Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Make it sacred... conscious consumption and connection
So far this month, we've talked about routine, nourishment, de-stressing, intention, boundaries, energy, worship, community, and oneness, and today I want to talk to you about conscious consumption and connection.
Energy Healing:
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele
Y'all, we made it, it is the last week of March. This is the fifth episode of self worth in March. So big month, five episodes, we've been talking about being back in our bodies, there's been some juicy content going on. I've been listening to back in my body by Maggie Rogers regularly singing it in my vehicle and in my house and dancing to it. And I'm feeling good. Honestly, already, as I've written this content, just over the last week, I have felt so many shifts, so many shifts. It's helping me remember what's truly important. And birthing this content has been a little bit of a challenge, because sticking in our bodies, and coming back into that flow state is not easy. There's been some stops and starts, but it's caused me or it's pushed me to reflect so deeply, so deeply, and to also reach out to my community when I have had questions. And over the last week, I've been in a lot of community with women. And I've shared in an ad in a couple of episodes this month, that I'm opening back up my coaching. And I'm going to do this, at least for the next 90 day, 90 days, that's what I'm committing to. But it's really not coaching, like life coaching, it's energy healing. And I'm so excited about this, because frequency is my jam. And I feel like when I'm back in my body, when I'm taking good care of myself, I operate, I'm just gonna say it, I operate at such a high freakin frequency. And in the work I've done since I was a teenager, I feel like I've learned so many beautiful tools. And so I would love to help you in your energy journey. Because energy is everything. Energy is life. And when we operate at a high frequency, we're unstoppable. There's nothing we can do our high, our our self worth naturally comes into balance and operates at a high level. So if you're interested in working with me one on one, there'll be a link in the show notes, full transparency, I'm charging $150 an hour. I do that because I've given away this work so much for free in the past. And when I do that people don't take it seriously. So if you sign up to work with me, I want you to take it seriously because this is a serious work. It's a life changing work. So if you want to do that, you can sign up in the show notes. All of that stuff will be available. It's a Calendly link, Bada bing, bada boom, let's get connected if you feel led, and if you don't feel led, no worries. If however, you are one of those people that's listening to this and you're having like a physical reaction, whether that be fear or nervousness or something that is a sign that it's for you. So just sign up don't take think too hard about it, just go for it. Alright, so today is episode 153. I'm calling it make it sacred. Make it sacred conscious consumption, and connection. So far this month, we've talked about routine, and nourishment and distressing and intention and boundaries and energy, worship community oneness. And today I want to talk to you about conscious consumption and connection. This concept piggybacks off of our last episode, Episode 152, where I ended with talking about oneness, beautiful, juicy oneness. I'll repeat a little bit about what I said on it last week. And it's this. It is my belief that we are all extensions of God. I forget who said it, but the quote is, if God is the ocean, we are all a cup. Worship, connection. They lead to oneness. And the greatest lie in the universe is that we are separate. This couldn't be further from the truth. We are part of a sea of humanity that was all created by God with purpose. You have purpose, my love. We are on this earth school to understand what separation feels like. But then to also understand that this separation is not real. It's just a temporary experience we are having so we can know the real truth, which is that we are all connected and part of God. We are all one. And with this oneness comes so much joy and connection and truth and purpose. And it also comes with some responsibility. When we hear the word responsibility, I think we automatically think of adding to our to do list, or putting more on our proverbial plates. And I know y'all are busy. So I want to speak about responsibility differently. Right now, this oneness responsibility is an opportunity. If we choose to partake in it, we will feel healthier, and more connected, and more at one and at peace with each other. So it's not doing more because we have to, it's consciously doing because we want to feel better and vibrate at a higher frequency. To understand the difference there. When we want to feel better, we have to change things up. We cannot keep doing what we've always done, and then expect things to change. So today, I want to challenge you in two areas. I want to first say, though, I am by no means perfect in either of these areas. So I'm working along, right, I'm working right alongside you. But I do try to consciously make good choices as often as possible. And y'all when I'm back in my body, I make those choices so easily. And so quickly. The first area that I want to talk about is in the area of consumption. Boy, our culture is a culture of consumption, we are conditioned from very, very early on in our lives that more is better, more and more, more, more, more, more, more excess. And I want to be counterculture here, I want less but better. For instance, I love skincare. If you've been following me for any length of time, you know this, I'm admittedly a skincare junkie, however, I'm buying less and less and less these days, and continuing to pay close attention to the ingredients. Like I want my skincare to be so clean, I could drink