Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
The advantage of surrender and how to do it
Sometimes what is best for us is not allowing our feelings to dictate our reactions. Sometimes what is best for us is not allowing our inherent likes or dislikes to take the lead. They are often rooted in the ego and the ego does everything it can to distract us from the truth. And the truth is that we are absolutely divine beings having a human experience. And when we truly understand our divinity, we also understand that everything on this earth is temporary and here to teach us and point us back to our oneness with the Holy Spirit. This makes surrendering a little easier because we realize that only our divinity really matters and that everything that is alive here is divine and will live on no matter what happens on this earthly plane.
The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele
Hello, welcome to the self worth podcast with me, Jaclyn Steele. I'm glad that you're here today. I feel so blessed that you are here today listening. And I trust that the information that I share with you today will be. It will find you in divine timing whenever you're meant to hear it. This month on the podcast, the theme is surrender. And we've been talking about surrender and today we are talking about why surrendering is so powerful and how to do it. A couple business items, please sign up for my newsletter. It's called the scoop. It comes out the first Wednesday of every month and it is geared toward elevating your life with meditations and books and podcast episodes and a q&a section. If you guys have questions, and super high vibe products with a special discount just for my community. You can sign up in the show notes below or on my website, Jaclyn steele.com. And because I'm a super visual person, and I always like to go deeper and learn more. I've also created a free downloadable PDF with the theme of the month, the song of the month, the ritual of the month, the book of the month, and some questions to help you go deeper in that email so that you can print it out and have it somewhere where you can see it daily and be uplifted. You are also invited to join my text message community sacred rebel affirmations it is growing by leaps and bounds and it's so cool to be able to connect with you guys individually and as a group. I send out texts sporadically and they're meant to increase your frequency in that moment. Think of them like little healthy espresso shots that I trust reach you in divine timing. You can opt in for these texts, by texting 480-531-6858 That's 480-531-6858 and typing the word sacred SAIC R Ed. And once you're opted in, you will automatically receive these high vibe nuggets directly from me a couple of times a week. And that phone number is also in the show notes. Lastly, if you've been enjoying this podcast, please leave a review for it wherever you are listening. Reviews are kind of everything in the podcast world. And I'd like to highlight one that was left recently from a Hinzman this one is oh when it came through, I was so delighted because I know this person personally. I started listening to Jacqueline's podcast because she is a friend from high school that I wanted to support. Being on this journey with her has become so much more than just a supportive lesson I'm going to cry. I always knew she had such a kind heart and so much love and positive energy to share with the world. And it is incredible to witness these attributes and many more shine in this podcast. The self worth podcast the monthly emails now including the downloadable PDF for recording, and periodic text messages, all hit with precision to uplift my life and frame my mindset which truly enhance my life. They bring light and perspective. They guide yet challenge my thoughts and they motivate me to think beyond the monotony of the rut I can sometimes find myself in. It is very clear. Jacqueline wants others to find their light and cultivate the best version of themselves. And she achieves it through discussing topics that provoke critical thinking and promote self reflection. All of this wrapped in a calm, soothing voice that you can feel her positive energy radiating from brings me back each week to learn and grow with Jacqueline. I highly recommend this podcast to everyone because it is relevant to all areas of life. And as inspirational side note, if you didn't know she has released some music didn't break me has been paramount for me navigating the post COVID world of difficulties as a teacher just knowing that all the challenges changes and constant demands may have come close. But they didn't break me. Jacqueline's content and her uplifting Spirit helped guide me in a positive light and I cannot thank her enough for her hard work and dedication to put her content into the world. Oh, my gosh, I feel like I'm gonna bawl my eyes out. So thank you so much a Hinzman i Oh, I just can't thank you enough. That feedback is amazing. So thank you. I need a reset breath. I'm going to get right into it. The book this month is the surrender experiment by Michael singer. And in it he writes. And actually before I share this quote, a couple of things I'm sitting outside I just need to be outside right now. It's beautiful here. So if you hear any birds or background noise, that's what it is. And then also, this episode, though I'm not preaching. It is laid out a lot little bit like a preacher would like preach from the Bible, like read a verse and then talk about it, read a verse and then talk about it. I found with the topic of