Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
5 ways to create major momentum
This month, all month long we've been talking about how to be unstoppable and what we need to address in order to become unstoppable in our daily lives and in the pursuit of our deepest desires. We've talked about habits, we've talked about acceptance being a huge catalyst for moment, and we've talked about how eliminating excuses from our daily lives changes things a whole lot, and today, we are going to focus on 5 ways we can create major momentum in our lives.
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele
Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to episode 148 of self worth with me, Jaclyn Steele, I'm so glad that you're here. I'm so glad that you're here. This month, in the month of February, we have been talking about how to be unstoppable. And what we need to address in order to become unstoppable in our daily lives and in the pursuit of our deepest desires. If that sounds like something you're interested in, then keep listening. We've talked about habits this month, we've talked about acceptance, being a huge catalyst for momentum. And we've talked about how eliminating excuses from our daily lives changes things a whole lot. And today, we are going to focus on five ways we can create major momentum in our lives. To me, the word unstoppable, goes hand in hand, with momentum. These words are all about progress. And for me, progress gives me deep, deep and profound joy. I have a friend His name is Michael, he's been on the podcast a couple of times. He climbed Kilimanjaro last year, and his motto is progress, always. And when you think about it, when we are making progress, always, it's very hard to feel down on ourselves, right? I love feeling like I'm growing and moving the needle forward on the projects that I feel called to bring to fruition. And I know you do too, otherwise, you wouldn't be listening to this podcast. Before we begin a friendly reminder, my newsletter the scoop is back this year, it comes out the first Wednesday of every month. It's geared toward elevating your life with meditations and books and podcast episodes and high vibe information and super high vibe products with special discounts just for you guys, you can sign up in the show notes below. Or you can sign up on my website, Jaclyn steele.com. And in this newsletter, there's also a beautiful PDF with touch points on the theme of the month books to read rituals, all kinds of yummy stuff that will help bring these concepts deeper and deeper and deeper into your life. Okay, so now, five ways to create major momentum in your life. And a couple of these will sound familiar, but they are worth revisiting, because they are so key when it comes to being unstoppable. And having momentum every day. And I want momentum every day. I want that excitement. And of course, it's I don't want to be in a position where I'm chasing that excitement every day or chasing momentum every day. But what I found is when I do these things, the momentum is just naturally waiting for me when I sit at my desk. So I hope that if you do these things, and when you do these things, the same will be true for you. Number one, stop waiting, stop waiting, or in a more positive spin. Take action right now. Stop waiting for the time to be just right. Stop waiting for that one person to get on board. I know we've all been there. No judgement. It's hard. But we have to stop waiting for that person. Stop waiting for all the pieces to fall into place. Stop waiting until you feel ready. Here is my experience. I released a little video on this on Instagram last month. The timing is never just right, that person probably won't ever get on board. And the pieces will never fit like a puzzle to begin with. And you won't know you are ready until you try. Life is tricky like that sometimes, opportunity generally arrives before we feel ready for it. And it's long gone once we do part of living full out. Living with a high level of self worth is knowing that no matter what happens around us and to us, that we have what it takes to dust ourselves off and keep going. High self worth has a healthy dose of unstoppable in it. So stop waiting and get going. What is one action you could take today to create momentum? Is it a phone call? I know for me it is reading the first chapter of that book, hitting the gym, making the plan writing the thing. Chances are, you know what it is you need to do and you'll feel so much momentum if you hop on it now, today. Momentum has a way of fading if we keep putting our dreams off are kicking the ball down the field. You deserve to experience that feeling of momentum now. And that just requires that you take action. Even if it's two minutes, five minutes of your time, I guarantee it's going to raise your frequency that you're going to start to feel that, oh, that twinge of momentum and it's going to feel so good. You're going to be like, How can I create more time to keep doing this? Okay, so number one is Stop waiting. Number two, and this is what last week's episode is centered around, stop making excuses. Or in a more positive spin, just do the thing. Just do the thing. Your excuses are holding you back. My excuses are holding me back. And hopefully, they have made us so uncomfortable to the point where using them hurts more than taking action on them. Excuses are toxic, they are holding you back, and 99.9% of the time they are untrue. So do yourself a favor and grow out of them. You are bigger than your excuses. Your dreams and desires matter more than your excuses. Don't look back a year from now and find yourself in the same space. Because truthfully, the only person to blame will be you take one action every day. And I promise you next year, you will be in a much different position than you are right now. And look, I love my life right now. I've worked really hard to get to this point. But I really hope I've made major progress toward my desires by February of 2024. I measure my success by how much I've grown. I can't grow by staying in the same spot doing the same things, expecting different results. I have to stretch. I have to be brave. I ended last week's episode with this question. What would your life look like if you replaced your excuses with intentional action toward your deepest desires? Seriously, what would it look like? So that's number two. Stop making excuses do the thing. This episode of self worth is supported by my favorite