Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele

Doing the impossible is not impossible

Jaclyn Steele Season 4 Episode 163

Self-Belief changes everything and today we are going deep into what self-belief is, the mindset required, how to get into alignment, and then ultimately into the magic state of flow where doing the impossible becomes increasingly possible.

Do the Impossible by Jason Drees

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Light, Love, & Peace,

Jaclyn Steele

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Jaclyn Steele:

sisters, brothers listeners of all ages and stages. You are here for a reason. And this episode is super important. Welcome to self worth with Jaclyn Steele. I'm so excited. You're here it is the month of June we are halfway through 2023 already. And this month's theme is oh so timely for so many of us. If you receive the newsletter, the scoop that I send out at the first episode drop of every month, which is the first Wednesday of every month, then you already know but this month we are going all in on self belief. All in on self belief, can I get an amen? I am ready for this. I'm here for it. I'm on the edge of my seat even though I'm the one creating content. I want to shout self belief from the rooftops because this is such an important aspect of self worth. And creating immense, amazing rocket fueled progress in our lives. The song this month is the song glorious by Macklemore featuring Skylar Grey came out a few years ago and every time I listened to it, I just feel glorious. And our book this month is do the impossible by Jason Drees. Just thinking about self belief, raises my frequency. But if you've listened to this podcast before, then you already know I like to go deep on topics and self belief is one I'm just jamming on so hard right now. It is helping me to overcome so many things that have just been hanging on in my life. I've made so much progress, I've done so much work. Yet, these little things are just hanging on just irritating the nerve, so to speak. And through self belief, and this mindset work and alignment, I'm overcoming. So that's just a little, this just a little preview of what we're going to talk about today. But before we dive in, I want to announce something that I decided to do. It is zero pressure. But if you're finding these episodes helpful, and you would like to support the show, then I want to open up the opportunity for you to do that. I've been funding this podcast now for 163 Glorious episodes. And just to be transparent, it costs about $750 per month to produce and a lot of hours and a whole lot of love and energy. And I'm happy to do this because I want to share this information that has been so life affirming to me. But it would also be awesome to have a little support and not have to come out of pocket every month. And to be honest, put it on my business credit card and have a little debt, not crazy debt, but a little debt from it, it will be awesome to have some support. I also don't want to do a private podcast and charge for it because I know that there are people who really need this information. And they can't afford to spend any money on it right now. So if you feel led, I would like to invite you to donate however much money you want a month 10 bucks, maybe a little coffee money or to donate every month. And what I did was set up a Stripe account where you can either donate as a one time thing. Or if you want to support the show on a regular basis, I'm just suggesting 10 bucks month, something that hopefully would not affect your bank account really, at all, but would really just relieve some of the pressures that I have of making this show and doing it and putting all of this information out into the world. You know, I do sacred rebel affirmations. And I send those out for free. And I want you to be a part of that if that's something that you want to be a part of these texts that I send out are so joyous for me to send out because I feel like they're divine little messages. And it also costs money to send all of those out. And I don't want to charge for that stuff. Because I want you guys if you're in a place where you can afford it to still be able to get this information easily. But if you are in a place where you can afford it, I would love love, love to have the support, it would take some of the pressure off of me. If you want to do that. All the information is in the show notes and I would really appreciate it. Also, my newsletter is out once a month so full of high vibe information. A PDF it's downloadable so you can go into the show's theme of the month. deeper and deeper every single month. It's got other things on there, rituals, meditations. And if you want to sign up for that, go to Jaclyn or visit the show notes. And then I already mentioned sacred rebel affirmations. But if you want to opt in for these high vibe messages that come through a couple times a week, text 480-531-6858 That's 480-531-6858 and type in the word sacred SAIC are Edie and you'll automatically be opted in, and you'll receive these text messages directly from my heart to yours. Lastly, if you've been enjoying this podcast, please leave a review for it wherever you are listening reviews are everything in the podcast world. And one review that I got recently that I want to share with you guys is from Jay 6336. And she said, I love Jacqueline's podcast and her positive and down to earth vibe, she is just what I needed at this harder time in my life. She's a bright and shining light in my day. Also love that we spell our name the same. XO X, Jacqueline. Oh, Jaclyn, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to write this review and post it, I receive it in my heart. And I'm so grateful for you. Okay, I want to continue today's episode, and this theme of doing the impossible and how it is not impossible. But sharing your story. And I've shared the story before but I feel like it's important. About