Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Eliminating this one habit could make you unstoppable
This month, our focus is on being unstoppable and what that looks like in action in our daily lives. So far, we've talked about the power of habits and how simple changes in our daily lives can add up to massive results, we've talked about how acceptance is prerequisite for momentum, and today we are going to talk about how eliminating this one low vibe habit could make you unstoppable.
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele
Hello, hello
Jaclyn Steele:and welcome to episode 147 of self worth with Jaclyn Steele if you hear a little Yorkshire Terrier in the background that is my dog Pip. She is wanting to sit on my lap right now. And I also have a microphone on my lap. So here we are, we can make do we do the best weekend. Anyway, this month our focus is on being unstoppable, and what that looks like in action in our daily lives. So far, we've talked about the power of habits, and how simple changes in our daily lives can add up to massive results. We've talked about how acceptance is a prerequisite for momentum. And today, we are going to talk about how eliminating this one low vibe habit that so many of us do, could make you unstoppable. First, before I launch in three pieces of business, my newsletter, the scoop is back, it will come out the first Wednesday of the month, every month. It is geared toward elevating your life with meditations and books and podcast episodes and Q and A's and super high vibe products with a special discount just for you guys, you can sign up in the show notes below or on my website, Jaclyn steele.com. And in that newsletter will also be a downloadable PDF with a summary of all the cool things that we're learning that month along with a ritual of the month, that book of the month, the song of the month, et cetera. You can print it out, you could have it on your desktop, it's just one more way. Or it's just one tool to help you integrate this high vibe information. Also, you're invited to join my text community sacred rebel affirmations. I send out text sporadically and they're meant to increase your frequency in that moment that you receive them. Think of them like healthy little espresso shots that I trust reach you in divine timing. You can opt in for these texts by texting 480-531-6858 and typing the word sacred SAIC R Ed, that number is in the show notes. It's also on my website. Once you are opted in, you will receive these high vibe nuggets directly from me. Lastly, if you've been enjoying the podcast, please leave a review for it wherever you are listening to it. Reviews are everything in the podcast world. Okay. Now let's dive in and talk about how you are becoming unstoppable this month. And how extracting this one bad habit that so many of us are guilty of could totally change your life. Are you ready for it? It's so simple, but it's so profound. Drumroll. Here it is. Eliminate excuses. What do excuses look and sound like and there's no judgment here. I get it. I've done it myself. But I want to drill this in. This is what they look and sound like. I don't have time. I'm too old. I'm not pretty enough. I'm not fit enough. I don't have enough information. I don't have enough money. It's too hard. That seems too simple. I don't know how I don't have the skill set. Those are what excuses sound like I know, you could probably add your own twist and add a bunch. But now I want you to think about what excuses look like in action. Even if you're not verbally saying these things. This could be part of your behavior, right? Building the website for two years. That's an excuse. Working on getting an LLC for a month excuse not saying anything because you are afraid of what others might think. Excuse not taking a risk because you know you could fail. Excuse waiting on someone else for anything is an excuse for not taking action. You get the idea. Excuses are poison. They create toxicity in our minds. That looks like fear, doubt, disappointment, overwhelm, and in my opinion, worst of all stagnation. That feeling of being stuck. There is no backward movement movement. There's no forward movement, you're just stuck. Yuck. It feels like yuck. Excuses are the worst. We've all heard people use them. And what's your first thought when you hear one? It's probably something like, well, that's a pretty weak excuse. And have you heard the opposite? Where people really own up to their actions? Even if they are still falling short. What do you think then? It's probably something along the lines of that person is really brave. I admire that person. Excuses keep us in the same spot, day after day, month after month, year after year. If you want to be unstoppable, if you want to have momentum if you want to become the best version of yourself, if you want to create progress in your life, then you have to stop making excuses as to why you are not doing the things you know you need to do in order to move forward. If you get real with yourself and I have to do the same sometimes guys, I am not immune to this. But if you get real with yourself, and eliminate excuses, I promise I promise you will start progressing faster than you ever thought possible. This episode is supported by rise superfood mushroom coffee, loaded with adaptogenic mushrooms rise coffee blend delivers calmer energy, sharper focus and immune support for