Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
The key to unlocking your dream life + an announcement
Your "dream life" is TOTALLY possible. It was placed in your heart for a reason. And in today's episode, I'm going to share some powerful tools to bring that "dream life" into present day. And guess what? The process if filled with high frequency energy and JOY.
Do the Impossible by Jason Drees
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele
Hello, everyone, and welcome to episode 165 165 of self worth with Jaclyn Steele. Today, I'm going to be talking about the key to unlock your dream life. That sounds pretty juicy, right? So you're gonna want to stick around and listen, this is really powerful and exciting information. And I'm looking forward to jumping in. But before I do, I want to make an announcement. As of July 1, I am going to press pause on the podcast, we are 165 episodes in as of today and growing. And I'm so proud of this work that is out there doing its thing in the world. And I'm so grateful for all of the listeners you that tune in week after week. And I'm so grateful for my podcast editor, Terry, who has done such a great job producing this show. That being said, I've had a challenging few months. And my body, my mind and my spirit are just begging for a break, and some TLC. So that's exactly what I'm going to give myself a break and some TLC and creating this content centered around self worth, I have a smile on my face just talking about it. It's taught me so much. And one of the ultimate lessons I've gleaned is that I must respect and take action on what my spirit is saying. Even if it doesn't make sense to other people. And right now, I really want to take a break and pour into myself for a while. Before pouring into others. I know so many of you can relate to this, I have a tendency to if I have a little bit to give, to give it. And I appreciate this about myself and my heart is so good and so well intentioned, but I need to for a while, do some things for myself that allow for rest and joy, and filling up my own tank. So if you're feeling this way, I hope you can do the same for your beautiful, beautiful self, you certainly deserve it. And I'm not disappearing, you can email me or find me on Instagram at Jaclyn Steele and direct message me. And I may fire up the podcast in a couple months or a year. I don't know. I'm just respecting my soul's desire to be a little bit more quiet right now. And it feels so good in my bones to think about just stepping back for a minute, recalibrating. pouring some gorgeous life energy back into my own life. Before I try and do that before others, it's such an honor to have you here. It is such an honor. And I love each and every one of you. And I'm so grateful for you. And I know that I am just, I'm just tapped out right now. And so I want to pour back in. Okay, announcement complete. Let's chat your dream life. What does it look like? What does that dream life look like? Where do you live? How much money do you make? Do you have a partner, children? pets do you travel? What lights you up and brings you joy? When you think about this life, you don't need to have a crystal clear picture of what you want your dream life to look like. But I would encourage you to have a general sense of what you want. It's hard to create a dream life if you really have no sense of what you want. So if you don't, I would highly encourage you to just get a little clarity around what it is that you want to call in. And since you guys know that I am big on examples, I'm going to share 11 dreams that almost every morning in my journal to reinforce them in my subconscious. I write down and writing these things down and visualizing them and thinking about them. It raises my energy. It gets me excited in the morning. And it gets me going. And it's also one of the reasons that I decided to press pause on the podcast. One of the things that I write in the morning is I am imperfect and radiant health. I also write that I am a joyful and present wife and mother. And in order to be imperfect and radiant health and be a joyful and present mother and wife. I need to take a little time. And so writing these things down creates a lot of clarity. In my life. It's also a direct message to God, the universe spirit. However you want to label that incredible energy that created us. It's a direct message and it's saying communicating to that that entity, what we are feeling and what we are desirous of calling in. But on that note, we don't want to put wants out. Okay, that wanting energy is a needy energy, what we want to do is put a confident message out like a little what are they called satellite call, like a satellite call saying, This is what I'm calling in. So here are the few things that I call in, not going to mention all of them because some of them are very personal. But here are a few. Just to give you an idea of what you could call in or what you could be thinking about. If you don't already know. But if you already know you can ignore what I'm about to say okay. So one of them is I am imperfect and radiant health. Another is I am spiritually grounded, and fully expressed. Another I am a present and joyful wife and mother. Another, we own our dream ranch in Sedona another that