leather goods company Parker clay. Parker clay creates premium leather bags that provide stable and dignified work for at risk women and Ethiopia. Every single item you order on their site shows how many hours of empowerment your purchase will create. I own the Mercado signature tote the Miramar backpack that you can carry all the squares of wallet cord tacos for organizing the topo mini bucket bag, the Caroline tote which is probably my favorite, and the list goes on. I've also purchased many gifts from their site for my friends and family. Everything I have from them I am impressed by you know the quality as soon as you touch the leather. It's so beautiful and thick and gorgeous. I wear my Parker clay pieces with such pride knowing that they are stylish and providing dignified employment for some incredible people in Ethiopia. As a side note, these bags just get better with time because of the way that they are made. Visit Parker clay.com To purchase your next favorite bag I'm telling you, you will be hooked, you will love it and use code PC dash Jacqueline s 15 for 15% off your order. Again that code is p c dash Jaclyn J ac LYNS 15 for 15% off your order, you can find the link and the discount code in the show notes below. Number three, implement high vibe habits. I spoke a lot about this in Episode 145. And I spoke a lot about this in Episode 135. The sum of our lives is the sum of our habits, what we do habitually without thinking. Our health is a reflection of our habits. Our business success is a reflection of our habits. Our joy is a reflection of our habits. Our relationships are a reflection of our habits. Habits are the bedrock of momentum. They are seemingly unsexy things we do regularly that lead us to having really impactful results. For instance, working out one day won't do much for your physique. But work out four times a week for a year. And you will look like a different person. 365 days from now, let's say you want to write a book. So many of us do Write, one sentence won't get you very far. But one page per day will get you a book that is 365 pages by the end of the year. Let's say you want to make $100,000 this year. And hopefully you want to make more than that. $273.97 doesn't seem like a whole lot when you compare that to$100,000. But doing something to earn that every day will create$100,000 for you. 365 days from now, that's $273.97 per day, what do you have to do to make$273.97 per day? Break it down? What do you have to do to get there? Our habits are the things that if done intentionally, will allow us to reach our goals. We do them every day, because they make us feel amazing. They create progress in our lives, and they enhance every area of our lives when we are intentional with them. I used to look at discipline, as if it was a drag. I just one more thing I have to do. Now, I look at discipline is freedom. Because when I put first things first, like Stephen Covey says, it gives me so much mental space to truly enjoy my life. Because I'm feeling I feel like I'm making so much progress. So yeah, habits are huge for creating momentum. So number three, implement high vibe habits. Number four, implement a habit every day that will move the needle forward for you. Just one thing will make a difference. Just one thing. Want To Lose Weight. Commit to moving your body for 20 minutes a day. Want to make more money, commit to making 10 sales calls a day, or whatever it is that will help you make more money. Do you want to build that business commit to spending one hour per day on it. Or even more if you can? Do you want to eat better? Start by eating a healthy breakfast. When we make one great choice to begin our day, it's a lot easier to continue to make great choices. Creating momentum is not hard friends. It's just about taking action every day toward the life you are calling in. And there isn't anything complicated about it. Especially when we stop waiting when we eliminate excuses. And when we implement high vibe habits and take action every day, that momentum will take care of itself. That's number four, implement a habit every day, that will move the needle forward for you. Number five, the last thing I want to address when it comes to men to momentum is putting first things first, this is one of Stephen Covey's seven habits. And it has changed my life. I've always been a hard worker. But in assessing some of the things I was doing at the end of last year, I realized that I was doing a lot of $10 an hour work. And what I mean by that is I was focusing on stuff that didn't really make me money did not move the needle forward on my projects. I wasn't putting first things first, I wasn't consistently prioritizing my time wisely. And it's easy to do this when you are starting something new can be hard to know where to focus. My husband and I joined forces in our real estate investing business last year. And there's been so much to do that it's easy to get caught up in the little tasks that seem urgent, but are not a priority. But if we can learn to prioritize the tasks that move the needle forward every day, that create progress that make us money, we will move forward so much faster. We just have to learn to put first things first. This can look like not checking your email until your big rocks are taken care of. Or not checking social media until you've created what you need to create that day. You know what it looks like to put first things first. It's that feeling you get when you know that you are on task and creating progress. All we have to do is do it. Stephen Covey says the key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. And he also says the main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing. So what's your main thing? Mine is to create a certain amount of wealth this year. So every day, I'm working on ways to build an increase revenue in my already existing businesses. So that was number five, put first things first. And just like that, my friends, we're nearing the end of February and our kick off month of being unstuck. poppable I hope see a song of the same name continues to pound on your playlist, and that you will carry these lessons forward as we explore 11 more concepts this year. If you have questions, please send them to me on Instagram via Jaclyn Steele and I will answer them in my monthly newsletter that comes out the first Wednesday of the month. You can sign up for that in the show notes. I'll leave you with this question. If not now, when