Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Our bodies were made for this...
We already spoke about routine and nourishment and destressing and intentions and boundaries and protecting our energy this month. - These things along with getting an ample amount of sleep will surely get you back into your body and feeling great, but today, I want to go a step further and talk about worship, connection, and oneness.
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele
Hello, everyone, and welcome to self worth with me, Jaclyn Steele. This month, we are talking about getting back into our bodies. I shared in the first episode this month that I felt like I was running too hard in January and February and I just got out of balance. And I think this happens for so many of us when we are ambitious. And we want to hit the ground running at the start of a new year. And that's all good stuff. But it can lead us to feeling disconnected from ourselves and the world around us. And that's no good. So this month, the month of March, we're tuning back in, we are nurturing our minds as usual. But we are also looking more at the heart space in the body. What is your body telling you? What signals is it sending out? What do you feel you need to be grounded, to feel connected? This feeling of being grounded and connected. It's just so juicy. It's how I feel after a great yoga class. I feel expansive, my body feels nourished. And my mind has let go of the knots. We already spoke this month about routine and nourishment, and distressing and intentions and boundaries and protecting our energy. And these things, along with getting ample sleep every day will surely get you back into your body and feeling great. But today, I want to go a step further. And I feel a little like nervous about talking about this because I haven't talked about this in the way that I'm going to today ever on this podcast. But this step that I want it to take that takes us further into the material this month is about worship, and connection. And oneness. I know that this information that I'm going to share is significant because just in the span of a few minutes of starting to record this episode, there have been dogs barking dogs scratching at my door, my son started crying, my husband started the shower. There's so much noise and distraction. And so often that happens when we are meant to tune in Word. And so I'm, I'm going to do that. And if you hear background noise, you're going to hear background noise. But this is important information, this worship connection, this oneness. I want to start with worship. You all our bodies were built for worship. And what I mean by this is that we are biologically wired to worship. Just think about our culture, the Western culture and celebrities. Our culture worships celebrities, psychologically, we are predisposed to find things that we think are inspirational or aspirational, and then fixate on them. And that can lead some good places. But it can also lead a lot of comparison and all kinds of crap that isn't good for us. And depending on what you worship, it may leave you feeling empty. Some of us, like I just mentioned, we worship celebrities or public figures. Some of us worship money and material things. Some of us worship TV and distraction. Drugs, alcohol, wherever your attention goes, your energy flows. So where's your attention going? What is it that you are worshiping with your golden energy? And I don't share any of this to call you out or to point fingers. Because we all do this, myself included? I do however, I do, however, want to call us back to get intentional about this. Worship is a holy thing. And we need to make sure we are worshiping a holy thing. To me it doesn't matter what religion or faith or name you put to God. God is so limitless that God cannot be limited by a name. Okay. So let's let the naming go and hone in on the idea of God and our Creator. I want to share with you some recent circumstances. Little life update. Sam and I started going to church Again, we stopped going about 10 years ago, when we were really struggling to find a church that felt alive and vibrant. And we were just feeling stuck at the time and limited and like, oh, we were just outgrowing the current, the current parameters of what church was telling us, and we decided to take a break from church. But we did not take a break from faith. I hope that makes sense. And after having our son, we both were feeling the pull, to go back into church to have that community. And we were feeling this poll at the same time, and then divinely. My friend Stephanie said she had recently tried a new church in our area, and asked if we wanted to go together the following Sunday, and the last 10 years have been so expansive for me. I've read and grown and prayed and expanded my mind so much, and I'm so grateful for this period of growth. And the feeling I had stepping back into church, and into the worship is hard to describe. The music started playing and I immediately felt my eyes welling up with tears. And I felt God say to me, welcome home. And the reason I feel this way is because my body was made to praise God, my body was made to be a part of something bigger than myself. And you don't have to go to a church to experience that. But there's something about a large body of people all doing the same thing at the same time, lifting their voices, lifting their hands, that energy is palpable. And it's so uplifting, that worshipful energy heals. And I want to channel this worship energy we all have toward my Creator, not towards celebrities, not toward material things, not toward money, even though I'm not trying to say there's anything bad about those things, but they don't