Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
How to tap into authentic self-belief
Today I want to tap into what self-belief really is… Or authentic self-belief as I like to call it. You don’t have to be Beyoncé, or Kim Kardashian, or Elon musk, to experience, profound self-belief. In fact, I would argue that all of the people I just mentioned often experience, a lack of self-belief at times - that’s just part of being human. However, part of what makes them so successful is how they react to self-doubt and the doubts of others. And the way they react is to keep moving - to keep putting one foot in front of the other, one day at a time, day after day after day.
In today’s episode, I’m sharing what authentic self belief really is, a powerful exercise to fuel it, and what I like to call “positive triggers.”
Do the Impossible by Jason Drees
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele
Hello, hello, and welcome to episode 164 of self worth with me, Jaclyn Steele, in the month of June, we are talking about self belief. And today we are going to talk about how to tap into authentic self belief. I am so excited to share this content with you because I know how transformational pouring self belief into your everyday life is. When you can go deep and tap into that inner warrior that is inside of you. I know it is, you will be astounded by what you are capable of this inner warrior that I'm talking about. Fact I wrote a song about it years ago, called warrior. But this inner warrior is in you. It's in me, it's an all of us, like I just mentioned, it's our birthright, and something we walked into this world with. It's that juice that someone can muster at the end of a tough fight. It's that energy that suddenly surges, right when it's required. It's that magic in ourselves that comes to the surface when we most need it. And we don't have to wait until we're under pressure to tap into it. We can tap into it every single day of our lives. I'm reminded of Joan of Arc, one of my heroes, who when she was a teenager led an army to victory in France, when she was a teenager. And one of her most famous quotes is, I am not afraid I was born to do this. And here's the thing, we all come from the same source, Joan of Arc is our sister. And the same stuff that made her who she is, is also in you. And it's in me. So let's tap in and shower ourselves with authentic self belief. So you guessed it today, the title of the episode is how to tap into authentic self belief. You guys are familiar with the announcements, I'm not going to go over them again, I am going to say at the end of this month, the last episode of June, I am going to make a pretty significant announcement that will change things up for a while. So stay tuned. If you are a regular listener, I'll be announcing that at the end of the month. But for now, I want to talk about empowering you and empowering your self belief because that's what we are here to do. That's what I am here to do today. So I want to dive in. Does it feel like your dream of a life? Your dream life requires moving a mountain to achieve? If it does good, because if it doesn't, you aren't dreaming big enough. And last week, we talked about how doing the impossible is possible. And it's possible through self belief, mindset, alignment, and action. And there is this magic that happens when you do those four things. When you have the self belief, the mindset, the alignment and the action. heavenly forces come to your aid and help to bring your vision to life. I've seen it before in my life. I've seen it in my husband's life. I've seen it in other people's lives. I know this to be true. Like I know that my name is Jaclyn Steele Thurmond and I live in Scottsdale, Arizona. All of those elements are essential self belief, mindset, alignment action, okay? We have to believe in ourselves. We have to be able to train our minds against doubt and fear. We must align our goals with what makes our hearts sing. Or in other words, we must have goals that spark excitement and passion, not goals that we think we need to do. Goals that make our hearts sing. And then we must take consistent action on those goals consistent. You still with me? I want to say that as we are creating our dream lives, our dream businesses, our dream jobs, our dream families, whatever it is, be open to the timing. It may come and start as fast as today or tomorrow. And if it does fantastic. If it doesn't, that doesn't mean you should give up just means that God is doing the work God does. And heavenly forces are doing the work that heavenly forces are doing. And sometimes it requires moving pieces in such a way that it takes a little bit. So don't give up keep at it. Keep taking action you all know that I love me some clean skincare and one of my favorite brands of all time for clean skincare is living libations. Their carefully crafted creations are innovations of exquisite quality that celebrate the lifeforce energy of people, plants, and the planet. Every single component of a libation is a bioactive botanical ingredient. Their opulent oils, essential