our current home is remodeled exactly the way we want and fully paid off. Last one I'm going to share. I am a world traveler. I also have money, dreams and business dreams that I write daily 11 In total, like I mentioned, you can have however many you want. But I like around 10 I feel like that's a good number. I've had to shift mine over the last little over a year because some of them have already come true since I started writing them down. One of them was that we own our dream home in Scottsdale, Arizona. And we bought that home in March and we are remodeling it to our exact taste. Right now. There's so much power in declaring your dream life in the present tense. Like I mentioned earlier, please notice that I didn't write I want a dream home in Scottsdale, or that I want to be imperfect and radiant health. I wrote. We own our dream home in Scottsdale. And I am imperfect and radiant health. These dreams must be written in present tense. We have to train our subconscious mind not to think these dreams are far out in the future, or just someday down the line. Why? Because our minds create our reality. Literally. If you read the book of the month this month, which is do the impossible by Jason Drees, he goes into great detail how everything that happens in our lives is a match to our frequency. This is something that I've been talking about for a couple of years now. What we put out, we get back. So if we put out that we want something we're sending to the universe, this message that we want to continue wanting something. So we're going to continue wanting that it's not actually going to be coming to us. Okay, I listened to Jason Drees his podcast several days ago, and he was coaching someone around money. And he said, it's just as easy to make $500,000 as it is to make $50,000 It's a matter of frequency in our minds. And this month, if you haven't tuned in for the last couple of episodes, we're talking about self belief. And self belief is such a huge part of having a strong, healthy, robust mindset. So how do we get to higher frequencies and frequencies that match our dream lives? If you think about it, in terms of a metaphor, it's like a magnet. Okay? How do we become magnetic to our dream life? How do we get on that frequency that matches what it is that we know we are capable of calling in? And the way that we do that? is through a process that Jason Drees calls framing, it's not about convincing your subconscious that it's possible. It's about inviting your subconscious to think about yourself in that dream scenario with a question and it is this. Can you get a sense of a future version of yourself that and then you insert whatever it is there. So can you get a sense of a future version of yourself that owns that dream ranch in Sedona or that makes 500,000 dollars a year, or that owns that whatever car or that has the two children that you want, or the partner that you want, or the health that you want, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. You can use this for absolutely anything. Can you get a sense of a future version of yourself that blank? You all know that I love me some clean skincare, and one of my favorite brands of all time for clean skincare is living libations. Their carefully crafted creations are innovations of exquisite quality that celebrate the lifeforce energy of people, plants, and the planet. Every single component of a libation is a bioactive botanical ingredient. There opulent oils, essential oils, infusions, an elegant extracts are highly concentrated and formulated with the focus of feeling good in the skin you are en. for over 30 years they have nurtured personal relationships with artisan distillers and family farmers across the planet. To secure authentic oils and extracts that are purely and fairly produced. They can trace the source of every single ingredient they use. Living libations is among the purest skincare lines on Earth on Earth. I interviewed the founder Nadine artibus, and episode 81 of this podcast, and she created a sacred range of products from skincare to haircare to oral care, and all of them are absolutely incredible. Just read the reviews. But if you are new to the line start with their best skin ever seabuckthorn cleansing oil, you can cleanse with it and moisturize with it and it will transform your skin. I also use their rose glow complexion mist, the rose glow serum, and the all seeing opulent eye cream. I use their Jai baby oil on my son and I have since he was born. And I love, love, love their new Raven mascara. It's a clean mascara that works so well stays on all day and wipes off easily at night. It's incredible. And it's totally clean, totally clean. I could go on and on about all of the incredible products that they create. I own most of their line and love it. But I'm gonna let you find out firsthand. So go to living libations.com/jaclyn Steele to receive 12% off your entire order that is living libations.com/jaclyn Steele, you are going to flip over how incredible this line is. The details and the discount are also in the episode show notes. Now, think about that version of you for 10 seconds. What is she like? What is he like? How does he act in the moment? Where are his shoulders? Or her shoulders? Are they up high or down low? What