you are enjoying listening to the song. It is just so empowering for me. My goal in the month of February is to empower you with information that will help you to realize you can do anything in this life that you want to do. You are powerful, you are capable. And if you are willing to get out of your own way, you are unstoppable. Today's topic in Episode 146 Is this practice daily, this daily practice will 10x your momentum. Before I dive in First things first, we have a few business items to attend to my newsletter, the scoop is back. And it will come out the first Wednesday of every month. It is geared toward elevating your life with meditations books, podcast episodes, q&a If you guys have questions, which if you do, if you have questions about any of these topics or want to go deeper, reach out to me on Instagram at Jaclyn Steele and I will answer those in the newsletter. And this newsletter will have super high vibe products with a special discount just for my community. You can sign up in the show notes below or on my website, Jaclyn steele.com. And I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm super visual. So in each newsletter, I'm also giving you a free downloadable PDF with it's beautiful, it's got the theme of the month, the song of the month, the ritual of the month, the book of the month, et cetera, in that email newsletter that you can print out and use it to uplift you daily, and keep you focused. You're also invited to join my texts community sacred rebel affirmations, I send out these texts sporadically. And they are meant to increase your frequency in that moment. Think of them like a healthy espresso shot that I trust reaches you in divine timing. You can opt in for these by texting 480-531-6858, that's 480-531-6858 and then opt in and type the word sacred. Once you are in, you will automatically receive these high vibe nuggets directly from me to you for free. And that phone number is also in the show notes. Lastly, if you've been enjoying this podcast, please leave a review for it wherever you're listening. Reviews are kind of everything in the podcast world. Okay, so back to today's topic. This daily practice will 10x your momentum. And I'm about to share with this practice is with you. It's drumroll acceptance. When we think about momentum, we think of forward motion right? A car racing forward or rocket launching upward defying gravity, a teak Hill reaching its boiling point, an avalanche of snow down a mountain. When I think of momentum in my life, that looks a lot like daily tasks done regularly that leads to bigger results. And this makes me feel amazing. Like I'm moving the needle forward like my business is growing. Like I'm moving toward my dreams. We don't usually use the word acceptance in the same sentence as the word momentum. However, when I realized I couldn't create momentum, without acceptance, I knew I had to talk with you guys about this. If you're anything like me, and I'm guessing that you are because you're listening to this podcast, you have a tendency to be hard on yourself. I am my biggest critic. I have an ego driven voice in my head that is constantly saying I thought you'd be further by now. I hope you cannot relate to this. But if you can stick with me, I know so many of you can relate to this. Because it's unfortunately a really common thing. We think we should have already achieved the goal become a millionaire or billionaire purchased our dream home, had the family know the things etc. And this is so common. It's a thought that plagues even the most successful of people. So in that sense, we are in good company. However this feeling of lack, like we aren't measuring up like we aren't enough or worthy or whatever is very low frequency. It keeps us in fear. Fear of not achieving what we want in life keeps us in jealousy. jealous over other people seemingly being farther along than we are. It keeps us in. unworthiness because we feel like something is wrong with us that we can't get it together. It keeps us in low vibe states of discouragement, comparison, worry, doubt, disappointment, overwhelm, pessimism frustration. This episode of self worth is powered by water and wellness and specifically Kitaen, hypertonic, and isotonic, it's no secret that our food system is totally messed up. Soil depletion, Factory Farming, pesticides, etc, have caused our food to be less nutrient dense and therefore mineral deficient. I was reading a study from 1999 and it said that produce contains 38% fewer nutrients than it did in 1950. And that was in 1999. Imagine what it is now. Having my son really caused me to evaluate food and everything I bring into my home. We already eat organic, but even organic food is still lacking in the minerals we need. This is problematic over the long run. Minerals are the body's sparkplugs. Guys, we need them for all of our systems to function properly. And if we are deficient in any minerals, over time, it shows in our body through sickness, disease, and the breaking down of our overall health. Fortunately, we don't have to get to this point there are solutions and one of those amazing solutions and easy solutions are the Kington ampuls that contain every single mineral in the periodic table of elements. These minerals are harvested from Vortex blooms off the coast of France and literally contain every mineral your body needs. There are two types of keen Taan, hypertonic, and isotonic. Here's what you can expect from the hypertonic. It provides a blend of more than 72 key elements and trace minerals that serve as cofactors for hundreds of biological activities. It supports restoration of essential cellular minerals that can be depleted from detoxification protocols intense physical activity and psychological stress