deserve to be worshipped. I want to get intentional with this natural worship full inclination, and I want that energy to go to something that deserves that high vibrational energy. And the only thing that deserves that high vibrational energy is our Creator. I have thoughts, and I have opinions about church, none of which are really relevant to this except to say, churches created by humans and humans are imperfect. So no church is going to be perfect. And once I had this realization, I was able to focus more on the message instead of the messenger on the pulpit. Does that make sense? I think I'm entering church now, with so much more grace for the people that run it than I did 10 years ago. Anyway, worshipping feels natural, it feels good. And it feels so grounding. It connects us to our higher power. And when we praise that higher power, and thank it for creating us and giving us the many blessings we receive daily, something shifts inside, something amplifies, for lack of a better phrase. It just feels good. It just feels good. So maybe you are already in church or you feel drawn to a church, or you feel repelled by church. That doesn't matter to me. What I want you to think about is intentional worship of our Creator, however that looks to you. Maybe it's through meditation, or music or writing or dancing, or looking in your child's eyes, or your beloved pet, whatever it is, do it. We were made to worship and this feels so dang good. First Corinthians 1031 says, so whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Carrying this sacred thought, to all to the glory of God gives purpose to each moment of every day beyond ourselves. And while self worth is an inward journey, the whole point of self worth and becoming The best versions of ourselves so that we can contribute to others becoming the best version of themselves. And that has a giant ripple effect. You know what I mean? So I didn't know that I would ever do this again. But I am feeling so deeply LED. And it was confirmed in my meditation this morning that I meant to do this, and that is to open up some hours each week for personal one on one coaching. And coaching really isn't the right word for its energy healing. That was also confirmed in my meditation this morning, energy healing frequency healing, a combination of Akashic record access, past life access, current life access, and creating space for you to heal yourself, and increase the frequency at which you operate daily, this will have a ripple effect on every area of your life, every single area, because when we fix our energy, we're fixing our self worth. And we know that when we fix our self worth and heal it, we operate in a totally different way. So if you're interested in doing this, I will have a link in the show notes, it will be a Calendly link, I'm going to be totally transparent. I'm going to charge$150 an hour, this is so that you take this work seriously because it is serious work. And when I have given it away for free in the past, people don't take it seriously. So it's going to be $150 an hour. And if you choose to buy 10 hours, I'll give you a $50 discount. All of that will be in the Calendly link. But if you feel led to work with me one on one, I want to open that up. I'm going to do a few hours a week, so it'll be a little bit limited. But if you're feeling that Pang that urge, like you need to do some energy work, then I want you to reach out to me. Also, if during this ad in my podcast, you're feeling like a well of fear, or a surge of energy that's like oh, I don't know if I want to do that. I don't want to I don't know if I want to do that this is for you. So reach out to me if you have questions, email me at hello at Jaclyn steele.com. But otherwise, there'll be a Calendly link in the show notes that you can click on. And if you have any questions just reach out. If we are meant to work together, I know that the path will be paved and it'll be easy and flowy and beautiful and the most amazing things will happen. So I look forward to hearing from you and I look forward to working with you. This episode is supported by rise superfood mushroom coffee. 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This is what I call a conscious company and one that genuinely cares about its customers head on over to rise superfoods.com that spelled RYZESUPERFO D s.com. To grab a bag now and enter code Jacqueline JC li n at checkout for 15% off. Now back to the episode. Now I want to talk about connection. We've never been more connected in our culture ever as far as the ability to connect goes, but in reality, it appears we've never been more disconnected from one another. I think that's also why I'm drawn back to church. It feels like a pure connection. So my question to you is, do you feel connected to yourself and to others? And if not, what would it take to feel that way? Just like worship we are made for connection. That's why we lived in tribes for so long and still tend to gather in tribes there groups, it was for survival, yes. But it was also for community. We need one another beyond survival. Our hearts also need connection. The places in the world, the Blue Zones, where people live the longest, they have the strongest communities. You can get that in a church. But you can also get that in so many other places. I'm part of a badass women's group that meets every other Tuesday. We are entrepreneurs, and moms and healers, and corporate women and all kinds of different things. And we meet for the sole purpose of creating community to connect with one another deeply and support each other. And this feels amazing. Again, it just feels good. It feels good. Do you have community that you can connect with? And laugh with and cry