Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
The ULTIMATE form of guidance
The lie we are taught to believe by the ego is that the unknown is the most dangerous thing ever, but that is an illusion. The unknown - the space where Spirit inhabits and teaches us and guides us is actually the safest most whole, w-h-o-l-e, place ever. This is where true forgiveness exists. Where perfection lives. Where unconditional love covers us like the coziest blanket ever. And this unknown is also how we are divinely guided. We cannot be divinely guided, my friends, if our egos are holding a self-made road map.
The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele
I'm excited about today's episode. I feel like it's so juicy. Welcome. This is the self worth podcast with me, Jaclyn Steele, for those of you have been listening for a long time. Thank you. I'm so glad you're back for those of you that are new welcome, welcome. This month, we've been talking about all kinds of things grief loss, surrender. And, yeah, I'm glad you're here. It's hard to believe that April is almost over and our month of talking about surrender is almost at an end. But here we are. Before I launch into today's content, which is the ultimate form of guidance, I want to invite you to participate in a few things. One being my newsletter, the scoop, you can sign up for it in the show notes or on my website, Jaclyn steele.com. It is meant to be a breath of fresh air and your inbox it comes out once a month, the first Wednesday of every month. It has this gorgeous PDF that you can download and print with questions with the book of the month, the theme of the month, the song of the month. And it is just beautiful. Which now that we're in week four, I realized I didn't share the song of the month on the radio on the radio. On the podcast, I shared the book of the month, which is the surrender experiment, but I didn't share the song of the mind. Ah, well, just goes to show you when you're going through grief and all kinds of other things you don't always have your head on straight, but hey, at least I created the podcast episodes and recorded them and got them out. The song of the month though, is by Ben Rector. And the song of the month this month. If you are signed up for the newsletter, then you will know is follow you by Ben Rector to super happy song despite some of the sadness that I've been feeling and expressing this month. So follow you by Ben Rector. And if it'd be off chance that I forget to mention that in future months, well, you will know it if you sign up for my newsletter of this group. You are also invited to join my text message community sacred rebel affirmations, I send these out a couple times a week, they're just divine pings that I get that I want to share with you guys. So they're free. And they're meant to just uplift you and elevate your day, you can sign up for them or opt in for them by texting 480-531-6858 That's 480-531-6858 And then just type the word sacred sh c ra D, and you'll automatically be opted in to receive these love notes from me. Lastly, you have been enjoying the podcast, please leave a review for it wherever you are listening to it. Reviews are kind of everything in the podcast world. So I would super appreciate it. And I read every review. And yeah, I know that they take time and effort to write. So thank you in advance. As a little review of our content this month, we've been talking about surrender. We've talked about loss and grief. And that life wants to give you what you want, if you get out of your own way, with clear advantage of surrender and how to actively do it. And today we are going to chat about the ultimate form of guidance, which can really only be accessed if we are willing to surrender. Last week I mentioned that the format of this episode is a little bit like a preacher not that I'm preaching at you because I am not. But it is one of those formats where essentially instead of reading from the Bible, I'm reading from the book the surrender experiment and then sharing my commentary. So it's a little back and forth, slightly different template than I normally do. But here it goes. In the book, the surrender experiment, Michael singer says all the events that had unfolded so far in my experiment with surrender had shown me that the more I was willing to let go of the inner noise created by my personal likes and dislikes, the more I could see subtle synchronicities and what was unfolding around me, these unexpected concurrences of events were like messages from life gently nudging me in the direction she was going. I listened to the subtle nudges instead of listening to the not so subtle mental and emotional reactions caused by my personal preferences. This is how I practiced surrender in everyday life. And the purpose of all these stories is to share with you the perfection of the journey that unfolded. As a side note, I'm sitting outside so if you hear birds are buzzing, it's just the outside world. Okay, so how beautiful is that? Life or the Holy Spirit or the divine or the universe? It's totally perfect. totally perfect, unconditionally loving and in full support of us living our lives to the fullest. Michael talks about how when he got over his inherent likes or dislikes and started paying attention to what was happening on a deeper level, he was surrounded by synchronicities. This episode is supported by one of my favorite companies ever. Parker clay. Parker clay is a sustainable leather goods brand that provides dignified employment to at risk women in Ethiopia. At Parker clay, every single good you purchase provides hours of empowerment to these incredible women and their families. Your purchase is literally changing lives. In addition to changing lives, you will be getting some of the highest quality sustainably sourced leather goods on the market. Parker clay has amazing leather tote bags like the signature Mercado tote, backpacks, weekenders, journals, belts, passport