kind of words does she use? Are they filled with self belief or self doubt? What kind of food does she eat? What kind of vibe does she have? What kind of energy does she emanate out into the world? Think about this version of you. For 10 seconds. Get a sense of this future version of yourself? How do you feel? What does it feel like to get in the energy of this future version of yourself? That my friends is frameshifting Jason Drees goes into real depth on this practice in his book, and it is truly life changing. I highly recommend that you read it. It's called do the impossible. There's a link for it in the show notes. But the idea is our lives are a reflection of our frames. And if we want to bring in our dream life, and really make it a reality, we have to become the person that lives in that dream life before the dream life arrives. So if one of your goals this is I'm just going to pull something common, okay? Is to make more money, this future version of yourself, how did they treat money? How do they invest it? What kind of relationship do they have with it? How do they spend it? How do they save it? Do those things daily. Create that relationship now before you have the 500k in your bank account or the 500 million do it before get into that energy before it happens? And that will create that frequent See, and put it out as the satellite call as the magnet to attract it in, like I mentioned, but it's worth reiterating. The real key here is allowing yourself to become the person who has accomplished these dreams before they happen. That's how you tap into the frequency, you tap into the feeling first. So what is it that you want? Here's another one. Let's say you want a specific vehicle. In order to shift your frame, you imagine yourself as already owning this vehicle? What does it feel like? Imagine yourself driving it and enjoying it with every fiber of your being. Now imagine yourself as someone who can easily afford this vehicle, what does that feel like? To be able to pay that car payment with ease and joy every month? Dwell on this feeling? Go as micro as you can. How do you feel this, my friends, and I've mentioned it before, even before I read through the impossible. This is how to manifest get into the feeling first, get into the feeling of owning that or being that or whatever it is first. And that is the first step of manifestation. And if you feel twinges of doubt and fear, that's fine. Like going from making 50k a year to 500k a year. That's a jump. It's not impossible at all. It's a jump. And so maybe you'll feel twinges of fear or doubt and that's fine, it's human. And it's an opportunity to get into further alignment with your dream. You may be operating from past experience and passed out. But here's the thing, guys, today is a new day. And it brings with it limitless opportunities and you are a limitless being. Anything can happen next, you could get a call in the next five minutes that changes your life in the best way. We have to stay open to the ways that God works. And continue to create frames that are in alignment with the life we want to be living. And when the doubt or the fear bubbles. I want you to go back to your frame. What does it feel like to be that version of yourself that accomplished that thing? The better you get it framing like this, the faster you will shape your reality. I did this before I started recording this podcast, I knew that as I made the announcement that I'm going to press pause on the podcast, that it would disappoint some people and understandably so I totally totally get it. But the frame that I put out was that my listeners will know how much I appreciate them and love them and that they would also be supportive and excited for this next step of the journey and want to be involved in this next step to and in what I'm going to do next. Just like I want to be involved and supportive next step for everybody that's listening. So I'm framing right now, as I'm sharing this, don't wait for your dreams to come to you become the person who has accomplished those dreams and the reality of them will follow. Does that make sense? become that person first. Today's episode of self worth is charged by bone charge will charge provide science backed wellness products to optimize your sleep well being and recovery. They have red light therapy devices EMF and 5g blocking products, blue light blocking products, sauna blankets, etc. Even cold therapy products. If you are into wellness and recovery you need to know about bone charge it's B O N charge like French mole. I personally have their max red light therapy device. It's a red light tower that I sit in front of naked almost daily and here are some of the benefits. It improves your sleep. It improves your mood it aids with muscle recovery it improves skin appearance and I can definitely attest to this. Whether acne is an issue fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, use the red light it will make your skin so healthy and glowy bone charges Max red light device emits the most bioactive frequencies of 660 nm red light and 850 and M near infrared light for the most optimal treatment. Yes, please. Also, bone charge does not claim this but as you guys know I like to do my research and in reading up on red light