oils and fusions. An elegant extracts are highly concentrated and formulated with the focus of feeling good in the skin you are en. for over 30 years they have nurtured personal relationships with artisan distillers and family farmers across the planet. To secure authentic oils and extracts that are purely and fairly produced. They can trace the source of every single ingredient they use. Living libations is among the purest skincare lines on Earth on Earth. I interviewed the founder Nadine Barnabas, and episode 81 of this podcast. And she created a sacred range of products from skincare to haircare to oral care, and all of them are absolutely incredible. Just read the reviews. But if you are new to the line start with their best skin ever seabuckthorn cleansing oil, you can cleanse with it and moisturize with it and it will transform your skin. I also use their rose glow complexion mist, the rose glow serum, and the all seeing opulent eye cream. I use their Jai baby oil on my son and I have since he was born. And I love, love, love their new Raven mascara. It's a clean mascara that works so well stays on all day and wipes off easily at night. It's incredible. And it's totally clean, totally clean. I could go on and on about all of the incredible products that they create. I own most of their line and love it. But I'm going to let you find out firsthand. So go to living libations.com/jaclyn Steele to receive 12% off your entire order that is living libations.com/jaclyn Steele, you are going to flip over how incredible this line is. The details and the discount are also in the episode show notes. Today, I really want to tap into what authentic self belief really is. Okay? You don't have to be Beyonce, or Kim Kardashian, or Elon Musk to experience profound self belief or in other words, you don't have to be uber successful, to tap into authentic self belief, okay. In fact, I would argue that all of the people that I just mentioned often experience a lack of self belief at times. It's just part of being human in this three dimensional world. However, I think part of what makes them so successful, meaning Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Elon Musk insert whoever your favorite successful person is, what sets them apart is how they react to self doubt, and the doubts of others. And the way they react is to keep going and to keep pushing themselves and to keep going into areas that make them uncomfortable, and doing the work anyway. They put one foot in front of the other one day at a time, day after day after day. And guess who else can do that? Me. And guess who else can do that? You, you and I are capable of this. And we don't have to wait until we feel confident or feel a delusion, a delusion of self belief in our bodies. We can start today. You can even start in this moment, no matter how much doubt you're experiencing. Self belief is a practice. Just like confidence is a practice. Just like building our muscles is a practice. Just like having a powerful mindset is a practice. My dad always says competence breeds confidence. And this is a profound statement. I take it to mean that the more we do a task, and the better and better we get at it, the more confident we become. This is very simple. We don't have to overcomplicate it, when you do something new. It is very normal for you not to feel a lot of self belief around it. That's okay. You haven't done it before. I haven't done it before. And in last week's episode, we found out that the definition of self belief is a trust in your own abilities. Trust, not confidence trust. But how are you supposed to trust in your own abilities. If you've never done something before, we can certainly tap into history and remind ourselves of all of the things we have done well, and all the things that we have overcome and this is very helpful and I recommend that you do it. But there also comes a point where the rubber meets the road and we have to bravely do our best that things we have not done before. And this may feel vulnerable. This may spark fear. This may spark all kinds of different emotions. However, how do you want to live your life? Do you want to live it bravely going after your dreams or Do you want to shrink back and retreat into your own mind and always wonder? What could be a could have been? I know for me, I want to live bravely and boldly and Bigley. And I'm guessing that if you are still here listening to this episode, you do too. Last November, I went to a women's conference and Jamie Kern Lima, the founder of IT Cosmetics was one of the keynote speakers. And she brought us through a really profound exercise. She put on powerful music, and she had us write down for probably 20 minutes, everything that we have ever overcome in our lives, everything. And I want you to do the exact same thing. I want you to write it down, put on empowering emotional music, and write down what have you overcome. If you have lived on this planet, it's a lot, it's so many things. Maybe you were born with a medical condition, maybe you have Hashimotos like I do. Maybe you grew up in