wallets and so much more. A few of my favorite products include the Mercado signature tote, I have it in three colors, the mauri backpack, which I have used as a diaper bag, and as a work bag. And the Napa handbag which has so many beautiful zipper pockets, it's just so handy. I have collected much of their line over the last few years and I have been impressed with every single piece. I especially love that Parker clay products get even better over time. The leather is such a high quality and you can feel that quality as soon as you see it and touch it to empower women and Ethiopia with your money and to empower your closet. Purchase a gorgeous leather good that will last a lifetime from Parker clay go to Parker clay.com. And use code PC dash Jaclyn s 15 for 15% off your purchase. That is Parker clay.com and code PC dash Jaclyn s 15. For 15% off your purchase, you will love everything you buy on their site, I know I do. All the details, and the coupon are in the show notes. Michaels speaks in the language of likes and dislikes and mental and emotional reactions. And I think this language is valuable. But for me, I understand it as our ego self, or little self versus our soul, self or higher self. So roll with me on this for a little bit. The nature of the ego is to keep us small. It's the voice that flares up when an amazing opportunity arises. And it tells you that you weren't good enough. It doesn't want to risk failure. It doesn't want you to expand and change because that expansion and change make the ego feels threatened. Your highest heeled self essentially means death to the ego. So the ego is going to do everything it can to keep you as quote safe, and quote small as possible. And when we make decisions from our ego space, they are not surrendering decisions. These are what Michael says are the likes and dislikes that we have. These are decisions made out of fear and made out of self preservation. However, when we make decisions from our higher self space, the space that is directly connected to the Holy Spirit to the Divine, to the All Knowing to the oneness that is the truth of who we are. We are able to make really brave, expansive decisions that require us to surrender to the unknown. Are you with me here? The lie that we are taught to believe by the ego is that the unknown is the most dangerous thing ever. But my friends, that's an illusion. The unknown the space where spirit and habits and teaches us and guides us is actually the safest most whole w h o l e place ever. This is where true forgiveness exists. Where perfection lives true perfection where unconditional love covers us like the cozy blanket ever. And this unknown is also how we are divinely guided. We cannot be divinely guided my friends if our egos are holding up a self made roadmap. Now, I'm not saying don't have goals or dreams or ideas that you are bringing into fruition. Those have been planted in you by the Holy Spirit for a reason. What I'm saying is be open to the way the Holy Spirit, the divine, the universe unfolds the next steps and all of life circumstances. Sometimes that call you really don't want to answer is going to shine a light in an area of darkness. Sometimes that cheesy advertisement introduces you to someone that is going to help you get to the next level in your business. Sometimes that person you have an aversion to is going to teach you a lesson that no amount of money in the world could buy. The key word here is to surrender. Surrender allows the Holy Spirit to do what the Holy Spirit does work perfectly for your highest good. Not only does this inject your life with joy, and beauty beyond the comprehension, it also as Michael singer points out, because I had inwardly surrendered each step of the way. No scars were left on my psyche, it had been like riding on water. The impressions only lasted while the events were actually taking place. Surrender makes dealing with pain and loss, and grief, infinitely easier. When we realize that there is a plan for everyone's lives, we surrender to the fact that we are not in control. And by not being in control, we can flow with what is happening in real time, railing against it, fighting against it, and fighting against what is will never get us anywhere. I love that he says, no scars were left on my psyche, it had been like riding on water. The impressions only lasted while the events were actually taking place. I take this to mean when we surrender to pain, to grief, to trauma to the unexpected. And we feel it and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us through it and heal us. We don't carry the pain of the wound forever. It's not that we won't remember the experience or ever wish it was different. But just like riding on water, there is Grace at play. And a plan that is much deeper and bigger than we can comprehend. This belief brings so much peace and acceptance. I think of my dog Pippin. And I wish with every fiber of my being that she was still here. I want what happened to not have happened. I want her to be in my lap while I'm writing this and sharing this with you guys. But the reality is she is not. And because I have accepted that I don't like it. But because I have accepted it. And I've surrendered to the grief. The Holy Spirit has been moving. I feel myself walking through grief in a way I never have before. Where I would normally blame myself. I'm learning that I can give myself grace, where I would normally judge myself. I'm feeling such love and compassion and where I would normally flare my ego and want to show the world that I was okay despite my sorrow. I'm feeling such softness and divine vulnerability. Michael singer writes, perhaps change only takes place when there is sufficient reason to overcome the inertia of everyday life. challenging situations create the force needed to bring about change. The problem is that we generally use all the stirred up energy intended to bring about change, to resist change it's no secret that I have