it. I want it to expire, because it's so fresh, it's not shelf stable. You know, not only does this less better, create less physical waste. But cleanliness of products also decreases the toxic load on our bodies, and our environment. So this doesn't have to be complicated. It's just about bringing awareness to the goods you're bringing into your life, consciousness to consumption, we have to go deep, right? Another thing I think about, for instance, is haircare. What am I washing my hair with that then flows down my back and gets absorbed into my skin and then flows into our water system? What am I putting on my son's hands that He then puts in his mouth? Or law laundry detergent? What am I washing my clothes with? That I then put on my body all day for my skin to be absorbing? What kind of food am I eating? And were the people who farmed it treated well, was the land treated well is the food free of pesticides and other chemicals that are hard for our bodies to detox from. These are sacred decisions because they not only affect us, they affect those around us and our planet. They affect that oneness. I've been hinting at. We are all in a symbiotic relationship. In essence, the moment our soul signed on to come to this planet, we knew we were beholden to more than ourselves. So I didn't know that I would ever do this again. But I am feeling so deeply LED. And it was confirmed in my meditation this morning that I meant to do this and that is to open up some hours each week for personal one on one coaching. And coaching really isn't the right word for it. It's energy healing. That was also confirmed in my meditation this morning. energy healing frequency healing, a combination of Akashic record access, past life access, current life access, and creating space for you to heal yourself and increase the frequency at which you operate daily. This will have a ripple effect on every area of your life, every single area because when we fix our energy, we're fixing our self worth. And we know that when we fix our self worth and heal it, we operate in a totally different way. So if you're interested in doing this, I will have a link in the show notes. It will be a Calendly link. I'm going to be totally transparent I'm going to charge$150 an hour. This is so that you take this work seriously because it is serious work. And when I have given it away for free in the past, people don't take it seriously. So it's going to be $150 an hour. And if you choose to buy 10 hours, I'll give you a $50 discount, all of that will be in the Calendly link. But if you feel led to work with me one on one, I want to open that up, I'm going to do a few hours a week. So it'll be a little bit limited. But if you're feeling that Pang that urge, like you need to do some energy work, then I want you to reach out to me. Also, if during this ad, in my podcast, you're feeling like a well of fear, or a surge of energy that's like, oh, I don't know if I want to do that. I don't want to I don't know if I want to do that this is for you. So reach out to me, if you have questions, email me at hello at Jaclyn steele.com. But otherwise, there'll be a Calendly link in the show notes that you can click on. And if you have any questions just reach out. If we are meant to work together, I know that the path will be paved, and it'll be easy and flowy and beautiful. And the most amazing things will happen. So I look forward to hearing from you and I look forward to working with you. And what about material goods? What am I buying? And why is it contributing to my life or just one more thing I need to care for? Consumption itself is not a bad thing we need to consume to survive. But consumption for consumption sake is different. It's wasteful. And if we go back to the concept of oneness, when we create waste for ourselves, we also create waste for others. When we create balance for ourselves, we also create balance. For others, we are responsible for one another. But again, this isn't something that needs to be heavy, it can be a joyful thing, because what we put out will also come back to us. Does that make sense? If you operate at a high frequency, you are going to attract that high frequency back in return. As a byproduct, you will also repel lower frequencies that don't contribute to your life. No one is perfect. And I'm certainly not. I still order from Amazon and watch the cardboard boxes collect and then feel horrified by how wasteful it is. So I get it firsthand. And I'm trying to do better. Trying to not hit the buy now button. But instead like add to my cart over the course of a week or something and have it all shipped at once. I also think though, we can bring some soul into this consumption experience because I don't think we're going to avoid it altogether. Right? We can slow down before we hit that buy button and take stock. ask ourselves questions like, do I really need this? Is this going to make my life easier? Or bring me lasting joy? And if not, is it really necessary? Buying stuff is fun, and it can be addicting? Just listen to the first episode of this podcast, but 152 episodes ago, and you'll know I had a habit a while back that I needed to break. But as I grow and expand, I find myself asking more and more. Do I really need this? Will this make my life easier or bring me lasting joy? Again, I'm less but better kind of gal. I have a pink BKR bottle next to me, that costs about $50 to buy, which is not cheap. But I've had it for six years now. And I still use it regularly. I'm feeling similarly with clothing less, but better. What's sustainable, what's made from organic cotton, what feels good to wear and will wash well so I can wear it over and over. Right now I'm wearing a sweater from pact. And they use organic cotton that's sourced sustainably and it washes well and were super well. So I'll have this sweater for years. Look, I know society tells us to buy more and more and more. And then we'll feel cool feel like we're fitting in. But I think