a really rough part of town. Maybe you were bullied. Maybe you have weight issues, maybe your parents are divorced, or one of your parents passed away. Maybe somebody that you love so much is gone. Maybe you grew up struggling with money and feel like you're still struggling with money. Maybe you have fertility issues, maybe someone you love is really struggling and it's tearing you apart. Maybe you were betrayed by your best friend, or cheated on or abused, or cast aside. I want you to take some time and write out every single thing that you can remember that you have overcome, and be as detailed as possible. pause the podcast now if you can, and please do this. And then I'll be here. When you're ready to come back on. I want you to visually see how much you have overcome in your beautiful life. All right. Hopefully, you had enough time to write down everything that you have overcome. Dearest listener, you are so powerful. You are a survivor. You are a warrior. You've gotten this far. And you're still here. And you are still working on yourself and growing and learning and becoming. You are doing so well. And I'm so proud of you. And I'm so proud of me. I'm so proud of us. Now, I want you to try another exercise. It's actually the ritual of the month that I shared in the PDF of the month in our newsletter, the scoop. I want you to write down your own highlight reel. What have you absolutely crushed in your life? What are you really proud of write it down. And then place this list somewhere. You can see it every day. And bonus points. place it next to a picture of yourself that you love. I want you to associate a picture of you. With all of the powerful things that you have done. You can pause the podcast again, please do take as much time as you need to write down all of these beautiful things that you've overcome. And I'll be right here when you're ready. This episode of self worth is elevated by higher dose higher doses, infrared PEMF and red light devices are here to elevate your daily health and beauty rituals from detox and weight loss to recovery and relaxation. Their biohacking technologies transform your wellness routine. I have the higher dose red light mask and their full size P EMF mat. The red light mask is amazing and is great for reducing redness, fine lines and wrinkles correcting discoloration, boosting mood promoting skin healing by rejuvenating cells and it leaves your skin glowing glowing, higher doses red light mask is also portable so you can wear while you're on the move. I love it and I recommend it to everyone. Now let's chat higher doses infrared P EMF mat just wow P EMF stands for pulsing electromagnetic field. And essentially this means this mat mimics the healing electromagnetic fields that the Earth creates that have been stifled and blocked by our modern world. Do you need to calm down, get on the mat and put on settings one or two? Do you need to amp up and get energized for the day and get on the mat and set it on three or four? When people don't believe me on how amazing this mat is. I just tell them to come over to my house and try it. I use it as often as I can. I love using it while I'm meditating. P EMF technology promotes rest and digest which can have a calming effect on the mind. It also helps fight inflammation which can reduce recovery time. It reduces stress improves mood relieves muscle pain increases energy helps with deep sleep. And higher dose does not claim this but an influential health podcast or just had on a guest who said that P EMF mats help to expel negative effects of 5g from your body expel negative effects of 5g from your body I find that to be mind blowing and so cool all about it. To me the PMF mat is an absolute must for every household considering the world that we live in. They have a full size mat and they also have a smaller version called the Go mat. higher dose also sells sauna blankets, full size, infrared saunas, and so much more. So you can get high naturally, code self worth 15. Again, that's code self worth 15, we'll get you 15% off your purchase at higher dose, full size Saunas are excluded to purchase now go to higher dose.com and use the code self worth 15. For 15% off, you will be so glad that you did. Dearest listener, you are someone that overcomes you are someone that does awesome things, you now have physical proof of that with these lists. And you conveniently are reminding yourself of your own badassery. With this knowledge fresh in your mind, you can go out into the world knowing you are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. It's okay to have fear. It's okay to have doubts, it doesn't mean that you aren't incredibly powerful and capable. I bet there are things that you've crushed in your life that you completely forgot about. I want you to take this energy and ball it up just like Wonder Woman did in the first Wonder Woman movie and carry it with you. You are the superhero of your own life. And authentic self belief isn't about never having self doubt. It's about what we do with self doubt. And in those dark moments where we are on the precipice of giving up on something we are truly passionate about. We have to remind ourselves of what we've already done and how capable we are. There's so much more in there. There's so much more inside of us. The key here is not to shrink back when fear or doubt arrives. But to allow the challenges to strengthen your muscles. Allow yourself to be comfortable with being uncomfortable for a little while to face these challenges with gumption to walk forward despite the fear despite the self doubt, despite the potential vulnerability authentics self belief is trusting in your own abilities, even when you don't have proof that things are going to go in the way that you want them to. But here's the cool thing. Even if they don't go the way that you wanted them to, you can be so proud of yourself for stepping out and trying anyway, if we are not growing, we are dying. And if we are not stepping out with self belief, we are allowing self doubt, to drive our lives and make decisions for us. Some people say fake it till you make it. And I do think that that saying is useful. But I also think there is a reality that we must address about being human. And that is that self doubt is a very normal reaction of your ego to protect itself. So we can definitely fake it till we make it. But I think it's important to note that the ego with all of its fear and self doubt and desire to keep us safe. It's really just trying to protect us from any kind of discomfort. And knowing that is empowering. We do not have to be afraid of being uncomfortable. Sometimes we can embrace it can be one of those things that we get really good at. We don't have to be afraid of going beyond ourselves. We don't have to be afraid of expanding our capabilities. This is what we came here to do. Become the fullest expression of who we are. And that requires self belief and stepping past our comfort zones busting through them even. I want you to hear this from me. It's okay to have self doubt. And it's okay to wallow in it for a bit. But it's not okay to give up on the life that you desire to live, or the dream that you desire to dream. You have a choice. You can shrink in the face of doubt and fear. Or you can put on your battle gear and walk forward anyway. I'm walking forward, and I hope that you will join me. And the cool thing is, the more we allow ourselves to push past our comfort zones, the easier it will become. And we will find that the thing we fear the most, in actuality, was not nearly as scary as we thought In general, the fear of something is far worse than the reality of it. Competence breeds confidence. Self belief is a muscle that we must flex regularly, it needs to be worked out. And it needs to be challenged, so that we can know what we are made of, again, we are made of the same material that every incredible human being has, that has ever walked this planet is made from, so they can do it. So can you. And even then, just because it hasn't been done before, doesn't mean that you can't do it. There always has to be a first person through the gate. So if it's something that God or spirit or the universe or however you want to label it, whatever this is, is if it has been placed deeply on your heart, then it is meant for you to do and I'm speaking to my own self here. Okay. I want to add one more tip. And it is this, create positive triggers for self belief. When you are feeling a lack of self belief, come up with something you can do to rev up your own engine. Maybe it's listening to a song that motivates you, or makes you feel unstoppable. I like sia for songs like that sia Sia, I love her. Maybe it's taking time to do a little aromatherapy. To get calm before you start a task. That's also one of my favorites. Maybe it's going on a run to remind you of how physically powerful you are. Maybe it's writing or reciting affirmations out loud, maybe it's looking yourself in the mirror and giving yourself a pep talk. When you are experiencing self doubt, and you want to turn on self belief, use a positive trigger. Triggers don't have to be negative, they can be positive too. And use this positive trigger often. And even if you aren't in a state of self doubt, feel free to use your positive trigger to add extra energy to whatever it is that you are doing. The human experience can feel very complicated. But the more I study it, the more I realize how incredibly pliable and flexible we really are. We get out what we put in. And when we put in empowering thoughts and empowering food and empowering experiences. We put out empowerment in every area of our lives. And the opposite is also true. I'll wrap with this question. How are you fueling your life? Are you fueling it with doubtful thoughts and doubtful actions and shrinking against challenges? Or are you fueling your life with empowering thoughts and empowering experiences, and bravely stepping up to face whatever challenges befall you? You are made of stardust, and you live in a wildly abundant universe? Whatever you feel is impossible. It's just an uncommon target. And you My dearest listener, you hit uncommon targets