Hashimotos thyroiditis I've spoken about it openly on this podcast and on social media. And while this condition may seem like a pain, there are so many solutions to bringing Hashimotos back into balance. And one of those ways is through Paloma at home the thyroid testing, it could not be easier. You purchase a kit. They send it to your home, you do a simple finger prick test and mail it back. Results are then emailed to you after they receive your test kit back and process it. I got tested via Paloma and at my doctor's office in the same week while I was pregnant and the results were the exact same except for one difference. The cost. The Paloma test is only$99 This kit can test your TSH T four T three TPO and even your vitamin D and reverse T three. So if you are experiencing unexpected weight gain brain fog joint stiffness, hair loss, exhaustion, dry skin constipation or any other symptoms associated with thyroid dysregulation. Try Paluma they are Amazing to order your at home kit now go to Paloma health.com and use code Jaclyn J AC Lyn for $30 off your first at home test kit, that is Paloma health.com and code Jacqueline for $30 off your first at home test kit, all the details are in the show notes. I could fight this change this loss of my precious dog. And I understand how many of you might think I am justified in doing so. But what I'm learning is, there's so much learning in grief, there's so much learning and pain and sorrow and all the fullness of the experiences of life. But so often, we are so busy fighting the change, that we lose sight of the lessons, oh, I'm gonna read that again. So often, we are so busy fighting the change that we lose sight of the lessons. And I don't want to do that anymore. I've done that. I don't want to do it anymore. It hasn't served me in the past. And I want to do things differently this time around. And this surrender to my grief has again, allowed me to commune with the Spirit. In such a beautiful way. I felt the presence of my sweet Pip. I felt it every single day since she's been gone from this earthly plane. Her soul, her beautiful, beautiful soul lives on. It's just her earthly body that has been shed. And that sweet earthly body was aging and had painful knee joints. And she had lost almost all of her teeth. She is now perfectly restored with no pain. But I wouldn't know that if I had focused my attention on resisting this change that occurred. Instead of quieting my heart and tuning in to what the Holy Spirit was sharing with me, is this making sense? Michael says following that deeper guidance will take your life in a very different direction from where your preferences would have led you. If I only listened to myself, to my own preferences, I will be blaming myself for everything that has ever happened in my life. My personal ego takes responsibility for everything, everything big or small. It keeps me doubting myself, it keeps me in shame and guilt. And it keeps me small, y'all I called this podcast self worth because for much of my life, I struggled with low self worth. I know what it feels like to feel small. And I don't want anyone to feel like that. But this way of surrender this brave way of surrender the way of the Holy Spirit. It teaches us that we are pure and blameless. And that nothing we could ever do can separate us from the love of God, from our Creator. Like nothing, and that every living creature has an eternal soul, and that we will all be reunited in the end. My personal preference. I know so many of you can relate to this is to have life go my way. But what is best for my soul's expansion in this lifetime, is to trust that everything I encounter is a portal to a higher level of understanding. And despite my ego, I have experienced these portals too many times now not to believe in them. They are what I know to be absolutely true. As true as is the fact that my eyes are reading words I've written and my mouth is communicating them into a microphone and your ears are hearing them right now. Life is really hard sometimes. And this earthly experience can leave us feeling broken. But so often in that brokenness, if we let it spirit enters and asks, Do you want me to heal you can help you become more expanded than ever, my love. But we won't hear this invitation. If we are putting all of our energy into fighting change, or fighting the reality of what is Michael says, I was gradually learning that life was not as fragile as that voice in my head would have me believe. I love this. This is so beautiful. And why is it so beautiful? Because if life is not as fragile as the voice in your head would have you believe, then neither are you. You are strong. You can face hard things. You can move through grief and sorrow and pain. You can experience the fullness of joy and happiness without waiting for the other shoe to drop. You can experience all the things and choose not to rail against them or numb out or distract yourself out. By surrendering to what is you move into the fullness of what awaits you to the divinity of who you are, and the invitation to expand your soul just a little more, one breath at a time, heartbeat by heartbeat. Michael singer says, I had clearly seen that it was this scared person inside of me who was holding me back from where I so desperately wanted to go. I needed to be free of him. My question for you is, do you want to be free of that ego holding you back from where you so desperately want to go? Then surrender. Trust your Higher Self instead of your ego self. Ask Spirit for guidance. And I promise you, it will come. Trust fall into the arms of your Creator and watch the magic that unfolds. The ability to choose this way of life already exists in you. You were born with it and want to end as I always do, this month and this theme of surrender with a question. Wouldn't it feel nice to have divine guidance every minute of every day? You can have that? All you have to do is ask for it and surrender to what happens next.