therapy, I have found that it's also really good for brain health. Some studies are saying it helps with dementia. It also helps with decreasing anxiety and depression and helping to alleviate Ah, insomnia, helps with hair growth and density, I read that it can even help reverse gray hair. It hasn't mine yet. But hey, who knows, maybe I just need to do it a little bit more inflammation, and so many more things like countless more things. I have Hashimotos thyroiditis. And I also follow an expert online, who purports that red light is awesome for thyroid issues. And I also read a study that confirms this. Because red light fights inflammation very, very effectively, bone charge has a variety of red light devices and a range of prices to fit your budget. For me as someone with Hashimotos, and someone who is really into wellness, my red light is one of my go to devices is for my husband to I use it all the time, and will continue to do so in perpetuity, knowing all what the benefits are not going to pass those up. So to check out bone charge, and their line of amazing wellness products, head to bone charge.com, that's B O N charge, CH ar ge.com bold charge.com and use code Jaclyn J AC li N for 15% off your purchase, you'll be so happy you did and your body will be thanking you for years to come. A very wise teacher of mine a couple years ago now talk to me about the power of being. And I did a whole month on this, I think it was December of last year on Bing. And she said it is so much more important to be then to do and we have it backwards, we think we have to do and then we can have what we want. And then we will be who we want to be. But she said it's actually the opposite. We have to be who we want to become now. Now, then we'll end up having everything that we want. Oops, no, sorry. We need to be who we want to become. And that will direct what we do. And then we'll end up having what it is that we want. And so the key is to be become work on the art of becoming who it is that lives that dream life. I hope that this is making sense. So framing, framing, framing, framing, this is the first thing, then after we get clear on the frame, and that vibration of who it is we are becoming then we need to tap in to that self belief we've chatted on in the last two episodes. Have faith in your own abilities, you are so much more capable than you give yourself credit. I'm so much more capable than I give myself credit. You're so much stronger than you give yourself credit. There's so much depth in you there is more and more and more and more and more. Dig deep, and believe in yourself. And then then take action. We don't take action. First. We take action almost last. Maybe your dream. Again, just to go with this example is to make 500k a year, frame that and focus on the version of you. That makes 500k per year, then believe in yourself enough to take action. You may not know exactly how you are going to make 500k a year. You don't need to. You just need to take one step at a time. Act on the ideas that bubble up act on the Inklings be open to where it leads. That's also the beauty of this method you guys. And it's really the reality of how we create things and bring them into existence. But the point isn't that you need to know every piece of the puzzle before you get started. It's just that you need to get clear on where you want to go. And becoming that person who is already there. And the rest will follow. Paulo Coelho. He wrote the alchemist, one of my favorite authors of all time, he said something along the lines of all you need to do is pay attention. And if you read the signs, everything that you need to do to take the next step will be provided for you. That's pretty cool, right? And that's certainly been my experience. The desires that you have have been planted in you for a reason. Our God is not a cruel God. God does not give you dreams so that they can be crushed. God gives you dreams so that they can be realized. And I believe God gives you big dreams because of who you will have to become to achieve them. There's so much growth that occurs When we are expanding upward to bigger and bigger dreams, it's stuff you cannot learn in school, or even listening to this podcast. It's stuff that will be unique to you, and learned on the job learned while you're in the thick of it while you are in action. So to sum up, the key to unlocking your dream life is all about framing, self belief, and then action, you must become who it is you're calling in now. Act as that person. Now. Can you imagine a version of yourself that has accomplished that very thing that you've been thinking about? Tap into self belief and mind, train your brain to understand that it is absolutely possible, it's absolutely possible, and then take action. The action part does not have to be perfect. Again, it does not have to be perfect. You don't need a perfect plan before you do anything. You just need to get to work. God has a way of really showing up while you are already on the job. I'm going to wrap with this question. Can you get a sense of a version of you that is living your dream life through and through? Not in the future or someday, but right now I want you to feel that energy. I want you to dwell in it and know that that life is yours.