surrender, I needed some, like rooted pieces from the book to really go off of because I felt like it hit so much deeper. Doing it that way. So the format today is just a little bit different. All right, here we go. Michael singer in the surrender experiment, says, How can I possibly explain the great freedom that comes from realizing to the depths of your being, that life knows what it's doing? The advantage here, and this is now me speaking, the advantage here is giving up the pretend belief that we are in charge, and the pressure that comes with it, it's a lot of pressure to feel like we're in charge all the time, especially in charge of our whole lives. And I often say that you are the author of your life, and you will are, but you only have authorship over you. You don't have authorship over other people, or animals or world circumstances. The fastest way to shift our lives is to shift our inner lives. Does that make sense? And surrendering to the fact that there is a divine plan at play, and that all you have to do is surrender to it in order to live your fullest expression of life is freedom. Michael singer also writes, I just kept letting go. Practicing non resistance, whether I liked what was happening or not. Is this easy? No. Anybody who has lived more than 10 seconds knows that this is not easy, though it does get easier with time. But practicing non resistance does several things. First, it keeps us in the moment, which is always good to be present. It allows us to feel our feelings, but also feel past them into that soul level space that the best choices come from. And it also reinforces our faith that everything is happening for our highest good and the highest good of those around us. Non resistance preserves our energy for higher vibrational things. And that's pretty awesome because where attention flows, energy goes. And non resistance brings about a lot of inner peace. Because we aren't railing against anything that doesn't go according to our plans, or our moral compass, or our way of viewing the world. Does this make sense? You all know that I love me some clean skincare, and one of my favorite brands of all time for clean skincare is living libations. Their carefully crafted creations are innovations of exquisite quality that celebrate the lifeforce energy of people, plants, and the planet. Every single component of a libation is a bioactive botanical ingredient. There opulent oils, essential oils and fusions. An elegant extracts are highly concentrated and formulated with the focus of feeling good in the skin you are en. for over 30 years they have nurtured personal relationships with artisan distillers and family farmers across the planet. To secure authentic oils and extracts that are purely and fairly produced. They can trace the source of every single ingredient they use. Living libations is among the purest skincare lines on Earth on Earth. I interviewed the founder Nadine artibus, in Episode 81 of this podcast, and she created a sacred range of products from skincare to haircare to oral care, and all of them are absolutely incredible. Just read the reviews. But if you are new to the line start with their best skin ever seabuckthorn cleansing oil, you can cleanse with it and moisturize with it and it will transform your skin. I also use their rose glow complexion mist, the rose glow serum and the all seeing opulent eye cream. I use their Jai baby oil on my son and I have since he was born and I love, love, love their new Raven mascara. It's a clean mascara that works so well stays on all day and wipes off easily at night. It's incredible. And it's totally clean, totally clean. I could go on and on about all of the incredible products that they create. I own most of their line and love it, but I'm gonna let you find out firsthand. So go to living libations.com/jaclyn Steele to receive 12% off your entire order that is living libations.com/jaclyn Steele you are going to flip over how Incredible this line is the details and the discount are also in the episode show notes. This episode is powered by an FDA Pathy. Did you know that you can program your water with electromagnetic signals that heal and nourish your body naturally while you can within properties I sees and complexes. In fact, I used one today just about an hour ago. Here's how it works. You take a glass or a bottle of high quality water and place it on one of their devices. They're all online you can see which one you want to purchase. I personally love the glowing icy pad. And then after you place your water on this device, you choose the ice or complex you want to use and then click program. The device will do its thing and you will literally have healing water when the program is finished. Usually just a couple of minutes, and far Pathy literally has 1000s of healing complexes to choose from. It's so wild, you can program your water for reproductive health, hormone health, mental health, digestive health etc. You can also program the water with cell salts, herbs, flower essences, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, and more. This technology is cutting edge and in far Pathy is adding more ICs and complexes to their library all the time. It's so incredibly exciting. And it's all available with your phone. And one of these devices for more information visit and FAPA thi.com. That's infop@hy.com and use code Jacqueline 10, for 10% off of your order again, that's in FAPA thi.com. And code Jacqueline 10 for 10% off links and codes are also in the shownotes. Next, Michael singer says Could it really be so hard to just let it rain when it rains? And be sunny when it's sunny? without complaining about it? In my commentary here is yes. The advantage of surrender, my beautiful friends and listeners is that you preserve so much golden energy for things that are important. By surrendering to what is let me bring this back into the heart of my current experience. Okay. So I've shared this month that I lost my dog, my precious dog Pippin at the end of March. And it's fresh for me. Do I want her back? Of course I do. I'd like to say a swear word and yes after it. But non resistance asks me to come to terms with the fact that she isn't coming back to me in the physical form I know her to be in. That doesn't mean her soul doesn't live on. Or that I won't see her again, I know I will see her again. I without a doubt believe that. But in this lifetime, that 12 year chapter with Pippin, as I have known her has shifted. It's changed. It's ended. Pippin is living on the other side of the veil. And surrendering to that not only gives me a sense of peace, because it helps me to come to terms with reality. But it frees up energy for me to actually feel her presence and speak to her and know that she can hear me this surrender this non resistance. It's been a portal to the Divine for me, it's a portal to the other side, the eternal perfect all knowing all powerful heavenly side that we will all return to someday. If we rail against what has happened, and I'm not saying you can't feel angry, or you shouldn't feel angry, you shouldn't feel all the things. We should feel all the things. But at some point when we are ready and we start practicing non attachment, it frees up so much space that like I just mentioned, it's a portal to the divine. Is surrender hard. Yeah. But does it have some serious advantages? Most definitely. Yes. So now the question is, how do we surrender? And I've touched on this, but Michael singer writes it beautifully. He says, By that stage of growth, I could see that the practice of surrender was actually done in two very distinct steps. First, you let go The personal reactions of like and dislike that form inside your mind and heart. And second, with the resultant sense of clarity, you simply look to see what is being asked of you by the situation unfolding in front of you. What would you be doing if you weren't being influenced by the reactions of like or dislike, following that deeper guidance will take your life in a very different direction from where your preferences would have led you. That is the clearest, I can explain my surrender experiment. And it became the foundation of both my spiritual and worldly life. I'm going to read part of that again, because I think it's so important, I could see that the practice of surrender was actually done in two very distinct steps. First, he let go of the personal reactions of like and dislike that form inside your mind and heart. And second, with the resultant sense of clarity, you simply look to see what is being asked of you by the situation and unfolding in front of you. What would you be doing if you weren't being influenced by the reactions of like or dislike following that deeper guidance will take your life in a very different direction from where your preferences would have led you. That is the clearest, I can explain my surrender experiment. And it became the foundation of both my spiritual and worldly life, friends. So this is what I'm learning. And this is what I want to bring you in on as I'm learning it partially in real time. But sometimes what is best for us is not allowing our feelings to dictate our reactions. Though, it's important to know what we are feeling we don't need to let our feelings dictate our reactions. Sometimes what is best for us is not allowing our inherent likes or dislikes to take the lead. They are often rooted in the ego and the ego does everything it can to distract us from the truth. And the truth is that we are absolutely divine beings having a human experience. And when we truly understand our divinity, we also understand that everything on this earth is temporary. And here to teach us and point us back to our oneness with the holy spirit with God with our Creator. This makes surrendering a little easier because we realize that only our divinity really matters, and that everything that is alive here, is divine, and will live on no matter what happens on this earthly plane. You cannot mess up your divinity. You cannot lose your divinity. No matter what. We all end up in heaven. That's the ending. I just spoiled it for you. You are going to be reunited with your Creator and it's going to be beyond spectacular. This is the way of surrender my friends. This path of non resistance leads us home a little faster because we aren't fully billing for wobbling Verbling over the things we never had control over in the first place. I love you all so much. And I want to end this month and the theme of the month surrender with this question. What can you surrender to today? And what about surrendering to that will shift your life for the better. Thank you so much for listening. And I'll connect with you next week. Y'all. I don't know what I was thinking we still have one more week this month. Again, I'm kind of not myself as I'm writing and recording these episodes because of just everything that's happening in my life. So please forgive me we do have one more episode and I look so forward to sharing with you because it's some really juicy information. Okay, for real this time. Love you guys. Hope you have an awesome day and we'll connect next week.