Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
What is your body telling you?
We primed our minds in February, and in March, we are going to prime our bodies. Friends, the theme this month is: back in my body. The song this month is "Back in my body" by Maggie Rogers. So often, we don't know what is happening in our subconscious until our bodies tell us. Mine was feeling tight, and uncomfortable, and bone tired to the point of anxiety. You know when you've been running on adrenaline for too long and then your body just won't shut off? Yeah, that's where I was at. And Sam was feeling similar. We looked at each other and said: we have got to get back into our routine. And for us, that means grounding back into our bodies. So today, we are going to get a baseline, and this month we are going to transform the way we feel.
I want you to take stock today. And I would encourage you to journal this out to get an accurate baseline.
- What does your routine look like? Does it feel good? What can you get rid of that isn't contributing? What can you add that will elevate? Keep it simple because that keeps it sustainable.
- How are you nourishing yourself? What kind of food are you eating and how does it make you feel? And then, what are you pouring back into yourself? What are you doing that brings you joy and gives you energy? You need to nourish to flourish. It's a necessity. So call that friend, make that appointment, get that book, etc.
- What are you doing daily to destress? And if it's alcohol related - that's lipstick on a pig. What can you do daily to destress? Movement? Reading ritual? A bath? More than just watching TV - what are you doing that pours back into you?
- What intentions are you setting for yourself? For the day or for the month? These themes of the month are a great place to start to help us focus and be intentional. If you are wanting to create traction in your life, you cannot do that without intention. So what intentions are you setting?
- What is your body telling you? What signals is it sending? How can you connect deeply and listen and then treat it with the utmost love and respect.
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Energy Healing:
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele