Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
8 Ways to Manage Your Stress Naturally
There is a lot of stress in our world. In fact, I have observed that stress is such a common way of being that many people don't even realize that they are operating out of stress on a daily basis. This month, we are going to bring awareness to our stress, it's triggers, and it's antidotes. We weren't meant to live out of stress, we are meant to live out of joy, so if that sounds good to you, then join me today as I expand upon 8 ways to manage your stress naturally.
Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist
"Heaven is Everywhere" by Johnnyswim
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele
Hello friends, and welcome to self worth. If I sound a little nasally, I definitely have some allergies going on. So sorry about that I'm just going to push through. As I shared this past month in our theme of surrender the month of April, I lost my precious dog Pippin. And grief is such a tricky beast. And when it comes, it also adds stress, a lot of it. So as we enter the month of May, I want to share that our theme will be centered around stress management. How good does that feel to think about managing our stress and being at the wheel of our lives instead of our lives controlling us. And with that, before I share the song of the month and the book of the month, a few housekeeping things. My newsletter the scoop comes out the first Wednesday of every month. It is such a high vibe piece of mail. And it is a downloadable PDF with a theme of the month and other things to help you dive deeper into that theme and keep you on track. keep me on track. I also have a q&a section. If you guys want to ask questions, I have special discount codes for super high vibe products. And it's yeah, a breath of fresh air in your inbox. So you can sign up for that newsletter in the show notes below or by going to Jaclyn steele.com You are also invited to join my text message community, sacred rebel affirmations. I love this group. I love being able to connect with you guys one on one. It's kind of like a Facebook group, but more personal because it's all through text message and it's not group messaging, it goes just to you. You can sign up for these free messages that I send out several times a week by opting in, and texting 480-531-6858. That's 480-531-6858 and then type in the word sacred, you will automatically be added and will be able to connect. Lastly, if you've been enjoying this podcast, please leave me a review. Wherever you are listening to it reviews are everything in the podcast world. And I'd love to hear from you. I read every one. So today, eight ways to manage your stress naturally. Before we begin, let's just take a couple of deep breaths let it go. Let your angst go. Let your worries go. Let your stress go. Like whatever was bothering you a few minutes ago go. And with this inhale, bring in some freshness, bring in some high vibrational energy, bring in some openness to receive this information I'm about to share. Get back into the present. Okay. So in the month of May, we're talking about stress management. Our song of the month is heaven is everywhere by one of my favorite bands of all time Johnny swim. And our book of the month is a book I read years ago. And it just felt so appropriate for this month. And it's Present Over Perfect by Shannon Nyquist. Highly recommend this book. If you are struggling with stress management, perfectionism, managing your time, it's a great one. Not only have I been feeling extra measures of stress, but most of my friends have to I don't know if you guys are feeling this. But generally when I'm feeling something, I'm also feeling it for others, because we're all connected. And I'm sure you're the same way. So I'm sure you are feeling this and I'm sure your friends are feeling it too. And we also live in a society that's just moving so fast. Maybe this is a season of growth for all of us. But I have felt deep down that addressing stress and how to manage it would just be super, super helpful. For all of us just seems like something that's very necessary and timely right now. So here are a few benefits of bringing awareness to the stress in your life and managing it well. You're going to sleep better. You're going to have increased energy, because you get energy back when you aren't expending it on stress and worry. You're going to think more clearly and make better decisions. You'll have more space for joy and fun. And huge bonus overall increased health overall increased health I recently went to the doctor And I am going to have my hormones checked again. And I was telling her what was going on in sharing a couple of my concerns, past blood tests, you know, just all of the stuff that you're supposed to do periodically. And she said, you know, Jacqueline, overall, you are extremely healthy. And I think everything that you're describing all relates to stress, you have too much stress in your life. So stress affects our bodies on a cellular level. And managing stress well, will increase our health and longevity. So you get the picture. managing stress is key to living a self worth filled life. So let's get into it. I want to share eight ways to manage your stress naturally. These are things that in my experience, when I do them regularly, really, really alleviate my stress when I feel like I'm spiraling. So number one, bring awareness to your stress. So often in life, we can eliminate, or at least head off negative low vibrational emotions by just bringing awareness to them and acknowledging what we're feeling. What is stressing you out? Why is it stressing you out? Why did you allow this into your life? Is there a subconscious reason? You stay so busy? Are you running from something? Do you feel inadequate, and make up for it by trying to be an appear Uber productive? I know that has been my Achilles heel at times, is the pressure you put on yourself rooted in insecurity around not being enough? Gosh, I know so much of my stress is I put so much dang pressure on myself to be all the things and chances are you do too. I want to be an excellent mom, and an excellent wife and an excellent businesswoman and an excellent friend and excellent spiritual practitioner. We so often are putting pressure on ourselves on the subconscious level because it distracts us from our feelings of inadequacy. Hmm, I'm gonna read that again. We so often are putting pressure on ourselves on the subconscious level because it distracts us from our feelings of inadequacy. But I have news for you. You are already adequate. Ne You are amazing and amazingly adequate. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. So yeah. bring awareness to your stress. Why is it something you are carrying with you regularly? I know for me, it's a deep seated fear that I will not measure up, that my life will be wasted or worse yet a disappointment. But here's the truth. You are loved so deeply by your Creator, that there is nothing you could do to fall out of favor, nothing. We all end up in heaven in the end, and we will all be given multiple chances. Now that doesn't mean you shouldn't do your best in this lifetime. But it does, however mean that you don't need to stress about this lifetime and put so much stress and pressure on yourself and that feeling of rushing can take it all away, you can let it all go. bring awareness to your stress and why it's there and what it's rooted in. That's number one. It's no secret that I have Hashimotos thyroiditis I've spoken about it openly on this podcast and on social media. And while this condition may seem like a pain, there are so many solutions to bringing Hashimotos back into balance. And one of those ways is through Paloma at home the thyroid testing, it could not be easier. You purchase a kit. They send it to your home, you do a simple finger prick test and mail it back. Results are then emailed to you after they receive your test kit back and process it. I got tested via Paloma and at my doctor's office in the same week while I was pregnant and the results were the exact same except for one difference. The cost. The Paloma test is only$99 This kit can test your TSH T four T three TPO and even your vitamin D and reverse T three. So if you are experiencing unexpected weight gain brain fog, joint stiffness, hair loss, exhaustion, dry skin constipation or any other symptoms associated with thyroid dysregulation. Try Paluma they are amazing. To order your at home kit now go to Paloma health.com and use code Jaclyn J AC l weigh in for $30 off your first at home test kit that is Paloma health.com and code Jacqueline for $30 off your first at home test kit all the details are in the show notes. Number two, Nick's ne overthinking Nick's name overthinking when we are in a stress spiral, say stress spiral a few times.
Unknown:It's definitely a tongue, tongue twirler or whatever that's
Jaclyn Steele:called. But when we are in a stress Brian spiral, we tend to think that we can think our way out of it. However, this generally just burns more energy and leaves us even further and deeper into the stress hole. So next day overthinking by changing your state, your physical state, go to dinner, talk to a friend, take a walk, dance to some music, read a book, get out of the house, toss the ball to your dog, literally shift your physical energy, get out of the seat, you're in, get out of the position you're in, move around, change your state. This opens up space for new thought. New Thought brings possibilities that you may not have considered before. We so often think that if we just focus hard enough, we can solve anything. But really, it's in letting go that the best answers come through. When you take the pressure off, you can get into flow, right? I know you guys have experienced that before. And overthinking stops the flow, it's the bottleneck. So breathe, enjoy a bath, eat a great meal, do something nice for yourself. Whatever you do, just stop overthinking it for a bit, and have faith that the answer will arise, then continue to have faith and give it a little time. Another cool tactic here is to keep a piece of paper by your bed. Write out your issue, or what is stressing you out before bed and ask for an answer to help you solve this issue. It's amazing what our subconscious minds do in our sleep. Just recently, I did this and I was flooded with answers at around 3am. God is so magical friends, and our three dimensional world does not give God enough credit. There are forces all around you working on your behalf. But thinking you can do everything alone, leaves no room for the magic to show up. So create that space. ixnay overthinking number three, focus on what you can control. stoic philosophy has helped me through some really difficult things. health scares, financial uncertainty, fear during monumental life changes like having a baby. And the basis of stoic philosophies that there are two categories in life things