supports function under intense periods of physical, mental or emotional stress. It helps protect against fatigue and depletion from prolonged sympathetic nervous system activity. And it supports adrenal function and rebuilding protocols and so much more. Here's what you can expect from the isotonic. It provides an isotonic blend of more than 72 Key micro minerals and 92 trace elements. It promotes parasympathetic balance, it helps calm nervous tension helps restore balance of the bio terrain supports digestive health and function I've definitely noticed that supports relaxation and restorative sleep. It's ideal for high achieving individuals to help restore nervous system balance after intense periods of stress or over exertion. And its excellent support to yoga and meditation practices and supports recovery after exercise. So guys, the isotonic and the hypertonic, my husband and I have been taking both of these. For months now I've noticed my skin has cleared and my digestion has improved. Sam skin has cleared his digestion and energy have improved. And even his toenails are growing healthy, he's had some like foot issues for many years. Anyway, this is one of the most powerful and effective supplements I have ever come across. Truly, I highly, highly recommend you take it as part of your daily regimen. And I also have a 10% discount for you to get this 10% Discount go to water and wellness.com/pages/self worth the discount code is on that page. And also the link and discount codes are in the show notes. Again, you're gonna go to water and wellness.com/pages/self Worth can you imagine trying to create momentum around something carrying all of that on your back? That makes for a really heavy load, right? Try picturing pushing a train car down the tracks that's loaded with an elephant. Do you want to do that? Is that how you want to start this endeavor? Is that how you want to start this year this relationship this business venture, this health journey or if you're already in it? Is that how you want to keep going with this endeavor? I didn't think so. That's what that energy does to us. Regret, guilt, blame I'm wishing for things to be different than they are. They lower our frequency. Now, I'm gonna tell you a better way. Imagine pushing that train car. But there's no elephant in it. It's empty. I like this metaphor because it doesn't make moving the train cart easy. And not much in life worth doing is easy. But it makes it a hell of a lot more doable without the elephant inside, right? There's hope. And the way to remove this proverbial elephant is through acceptance. That's why acceptance is such a huge catalyst for momentum. It removes a ton of the weight you are carrying with you. Acceptance looks like this. forgiving yourself fully for not being farther than you think you need to be right now. Because everything happens in divine timing. Your soul signed a contract coming into this life, knowing what it was signing up for you are exactly where you need to be right now my friend Exactly. Acceptance looks like letting go of regret. forgiving yourself again. Acceptance looks like letting go of resentment toward others, and even harder, resentment toward yourself. Acceptance looks like letting go of any thought belief, whatever that you carry with you that weighs you down. Letting it go. I journaled these out recently, I wrote down all my limiting beliefs, and then crossed them out one by one, and then wrote why they aren't true. This was a great exercise to clean the slate going into 2023. And I highly recommend you do it tangibly, daily. Acceptance looks like this. And this is the part I hope you carry with you every single day. When a negative thought about yourself or the state of your life pops up, forgive yourself immediately, you're human, and replace that thought with a more life affirming one. I spoke about this last year, I saw a video by Brooke Shields and she shared that whenever she has a thought about herself that is negative. She says delete, delete, delete, and then replaces that thought with something she loves about herself. You can do this in any area of your life. Whether it be about your body, about your past, about your business about your relationships, say delete, delete, delete, and replace it with something you love about yourself or you love about your relationship or you love about your business, it will shift your frequency immediately. And if you want to 10x your progress with acceptance, to gain momentum, practice gratitude. Nothing will help you manifest faster than gratitude. I've experienced this over and over and it makes all the difference. All of it. If you have that negative thought, and then you delete it and replace it with a better one. Add gratitude at the end. Gratitude for the awareness to replace the thought. Gratitude for a mind that is so agile. Gratitude for the sunshine hitting your face and reminding you you are alive. Gratitude for your lunch for your coworker. For the Puppy kisses you get when you walked in the door for the smile you receive from your child's face for the ability to download a podcast and have information at your fingertips. We live in a magical world. And the more we give thanks for that magic, the more magic we will experience. So if you want a 10x your momentum 10x Your acceptance for what is in this moment. Forgive yourself quickly. Replacing negative thoughts quickly quickly established more life affirming beliefs quickly and sprinkle gratitude, my friends on everything. You are exactly where you need to be in this moment. There is nothing innately wrong with you. The question I want to end with today is this. What's the one thing that if you accepted it would dramatically lighten the load you're carrying right now.