it's cool to love what you already have. And when you need to upgrade your closet to do so in a way that is conscious but aware. fast fashion is for the birds. The clothing falls apart after a few uses and it's not good for our skin or for our environment. It also doesn't feel good to wear again I'm not judging because I've actively participated in all these systems. But as I become more conscious, I want less and less, because my satisfaction comes from the inside, not the outside, my self worth comes from the inside, not from what I own, or what I wear. I also really enjoy being responsible with my money. Again, this doesn't mean I don't treat myself, but I treat myself in ways that enhance my life. Instead of putting me into debt, I played that game for so long. So if you're there, I have such compassion for you. But now I feel like I'm addicted to having a zero balance on my personal credit card feels so good to have that kind of freedom, to not feel beholden to paying off debt every month. And as a side note, if you're a business owner, and you heard what I just said, and you're like, Okay, I have a zero balance on my business credit card. I also get that because I don't have a zero balance on my credit on my business credit card. Sometimes we have to pay for things in advance before they come back to us. So I totally get that. And I have to pay for this podcast and its production shout out to my awesome podcast, producer, Terry, and all of the things that go along with putting a podcast out that cost real physical money. Anyway, you get the idea. Bringing consciousness to our consumption allows us to feel more connected, and grounded in that oneness. I already touched on this, but I think it's worth going deeper here. And that is that being conscious about our consumption, and the products we use and what we have in our homes and how it affects our bodies in the world around us in our communities. Fosters connection. And like I mentioned in last week's episode, we were built for connection, we were built to work together and have a symbiotic relationship with one another. Just look at nature. It's the best example when it's unobstructed, crops grow and die. And there remains feed the animals in the area. And then the poop from those animals and creatures fertilizes the soil, and so on and so forth. So there's this beautiful circular harmony. Nature creates perfect balance if we live close to nature, and by that I mean in harmony with nature, our physical bodies and our Earth will naturally come back into balance. Did you know that simply standing on the earth barefoot decreases inflammation in your body. And inflammation is the precursor to all the stuff that can go haywire in the body. Just standing on the earth barefoot. Watch the documentary The earthing movie, it's mind blowing, we have all we need to heal within and around us. Yet we keep searching outside of ourselves and are hurting each other and our beautiful planet in the process of wanting to feel better, and we just don't need to do it. I'm not pointing fingers at all. We've all participated in this system. But we can choose not to actively participate anymore. We can make better choices every single day, choices that lead to connection that lead to healthier bodies and lives and a healthier planet for us. And for those that are coming up below us. So as we wrap up the month of March and our theme back in our bodies, I want to encourage you, you have the power to thrive in your body. And to thrive in your life. You do and it's up to you. Each little choice adds up. And if you stumble, no worries, you're in great company, but choose to pick yourself up and try again. And like I mentioned at the beginning of this episode, if you're wanting a little extra help, encouragement, love healing. If you feel led, sign up for an energy healing session with me. That link will be in the show notes. And if you are feeling like you need some soul adjusting, then let's do an Akashic reading. That link will also be in the show notes. I've been doing Akashic readings for a couple of years now. And they are so powerful. I did several episodes on what those are. But if you feel led to do that, let's do it. It'll be so fun. All right. To wrap up today's episode. I just want to say my newsletter the scoop is back comes out the first Wednesday of every month, and it's geared toward elevating your life with meditations and books and podcast episodes. There's also a q&a area if you guys have questions and super high vibe products with a special discount just for my community. You can say And up in the show notes below or on my website, Jaclyn steele.com. And because I'm super visual, I'm also giving you a free downloadable PDF with the theme of the month, sang of the month ritual of the month book of the month. And it's all in that email that you can print out and use to uplift yourself daily. You are also invited to join my text message community, sacred rebel affirmations, I send out text sporadically, and they are meant to increase your frequency in that moment. Think of them like a healthy espresso shot that I trust reaches you in divine timing. You can opt in for these by texting for 805316858 that's 480-531-6858 and type the word secret and you will automatically be opted in. And you'll receive these high vibe nuggets directly from me a few times a week that phone number is also in the show notes. Lastly, if you've been enjoying this podcast, please leave a review for it wherever you are listening to it. Reviews are kind of everything in the podcast world. And you'll have left me a review in a minute. So please help us sister out. I read every one and they mean the world to me. Here's the question I want to leave you with. How can I consciously consume to foster connection both with myself and the world around me? How can I consciously consume to foster connection both with myself and the world around me? So much love to you all. Can't wait to connect next week.