that are in our control and things that are not. And the truth is that the list of things that are in our control is very short. It's very alarmingly short. Okay. It's basically ourselves in our mindset. So with that in mind, what can I control when I'm feeling stressed out? Me? That's it. I can't control anyone else, or any outside circumstances. But I can shift my own mindset. And my own perspective, what if that thing you are worrying about actually turns out to be wonderful? What if it's been delayed, because there is going to be a piece of information coming, that totally changes the whole thing, and you would have wasted your time otherwise, would have that thing that appears to be a problem is actually going to be the biggest blessing of your life. I remember when I was diagnosed with Hashimotos and August of 2020. And when I got the diagnosis, I was devastated. And I was scared and I was so confused. I was thinking I take such good care of myself, how could this happen to me? Well, I also was diagnosed around the time that my husband and I were seriously starting to talk about having a baby. Had I not been diagnosed and then treated if would have been a heck of a lot harder for me to get pregnant because my hormones would have been dysregulated. But because I was diagnosed and treated it quickly and started doing the work to heal. About eight months later, I was pregnant, and I had the most beautiful baby boy, that is the light of my whole world. Again, there are forces working on your behalf. 24/7 when you tell them what you want, trust that this thing is happening for you, not to you, and focus on what you can control and let the rest go. So focus on what you can control. Number four, bring love into the equation. And I love this one. Everything is better with love everything. Are you remodeling a house like I am? Did you bring it down to the studs like I did? Is it costing a lot of money like mine is or send love with every payment? Right love onto the walls before they're painted. Give love to all who enter and work on it. Do you feel stressed about your weight? Add on some love to yourself and some grace for not measuring up to a standard that you set for yourself that is probably impossibly high. Are you feeling stressed about work? Add love to it. Bring in aromatherapy after lunch. Give yourself some time to make your coffee just like you like it. So when you sit down to work you have something pleasurable with you. Are you having difficulty in your relationship? Add love to it. Give more of what you want to receive. Be a little extra understanding. Just do the dishes so they don't have to add love and watch your world open up like a flower. And I guarantee you the more love and grace you give to yourself, the easier it will be to extend that love and grace to others and vice versa. The more you extend love and grace to others, the easier it will be to give it to yourself how beautiful the way that works. bring love into the equation and pour it on everything this episode is supported by one of my favorite companies ever. Parker clay Parker clay is a sustainable leather goods brand that provides dignified employment to at risk women in Ethiopia. At Parker clay every single good you purchase provides hours of empowerment to these incredible women and their families. Your purchase is literally changing lives. In addition to changing lives, you will be getting some of the highest quality sustainably sourced leather goods on the market. Parker clay has amazing leather tote bags like the signature Mercado tote, backpacks, weekenders, journals, belts, passport wallets and so much more. A few of my favorite products include the Mercado signature tote, I have it in three colors. The Mari backpack which I have used as a diaper bag, and as a work bag, and the Napa handbag which has so many beautiful zipper pockets, it's just so handy. I have collected much of their line over the last few years and I have been impressed with every single piece. I especially love that Parker clay products get even better over time. The leather is such a high quality and you can feel that quality as soon as you see it and touch it to empower women in Ethiopia with your money and to empower your closet. Purchase a gorgeous leather good that will last a lifetime from Parker clay go to Parker clay.com. And use code PC dash Jacqueline s 15 for 15% off your purchase. That is Parker clay.com and code PC dash Jacqueline s 15 for 15% off your purchase. You will love everything you buy on their site. I know I do. All the details and the coupon are in the show notes. Number five in our eight ways to manage your stress naturally, move it out. Dance it out. Massage it out, make love it out, work it out, lift weights it out, walk it out, journal it out, get it out. Stress gets lodged in our bodies. It's like a log holding up the water flow in a creek. Move that issue out and it has to be physical. Move that gorgeous body and then pay attention to how you feel after and bonus points for visualizing your stress leaving your body as you move. You are the master of your domain. If you don't want stress hanging around in there, then move it out. Number six, get grounded. This is a big one. Sit comfortably. Place your hand on your heart and ask what do you need from me right now? Sometimes our stress is pointing to something important. Maybe your inner child was triggered and it needs a little love. Maybe a past trauma is begging to be released so it keeps poking