five years ago, I was in my living room in Athens, Georgia, a lot has changed since then. And this meditation was a fairly long one, maybe 20 or 30 minutes. And it had us outline the life we wanted to have a year from now, five years from now 10 years from now. And it had us go into detail about what that life would look like what we wanted to we wanted to be surrounded by, etc, you get the idea. And then at the end, the question was something like, Well, what is it going to take for you to get from where you are, to where you want to be. And the message that came through for me was stop doubting yourself and start trusting your instincts. Stop doubting yourself and start trusting your instincts. And while that meditation had a huge impact on me, and that message has been something that has obviously lasted, something that I remembered over the last five years, I still waffle with my self belief, I still get impostor syndrome. Sometimes I still doubt myself enough not to act on those instincts. I still get strong cases of the Who am I to do this as Can you relate? I feel like I know you can otherwise you wouldn't be listening to this right now. But here's the thing. These feelings are totally normal. People don't go through life never experiencing self doubt or fear or self criticism. It's part of being human. It's part of growth. It's part of what takes us to our growth edge, and our assignment for what is going to be required to get beyond it. However, what I'm finding in my ever vigilant study of life, is that what separates the super successful people from those who have a tendency to settle is a pretty simple recipe. And it goes something like this self belief, plus mindset. Plus targeted action over time equals wildly successful results. I'm going to read that again. Self belief plus mindset. Plus targeted action over time equals wildly successful results. achieving your dream is not impossible. That's why I titled this episode, during the impossible is not impossible. It's actually very likely that the vision or dream that you have for your life was given to you for a reason. Especially if your dream life is unique to you. And it's not you know the standard American dream or hey, I just want to be famous although maybe that is a God given dream for you. Okay, I'm not discounting that. But if your dream is unique to you just know it was planted there for a reason. So having that life is for you. But getting there is the part that seems to really stump people and stop them in their tracks, including myself. And that's why I want to show Share this information with you. It's so heavy on my heart because I believe so deeply in this information. And I know that if you start to implement it, it will shift the trajectory of your life and how you feel every day. You will feel like a conqueror, able to surmount any obstacle sent your way today's episode of self worth is charged by both charge. Both charge provides science back wellness products to optimize your sleep wellbeing and recovery. They have red light therapy devices, EMF and 5g blocking products, blue light blocking products, sauna, blankets, et cetera, even cold therapy products if you are in the wellness and recover you need to know about bone charge, it's B O N charge like French mole. I personally have their max red light therapy device. It's a red light tower that I sit in front of naked almost daily and here are some of the benefits. It improves your sleep, it improves your mood, it aids with muscle recovery, it improves skin appearance and I can definitely attest to this, whether acne is an issue fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, use the red light it will make your skin so healthy and glowy bone charges Max red light device emits the most bioactive frequencies of 660 nm red light, and 850 and M near infrared light for the most optimal treatment. Yes, please. Also, bone charger does not claim this. But as you guys know, I like to do my research. And in reading up on red light therapy, I have found that it's also really good for brain health. Some studies are saying it helps with dementia. It also helps with decreasing anxiety and depression and helping to alleviate insomnia helps with hair growth and density. I read that it can even help reverse gray hair. It hasn't mine yet. But hey, who knows, maybe I just need to do it a little bit more inflammation, and so many more things like countless more things. I have Hashimotos thyroiditis. And I also follow an expert online who purports that red light is awesome for thyroid issues. And I also read a study that confirms this. Because red light fights inflammation very, very effectively. Bone charge has a variety of red light devices and a range of prices to fit your budget. For me as someone with Hashimotos. And someone who is really into wellness, my red light is one of my go to devices is for my husband to I use it all the time and will continue to do so in perpetuity. Knowing all about the benefits not going to pass those up. So to check out bone charge, and their line of amazing wellness products head to bone That's B O N charge ch ar bold and use code Jaclyn J AC li N for 15% off your purchase, you'll be so happy you did and your body will be thanking you for years to come. So what is self belief? According to the Cambridge dictionary, self belief is simply trust in your own abilities. Self belief is simply trust in your own abilities. Do you trust yourself? That you can carry out a task that you have what it takes to make that dream come true? Chances are you answer yes and no. And that's where Self belief comes in and plays such an important role. Even if you don't fully trust in your own abilities, you can choose to believe in yourself enough to take the next step. Anyway, self belief is such a huge component of healthy self worth. Self belief is like rocket fuel for progress and progress feels


good. It just does. It feels good. Just imagine

Jaclyn Steele:

for a second. Think about that task that you are working on that has been really challenging for you. Maybe it's at work. Maybe it's a side hustle. Maybe it's a relationship. Maybe it's a dream that you are working on and you're coming up against some serious challenges. Do you have this task in your head? Okay, now, imagine what it would feel like to approach that task full of self belief, that feeling that you trust yourself to be able to carry out any tasks necessary to make it happen. What does that feel like? Does that infuse you with some energy? I know it does me. That's what self belief does. It infuses you with high vibrational energy. It's like you have in your own back. And here's the thing. You don't have to have all the answers before you have self belief. You can choose to bravely flex yourself Off belief muscle every single day, even when it's historically been a very weak muscle, you can choose to make it strong and you can choose to start right now. Practice makes perfect and like my dad always says, competence breeds confidence, meaning, the more you do something and become good at it, the more confident you will be doing it. So that's what self belief is. It's trusting in your own abilities. It sounds simple, but we are all human and susceptible to things like impostor syndrome, and feeling unworthy and doubting ourselves in blah, blah, blah. So here's where a key piece comes in. And that is mindset. We have got to train our minds, we have to be diligent every single day. Just like we work out our physical bodies, we have to train our minds. It's not an option if we want to be successful. If we want to achieve that dream life. If we want to see it come to fruition, we have got to be able to move forward step by step despite the doubt our egos so often present us with. And we do that through mindset. Doing the Impossible by Jason Drees is such a fantastic book on mindset and frameshifting. There is a link for it in the show notes. And I highly recommend you purchase and read this short book, if you are struggling to get to the next level in your life. He outlines such simple and straightforward Techniques To Overcome limiting beliefs and get out of your own way. It is one of the best books that I've ever read. I'm actually still not finished with it midway through but it is fantastic. So fantastic. But I told my husband, he needs to read it. And he had to go out of town and he took it with me. So he loves it. I love it. My mom bought it, my friend bought it. Just buy it, you won't regret it. So he goes super deep into mindset. But I'm going to share something super simple with you that I think can get you going and really get the ball rolling on mindset. One of my top tips for mindset recently, is this simple saying, No, we aren't going there. When I find my heart start to race and my mind start to fear. I simply say, No, we aren't going there. And I breathe deeply. It's amazing what some deep breaths will do to your physical body. This is especially effective at night, when I wake up with the worries. It's great for thoughts on how you look whether or not you will be successful fears around money, etc. All the big stuff. We can choose to stop those thoughts and shift our focus. It takes some practice. Yes, but again, the more we do it, the easier it becomes and steal my saying please. No, we are not going there. It's an antidote for so many awful thoughts, right? Like, I look fat today. No, we are not going there. I'm scared. I don't have what it takes to make the money. No, we are not going there. What if I never get over this? No. We are not going there. What if I can't resist that temptation? No, we are not going there. And insert your poison here and then say no. We are not going there. Please note that I'm not saying to ignore very real emotions. But invasive thoughts that often have no real basis in reality. No, we're not going there. We're not going to be ruled anymore by these crazy doubts and vibe stealing thoughts. And if you want some extra credit, add an affirmation. After you stop the thought in its tracks. Something like the impossible is just an uncommon target. I can hit uncommon targets. The impossible is just an uncommon target. I can hit uncommon targets. That's a tip with some of my creative license from Jason juries his book do the impossible. He also talks about how speaking our affirmations out loud and speaking what we want to come into fruition out loud as if it's already happened is super powerful. And I'm finding that when I do speak things out loud. I can feel the energy wash over me that high vibrational energy so maybe experiment with that too. If you have been listening to this Podcast are following me on Instagram then you know I love the golden secrets organic, sustainable, and regenerative skincare line. I interviewed the founder of this company Jesse golden in Episode 102 of this podcast, and she's a leader and a wealth of knowledge in the wellness space, I own the entire golden secret line and use at least two of their products on a daily basis, at least two. But if you are just starting out, I highly recommend the heal all oil, it will change your skin if you cleanse with it and then use it as a moisturizer after I've given this to so many people I love and they all rave about it, they keep coming back for more. I also recommend using the youth beauty face oil. I use this every morning before putting on makeup and it moisturizes my skin so beautifully for the day. And it keeps it plump throughout the day. So any fine lines, I have really just disappear. Who doesn't want that? The Golden secrets guasha tools in gold pulse firming one are also regulars in my skincare routine. I have found as I've gotten older that I like less but better. And each of the Golden secrets products is so packed with nutrients that you only need a small amount. So a little goes a long way. And also if you're like me, and you don't want a 14 step skincare routine, then this line is definitely for you. It's simple, and it balances your skin's microbiome and I promise you, it will transform your skin. I can't rave enough about this incredible clean skincare line. It is just it's next level. And I have a discount specifically for my community. And it is this code Jacqueline 10. So head on over to the Golden and use code Jacqueline 10 at checkout for 10% off your purchase. I also periodically do giveaways and special sales with the golden secrets on Instagram. So you can get more information on my Instagram page at Jaclyn Steele the details and discount are also in this episode's show notes. Okay, so we talked about what self belief is just trusting your abilities. And we briefly touched on mindset, which I've spoken about at length in this podcast before. And I really recommend Jason Reese's book. And now I want to chat with you about alignment. Have you ever set a really ambitious goal and worked at achieving it? And still didn't quite get there? Yeah, me too. Me, too, my friends and more than once, and I'll share with you one of my biggest ones was making it in the music industry. I wrote songs I played shows, and I tried to, quote make it for years and years, about 10 years, and still didn't. For so long. I thought it was my fault that I just didn't try hard enough. Can you relate? But what I've realized now, more recently, is that I was simply out of alignment. I loved writing music, and creating songs and recording. But I didn't love promoting myself. And I didn't love playing shows every weekend late into the night. I love to create, but there was so much about being a professional musician. That just wasn't me. In my soul, I don't feel like I want to be a famous performer. While I enjoyed performing, it wasn't my joy. My joy was in the creation process of the music, which I can do whenever I want, wherever I want for however long I want. Therefore, my goal of making it was out of alignment. My subconscious knew that and I'm so glad now because if I had made it, I don't think I would be who I am, are be where I am and the relationship that I am with my son. And I don't think I'd be very happy. So what is alignment? It's unique to you. But first, I want to talk about what it isn't. You can feel it. Oh deep in your chest, in your heart and your core. It's when you have a brilliant idea. But the carrying out of that idea gives you zero excitement. Like I have entrepreneurial ideas all the time. Like opening a specific type of restaurant for a specific type of health thing, okay. But the idea of actually creating that restaurant gives me zero joy. Also another example of being out of alignment is when you are doing something you know will get you closer to a goal. But every minute spent doing it drains your energy. You just feel so depleted. So depleted. Being in alignment feels like the opposite alignment in When you have an idea, and then carrying it out brings you so much joy. You cannot wait to get to the tasks to carry it out. I felt like that about songwriting. I couldn't wait. I couldn't stop myself from writing all the time, all the time. I remember one of my songwriting partners was like, You are so creative and creating so much it's overwhelming. That's what alignment feels like. I love, love, love songwriting. But then when it came to promoting myself and playing shows every weekend, my balloon deflated, I just didn't really want to do it doesn't mean that you will love every task required to bring your big thing into fruition. But when you are in alignment, there will be a lightness you feel while doing it a feeling of, well, this thing that I'm doing that I'm not enjoying, it's just temporary, and it's necessary to bring about my big dream, and it won't drain you of all your energy. For instance, I don't like opening up an LLC. I don't like doing the legal work that's required to open a business, but it's just part of the process of creating something I really want to create. Right? Can you recognize the difference here, the difference between being in alignment versus not being in alignment? Again, Jason Drees goes into depth on this in his book do the impossible. So by going to the show notes and buy it. The reason alignment is so magical is because it creates flow, it creates flow. I'm sure so many of you, if not all of you have experienced flow in your life before. It's when you are so engrossed in something, you lose track of time, you look up, and your workday is already over, and it felt like 10 minutes. That's flow. And magic happens in flow state. That's also when the universe God Spirit steps in and aids you in ways you never thought possible. That's also why doing the impossible is not impossible. Because when you have self belief, and a mindset to match it and you are in alignment with your goal, that flow state makes this seemingly impossible. Very, very possible. And friends, this is available for you. It's not just for celebrities, or millionaires and billionaires with a super select few. It's available to you. Why Oh, you. And if you consistently take action with all of the above I shared with you in this episode, you will be astounded by how much progress you have made in a few months from now, six months from now a year from now. You might not even recognize your life. It doesn't have to be hurdle after hurdle after hurdle. Follow this formula of self belief and mindset and alignment and flow and it will get you there. God will conspire with you. You got this. Even when you feel fear and doubt or you have impostor syndrome, no, this your dream was given to you by the heavenlies. And you are made from Stardust from that same heavenly realm. It's not only a dream unique to you, it's your birthright. And part of your purpose in life is to learn what you need to learn and overcome what you need to overcome to reach that desired state. It's all part of a heavenly ordained plan. So I'll wrap with this. What would it feel like to pour some self belief on your biggest goal in life right now? Or even on your smallest? You got this my friend. Thank you for listening