Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
5 reasons forgiving yourself will shift everything
Last week we chatted about forgiving others to reduce stress and today we are going to shift the focus of forgiveness onto ourselves. Here are 5 reasons why forgiving yourself will shift your life for the better.
"Heaven is Everywhere" by Johnnyswim
Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist
The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele
Hello, and welcome to episode 161 of self worth with Jaclyn Steele. I'm so glad that you're here we're talking about stress management this month. The song of the month is heaven is everywhere by Johnny swim, and the Book of the Month is Present Over Perfect by Shauna Nyquist. Before I dive in to five reasons for giving yourself will shift everything. And this content is so important if I say so myself. So if you're listening right now, you're here for a reason. But before I do that couple business things. My newsletter comes out once a month, it's so high vibe, and it is geared toward lifting you up. It's called the scoop, you can sign up for it in the show notes. You can also sign up for it at Jaclyn steele.com. It's got super high vibe products in there with special discounts for you guys. Lots of inspirational content, a downloadable PDF so that you can go deeper into the content that I'm sharing each month. Yeah, it's good stuff. You're also invited to join my text, message community sacred rebel affirmations if you haven't already, we are growing daily. This is a beautiful community, I send out text messages couple times a week, maybe three times a week. And they're just channeled messages that I'm feeling are really important for all of us to be centered around. And they're meant to uplift you to be a breath of fresh air in your day, you can join by texting 480-531-6858. Again, that's 480-531-6858 and then type in the word sacred. You can also sign up in the show notes below, there's a link. And lastly, if you've been enjoying this podcast, then please leave a review wherever you are listening. All right, so far this month, we have talked about eight ways to manage your stress naturally, how to go from stressful to stress less with a stress list. That was one of my favorite episodes probably that I've ever done, why forgiveness is imperative to stress management. And today, we are going to chat five reasons why forgiving yourself will shift everything. In last week's episode, I went into a fair amount of depth about forgiving others, and why it's so important in terms of healing and ushering peace into your life. I highly recommend listening to that, because it really lays the foundation for why forgiveness is the answer to so much of our suffering. And with that foundation in mind, I want to talk today about the importance of forgiving yourself. Now, you may not feel like you have a need to forgive yourself. Maybe you are really satisfied with the way your life is going and the decisions that you've made. And I honestly hope that that is the case, I want that for you. However, if you do struggle with guilt, shame, self doubt, fear, anger, and any other low vibrational emotions that prevent you from really embodying the amazingness of who you are, then this episode is for you. I mentioned last week that I'm reading the book, The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard. This book goes into depth about forgiveness, and Jesus and how the Holy Spirit wants to bring us back to Jesus through the healing of our minds. And I'm finding the book to be pretty revolutionary and life changing. It is not a religious book. It is a relationship book. It is about communal connection with the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit Jesus, however you want to label it, I highly recommend reading it. If you do feel called again, it's called The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard. And it is linked in the show notes. And in this book, it talks about how we as humans are direct extensions of God. God created us. Therefore we are literally made in the image of God. And God, because God is perfect, cannot create anything that isn't perfect. Therefore, we are perfect. Right now. In this moment, there is nothing we can do to separate ourselves from the love of God. However, and this is where the book is pretty revolutionary. it purports that God did not actually create this earth experience we are living in that God didn't even create Earth. The reason is because God is perfect and God cannot create anything that isn't perfect. The book says that God created souls to have experiences outside of himself and along the way If we sold wondered what it would feel like to be separate from God, and because we are creationary beings, we started creating this experience of being separate from God, not actual separation, but the illusion of separation. And so we created this wild simulation we're experiencing right now, on Earth. We are souls having a human experience with this false belief that we are separate from God. But the truth is, our true selves are never separate from God. That's an impossibility. Because we are part of God, since God created us, are you with me. And in this wild simulation, or illusion, or dream that we are living in the book outlines how we come into this world with this subconscious guilt, that we have chosen separation from God. And that subconscious guilt is something we carry, and that pours over into our lives in every area until we become conscious of it, and choose to heal it. So for instance, assuming there is truth to what this book is saying, we feel innately guilty. From the time we become aware, because we feel like the decision we made to seemingly separate ourselves from God, and come to this planet was an awful decision. And we feel like we betrayed our Creator, so we feel unclean, or sinful, if you want to put a religious term to it. And then this book goes on to say, we created ourselves an ego to protect us from this guilt is this resonating guys? The ego is our false self. It loves to operate out of low vibrational frequencies like fear, guilt, doubt, shame, blame, etc. And to protect itself. The ego subconsciously projects its pain on to others. And this ego operation distracts us from ourselves. It distracts us from the truth of who we