a balanced body and clearer mind. The taste is smooth, creamy and earthy, all with less than half the caffeine of normal coffee. So you don't get the jitters or that inevitable post caffeine high crash. It has cortisol apps for stamina and increased oxygenation Lion's Mane for focus, concentration and neuron growth Rishi for stress and restful sleep Turkey Tail for gut health chronic fatigue and cancer fighting properties should Toki for immunity and bone density, King trumpet for inflammation, antioxidants and heart attack and stroke fighting properties. Yes, yes, yes, I have been drinking this coffee personally. Now for months, I mix it into my regular coffee for a superfood boost. And then I add my collagen powder and a little creamer or I drink it on its own for a little bit of extra energy when I need it. This is what I call a conscious company. And one that genuinely cares about its customers head on over to rise Super foods.com that spelled RYZESUPERFO D s.com. To grab a bag now and enter code Jacqueline JC li n at checkout for 15% off. Now back to the episode. If you feel like you want to start an endeavor be that a business getting in shape taking up a new hobby. But your excuse is that you don't have the time, I would encourage you to look at your phone and check your screen time. If you have time to be on your phone that much every day, you have time to start that new endeavor. If your excuse is that you don't have the money, I would encourage you to flip the script and change your perspective. Tony Robbins said something like it's never about resources. It's about resourcefulness. And I know this to be true. As a struggling musician many years ago, I recorded music and made music videos for next to nothing. I made connections, I learned how to edit video myself, I enlisted friends and family to help. I didn't let my lack of resources get in the way. If I can do this, if I can do it, you can't do. It requires grit. And it also requires drawing a line in the sand that reads something like this. I'm more afraid of being in the same spot next year than I am of doing something different. And risking failing in the pursuit of who I want to become. You have to be willing to be a beginner, you may not be good at first, and I understand how hard that can be. Oh, that's a big struggle for me. It's hard to own what you don't know and admit to it to fail and try again. If you want to do anything courageous in life, that's what you have to do. You have to be willing to try and to fail. And to try again. That's just how it is.
Unknown:We learn as we go. And we grow
Jaclyn Steele:because of it. There is that age old saying that the definition of insanity is doing something the same way over and over and expecting different results. We cannot do the same things over and over and expect different outcomes. If you want to reach higher, you have to do what it takes to level up period. I tend to be more gentle in my speech in this podcast because that's why I am and I understand that in this episode. I'm being very, very direct. But that's put Because I believe in you. And because I know that you're capable of so much, and what you came here to do, whatever desire has been tattooed on your heart, it matters. And me, sugarcoating excuses isn't going to do you any favors. And one of the main reasons I started this podcast is so you don't have to learn the hard way in some areas of life like I did. I want to share the knowledge I have to make your process easier. Does that make sense? As I am writing, and creating this content, I'm feeling the urge to draw a card. I do this sometimes in episodes, it's always a fun treat. And it's from a deck called affirmations, soulful affirmation cards to guide you through the ebbs and flows of life. And I love doing this because the perfect card inevitably pops up. And here's the one I just chose, okay? Learn. And it says, The time is upon you to broaden your horizons. But it doesn't have to be in a traditional sense, for not all education takes place in a classroom. And not all learning is found within books. What speaks to your soul right here right now. become hungry for it, chase after it. Immerse yourself in anything in everything there is to know about what this voice is telling you to learn. Let this voice be your guide friends. Let it be so loud, that it drowns out the excuses. Here's an exercise to do. And a question I want to leave you with. First, write down all your excuses. Get super honest with yourself. If you're not totally honest with yourself, you're not going to have an accurate baseline. Think about them. And then ask yourself, Is this really true? Do I really not have the time? Do I really not have the money? Do I really not have the know how? I would venture to guess 99.9% of your excuses are not true. They're not real. They're imagined. So empower yourself, cross them out in write something more life affirming in its place. So for example, if the excuses, I don't have time, cross that out and replace it with, I prioritize my time for the things that add joy and value to my life. And here's the question I want to end with. What would your life look like if you replaced your excuses with intentional action toward your deepest desires? I'm going to repeat that one more time because it's powerful. What would your life look like if you replaced your excuses with intentional action toward your deepest desires?