you. Maybe you are being positioned to finally forgive that person you thought unforgivable. And that emotion is literally choking you right now. With your hand over your heart, ask and stay quiet enough that you can listen. I find the answer generally bubbles up pretty quickly, but if not, give it time. Maybe journal and let your subconscious pour out and continue to ground. What makes you feel grounded? Meditation, movement, church reading, do the things that make you feel at ease inside regularly. You don't need permission and you don't need circumstances to be perfect. Just do the things that ground you get grounded. Okay, number seven. Rest, nourish supplement. Y'all when I have crossed over my stress threshold, my whole body feels it. It feels like my body lights on fire. And when this happens, I know it. I know it. And I get frustrated with myself. However, I'm learning to forgive myself quickly. And then focus on what I can control. Am I sleeping enough? Last month? No, I did not sleep enough. I was in such grief that affected my sleep. Take into consideration all you are facing in life. Maybe eight hours isn't enough right now. Rest when you are tired and be gentle with yourself. I can't stress this enough. I have done the opposite pretty much my entire life. And while I am healthy it has taken a toll. Nourish What are you eating? Food carries frequency friends and whole foods are high vibe. Packaged dead foods are low vibe. Do you want to deal with stress more effectively, eat well and be mindful of your caffeine intake and your sugar intake and then supplement recently because I have been experiencing more stress than usual. I've been taking some from Banyan Botanicals. And I'm taking some adrenal herbs that they have that have been so incredibly helpful. And then I'm also taking a hormone and PMS support vitamin from J S Health I love her vitamins as well. And I'm NOT an affiliate for these companies. I just really love these vitamins and they have helped me very naturally manage stress without getting on any kind of medication. These herbs are super powerful. Both of these companies Bonnin botanicals, and JSW health vitamins have concoctions for specific needs like adrenal health, which I'm struggling with right now. And when you're stressed out regularly, chances are your adrenal glands need some love. Like I mentioned, I also really like the hormone and PMS support supplement that I've been taking from JPS health because I have had awful anxiety around my period recently, due to having some hormone dysregulation after having my baby. Most of the advice in today's episode is around stress management that's geared toward mindset, right? But giving our physical bodies what they need is extremely important. Our mindset is such a giant piece of stress management, it is the most important piece, but giving our bodies what they need is almost just as important. It is what will allow you to get to that next level of stress management when you address both. I also just as an aside, like I mentioned, I do have blood tests regularly to monitor my hormones and organ functions. And I do this to keep an eye on my health of course, but also because our hormones have so much to do with the way we feel mood wise and anxiety is so often rooted in hormone dysregulation. I know depression can be rooted in hormone dysregulation and nutrient deficient See, and so knowing where we're at inside our bodies is a really helpful clue to understand why things are the way that they are. And when we are balanced, we feel it. So if you are feeling out of balance, get a blood test and then go from there. It's worth it to have a baseline and workup. So rest nourish supplement. And the last way number eight, to manage your stress naturally, is to have a morning routine that fills your cup. Nothing sets us up for stress, like going from a sleeping state into a doing state immediately. This causes adrenaline, and then it causes a cortisol spike, and has us amped all day or all morning and then it eventually we crash. And I've done this so much over the last year since having my son you know, late nights and early mornings surprise wake ups have really gotten me out of my morning routine that I have stuck to since I was like 16 years old. And when I go from sleeping to doing immediately, it always shows up in the rest of my day. When I'm in my routine. And I have that morning routine. I'm proactive and ready to face the day. And when I'm not in my routine, I'm reactive and not ready to take on the day. So what does a nourishing morning routine look like for you. You can make it super personal for whatever works for you. Mine involves meditation, reading, journaling, my 11 dreams, I write them every morning and moving my body. This sets me up to be excited about the rest of the day because my mind is in an elevated state. I'm proactive, not reactive. And when I don't have this routine, I feel like I'm playing defense for the rest of the day. Morning Routine is all my friends. As I wrap up today's episode, I want to ask you this. Why are you stressed and get really honest with yourself. Is it something you can eliminate and subconsciously choose not to partake in? Or is this a time period that is just more crunched than normal? Awareness is key. Thank you so much for listening. And I cannot wait to share all of the other information that I have for you guys this month. It is chock full of goodness and love and intentional thought. So much love to you today.