are. The ego says we are a body, we are separate. But the Holy Spirit says we are not a body. We are one with God. The ego does everything it can to protect its identity. The Holy Spirit invites us to understand that there is no such thing as an identity. Not truly, we are just living in an illusion and projecting whether you believe this or not. It's pretty interesting stuff, right? And healing takes place via the Holy Spirit, when we can see this illusion and become aware of it. And then step by step, forgive others and ourselves of the false belief that we are separate. Meaning whatever you are holding against someone, you're holding against yourself, because we are all one. Whenever someone is holding against you, they are holding against themselves. Because we are all one. If you want to heal your life, and feel inner peace, then forgiveness is a giant part of that process. Both forgiveness for others and for yourself. So here are five reasons. forgiving yourself will shift everything. Water is life, my friends, but not all water is created equal. That is why I'm so happy that this podcast is supported by natural action water technology. Natural action has many products, but today I want to talk about their portable water revitaliser That structures your water. First though, I need to address the question of what is structured water structured water is living water on a molecular level. It's more bioavailable to your body. It has electromagnetic conductivity. It has molecular coherence. It also has the ability to transduce and transmit energy information and vibrational frequencies. It's literally the sentient stage from which all life is played. And most of the water we experience in modern day society is dormant because it is denatured and treated, meaning it's far from its natural living state. Just like a freeze dried orange that's been sitting on a shelf for two years is not the same as a freshman. Structured LIVING WATER IS therapeutically invigorating on both cellular and bioenergetic levels. Natural actions portable water revitalizer structures water to make it living again, simply by running water through this unit is very fast and changes the way your water tastes and is used by your body. I personally used my portable water revitaliser throughout my entire pregnancy, and my whole family's still uses it today to hydrate with the best water possible. For bonus points, combine that portable water revitaliser to structure your water and then program it with a unit from an floppity for literal healing water for a discount, go to natural action.com and use code Jaclyn dash 10 for 10% off your portable water revitaliser. And more. Again, that's natural action.com and use code Jaclyn dash 10 for 10% off of your order. All of the details are in the show notes. Number one, the innate subconscious insecurity you feel around being who you are is just the egos way of helping you believe that you are separate that insecurity around who you are. The feeling that is opposite of having self worth is a farce. It's not real. It's rooted in self protection and furthering the illusion that we are separate from God and separate from one another. We are not separate from God, we are not separate from one another. So when those feelings of insecurity bubble up, you can say hi, ego, thank you so much for trying to protect me. I forgive you for doing so I choose to believe that I am a perfect extension of God, and that there is absolutely nothing innately wrong with me are sinful. Thank you so much for trying to protect me. I forgive you. How do you think believing this would make you feel that you are innately wonderful, a little lighter. On a day to day basis? Perhaps you think, Okay, number two. Second reason forgiving yourself will shift everything forgiving yourself, makes it a lot easier to forgive others and vice versa. I find that the people I come across who are the most judgmental of others, are also the most judgmental of themselves. And the people who hold on to grudges the longest, are also unrelenting with themselves. Do you want to undo that, than undo it? When you feel like you've messed something up, laugh it off, do what you can to make it right. And if you can't do anything to make it right, and try and do better next time. But ultimately, if we believe what this book is saying, this illusion we are living in will never ever be perfect, ever. It's not designed to be perfect. It's designed to let us mess up so we can learn and grow and heal and forgive. Does that make sense? So forgiving yourself for any perceived grievance will allow you to forgive others so much faster. Because we are all connected and we are all one. forgiving others allows you to forgive yourself. Number three, forgiving yourself will free up a whole lot of energy. ever wake up late and start beating yourself up immediately. I started to do that this morning. Once the negative self talk starts, if we allow it to keep going, it's really hard to get out of it. And before we know it, we have been parading ourselves all day, all week, all month, all year, all our lives. Do you want to turn that around? If you're still listening, I know that you do. And forgive yourself for waking up late. It happens. Obviously your body needed sleep. Maybe that's exactly what you needed, and you're beating yourself up for absolutely no reason. Those little moments when we speak negatively to ourselves for waking up late or being less than kind or skipping the gym or eating the wrong thing or forgetting to do something. Those seemingly mundane moments are amazing opportunities to practice forgiveness on a small scale. Tell yourself I'm doing my best in this moment. And I will have more opportunities in the future to choose differently. Many many more. But for now, it's no big deal. Life is not that serious. What would it feel like to speak to yourself this way? How would your daily life shift if you didn't take it so seriously? Number four, forgiving yourself creates space for new layers of healing. Healing doesn't come through hate or fear or any low frequency feelings. Healing comes through love, joy, awareness, contemplation, etc. Do you think you can experience deeper levels of healing. If you are operating out of a belief that there is something innately wrong with you, do you think you can experience these