with and be vulnerable with and do life with? If not, how can you cultivate one, I joined the one I'm currently in via Instagram. And the ladies who started it literally put out a Google Form questionnaire? And I answered it, could you do the same in your community? I bet you could. I don't need to harp on how to get into a community, I just want to reiterate how important it is that we are part of one. We are not meant to be lone wolves. We are meant to learn from each other. And if you are like me, and you love spiritual and self development, then you also know it's really hard to grow. If we don't test what we think we know, in community, we need each other. We need the challenge. We need the accountability. We need community, we need community. I think about people and we all have our own addictions, some more significant than others surely. But I think about people who have substance abuse issues with alcohol with drugs. And I think about the loneliness, they must experience day in and day out. feeling like they are unworthy. Like they are unloved. Like they need drugs to just feel anything but the pain that they're in. Y'all, people need love. People need love, and we love each other, through community, through community, so often to the people that we are energetically not attracted to. There's something in them that we also contain. Have you ever heard of the mirror concept where whatever you are experiencing is part of the mirror of your own personality, or it's being mirrored back to you. And I'm going off on a little bit of a tangent here. But if you have the capacity, if you have the capacity because you need to protect your energy, I just want to encourage you to reach out to somebody that may be their energy, it just doesn't feel like the best match. But you can tell they need a little love or they need a a hand reaching back for them or just a simple hug. This can make such a difference. People so often, so often feel so alone, and we're not alone. We're all part of the same organism. We're all part of God. The last thing I want to touch on today, that I believe is that we were made for oneness, not even just made for we are one NIS. It is my belief that we are all extensions of God. And I forget who said it, but the quote is, if God is the ocean, we are all a cup, worship, connection. They lead to oneness. They remind us of what's important in life. And it's not whether you get that car or that house or get to go to that restaurant or whatever other surfacey thing is out there. The greatest lie in the universe is that we are separate. This couldn't be further from the truth. We are part of a sea of humanity that was all created by God with purpose. We are on this earth school to understand what separation feels like. But then to also understand that this separation is not real. It's just a temporary experience we are having. So we can know the real truth, which is that we are all connected, and part of God, we are all one, we are all one. This concept of oneness also just feels good. It's grounding to know you are not alone and that your life has purpose beyond your wildest dreams. Friends, we need your uniqueness, because it teaches us about ours, we need you showing up fully because it gives the rest of us permission to show up fully. We need you to mess up and make mistakes. So we aren't alone in making ours. What I'm getting at is that this oneness is perfectly imperfect until we are home with our Creator. You don't need to be perfect or anywhere near it. And neither do I. All we need is to be open. That's it open to participating in life together and open to the fact that none of us are going to get it right all the time. So just take that pressure off. We were built for worship. We were built for community and we were built to walk each other back to oneness. The questions I want to leave you with today are how can you worship? How can you connect? How can you feel oneness? Thank you so much for being here today. And if you haven't already signed up for my newsletter, the scoop. It's back comes out the first Wednesday of every month. And it's geared toward elevating your life with meditations and books and podcast episodes, and a q&a section. If you guys have questions, I'll answer those. So DM me on Instagram your questions. This newsletter also has super high vibe products with special discounts for my community, you can sign up in the show notes below, or on my website, Jaclyn steele.com. And because I'm a super visual person, I'm also giving you a free downloadable PDF with the theme of the month, the song of the month, the ritual of the month, the book of the month, et cetera, in that email on the first Wednesday of the month, and you can print it out and use it to uplift yourself daily. You're also invited to join my text community. I call it sacred rebel affirmations. I send out texts sporadically and they are meant to increase your frequency in that moment. Think of them like a healthy espresso shot, that a trust reaches you in divine timing. And you can opt in for these texts by texting 480-531-6858. Again, that's 480-531-6858 and type the word sacred. Once you are opted in, you will receive these high vibe nuggets directly from me. And the phone number for that is also in the shownotes Lastly, if you've been enjoying this podcast, please leave a review for wherever you are listening to it. Reviews are kind of everything in the podcast world. And you'll have left me a review since like May of last year so can you help a sister out? I read everyone and they mean the world to me. Thank you. And I hope that you have the most beautiful day filled with sacred worship and connection and a feeling of oneness. I'll talk to you next week.