deeper levels of healing if you believe that you are less imperfect, or that you are unworthy or that you are not worthy of expansion and a healed life? No. forgiving ourselves makes room for self love, and not the kind of self love where you sit in admiration of yourself in an ego inflated way. But self love that looks like giving yourself the time and opportunity and space to prioritize your own soul in this life, self love that paves the way for forgiving others to take place because you forgiven yourself for your perceived faults, self love that gets curious about healing, and bringing more activities that create joy into your life. It's hard to create the life you want. When you are living in a cycle of self abuse. Creating a beautiful life is really hard to do if we dislike ourselves. Does that make sense? So forgiving yourself ushers in waves of space for love and higher vibrational frequencies. Today's episode is powered by in bloom. This is one of my favorite supplement companies and they offer a holistic approach to nutrition centered on physical health, mental clarity, and beauty from the inside out. They have nutrition from nature, so it's plant based, vegan, gluten free, no synthetic ingredients non GMO, sugar free, are you with me? They have essential vitamins enhancing nutrients, multiplex blends, and most of their supplements are powders. Why? Because powders are more bio available, which means they enter your blood flow and digestive systems more efficiently. They are more readily available for your body to accept and digest. And they're easy to use. They can be shaken or whisked into a liquid or blended into wellness recipes and smoothies. And the website to be in bloom has many recipes, I highly recommend checking that out. Also their ingredients are sustainably sourced. Their packaging is earth friendly, including Omni degradable, they're reusable. And they have recycled options, which is so cool. I literally have every single supplement that they have on their website. But one of the supplements that I go to regularly is their plant protein and anti stress herbal blend. I drink this almost every day. As a new mom cooking lunch is just not really an option for me right now. So making a protein shake, knowing I have something healthy and something super quick is just totally what I'm into and their protein is delicious. It satisfies your hunger. It improves your glucose levels and it feeds your body what it craves and helps combat the negative impacts of stress. It's got a green protein blend reishi mushroom, elderberry cinnamon bark, ginger, dandelion root, cocoa, I'm telling you this protein is so delicious. I mix it with almond milk and then call it a day. Again, I have every supplement that is on their website because I love to be curious and try different things. And I have enjoyed every single one also absolutely love the probiotic all right to try out to be in bloom go to to be in bloom.com and use code Jaclyn Steele 10 off for 10% off your order. Again, that is to be in bloom.com and use code Jaclyn Steele 10 off for 10% off your order. I know you will absolutely love this supplement brand. Okay, number five, forgiving yourself makes life so much more fun. Life is not nearly as serious as we think it is. My husband and I were talking about that in bed the other night. And we agreed that we both take our lives far too seriously. And we don't need to forgiving yourself for not measuring up to your impossible standards creates space for you to actually enjoy the work you're doing. I would argue it makes you more productive and the joy you feel in doing the work will create flow and that flow will create more aligned opportunities. forgiving yourself for everything will make you feel brand new. You will walk with a pep in your step like you have never experienced before. And look I'm practicing this myself right now. I am hard on myself. I've been hard on myself for as long as I can remember. And I feel like I should be farther along than I am right now. But when I look at this through the lens of forgiveness, I realized that everything I've done has led me to exactly where I am right now speaking to us through this microphone, and I love my life, I love the opportunity to be able to do the work that I'm doing. What happened in the past is also the past and I cannot go back. I can, however, choose differently in the future. Do you want to be defined by your past? Or do you want to focus on building a beautiful future? For me, it's the latter. So I'm choosing every single day, to ease up on myself and not take my life. So dang seriously, this forgiveness thing is changing me from the inside out. So in sum, the five reasons forgiving yourself will shift on everything. Number one, the innate subconscious insecurity you feel around being who you are is just the egos way of helping you believe that you are separate. And if you let go of this, it will create so much space for you on a day to day basis. There's nothing innately wrong with you, you are beautiful, you are amazing, you are loved. Number two, forgiving yourself makes it a lot easier to forgive others and vice versa. Number three, forgiving yourself will free up a whole lot of energy in your life, a whole lot of energy, forgive yourself for everything, especially the little things that build up and make you feel less than perfect. Number four, forgiving yourself creates space for new layers of healing. We can't get to those deep layers. If we're focused on the little things that we perceive were not doing right. So free up that space. So you can go layer by layer by layer and heal everything. Number five, forgiving yourself makes life so much more fun, because you're not carrying around all that toxicity and self hatred. Do you understand why this forgiveness business is so revolutionary? It's like the foundation of positive change and real self worth and healing. I want to leave you with this question. What would it feel like to forgive yourself for all your perceived shortcomings and spoiler alert, those perceived shortcomings are all ego based and keeping you in the false belief that we are separate from our perfect creator. That we are not and you are perfect as you are because you are an extension of our perfect creator. So much love and forgiveness to all of you. Thank you for listening