Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Pressing pause on the podcast & how to maintain self-belief when others doubt
Will you take full ownership of your life past, present, and future? - If the answer is yes, then there isn't anything you can't accomplish. In today's episode, we are talking about how to maintain strong self-belief when others doubt and also why I'm pressing pause on the podcast for now. So much love to each and every one of you!
Do the Impossible by Jason Drees
Higher Dose:
Higherdose.com and use code: SELFWORTH15 for 15% off your purchase (excludes saunas)
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Light, Love, & Peace,
Jaclyn Steele
Hello, hello, and welcome to episode 166 of self worth with Jaclyn Steele. I'm so happy and honored, you're here with me today. This month the theme is self belief. And today we are going to wrap up this month's theme by chatting on maintaining self belief, even when others doubt. Before we begin, I want to make an announcement. I mentioned this information last week, but just wanted to reiterate today, again, and let you all know how deeply, deeply, deeply I appreciate you and how much I look forward to connecting again and again and again. In the future. If you didn't tune in last week, here's the information. As of July 1, I'm going to press pause on the podcast for a little while. We are now 166 episodes deep and growing. And I'm so proud. So so proud of all of you for all the work that you have done within this podcast and the information that you have acted on. And I'm so proud of this episode are all of these episodes and how they are out working in the world and loving on people. And I'm so grateful again, for all of you listeners that tune in week after week. And for my podcast editor Terry, who has gone above and beyond in producing this show. And like I mentioned last week, I've had a challenging few months, a really challenging few months. And you know, I had a son last year and life is busy, we're remodeling, actually several homes right now, several for our business, and then our first personal home too. And my body and my mind and my spirit are just begging for having less on my plate. So that's exactly what I'm going to do, I'm going to take some stuff on my plate that just, I'm not able to show up fully for right now. And give myself some TLC and a little break. I have loved creating this podcast and this content. And I've loved talking about self worth, because it is such an important aspect to living a big bold life. And creating this content has taught me so much. And one of the ultimate lessons that I've learned from it is that I have to respect and take action on what my spirit is saying, even if it doesn't make sense to other people, which coincides perfectly with the material that I'm going to talk about today. And right now, even though this podcast is growing and doing so well, I just I need a break. And I need to pour into myself for a while before I pour into others. And I have a tendency I know myself to if I have a little bit to give to give it. And I feel like I've been living, um, at a deficit and then filling up and then going into a deficit and filling up and going to a deficit over and over and over without really truly allowing myself to have a full tank. And so I appreciate that my heart wants to give and that my intentions are so good. But I really need to take care of myself physically, mentally and spiritually. And if you can relate to that, and you're feeling that way, I hope that you can just take a step back and reevaluate and do some of the same things for yourself, because you deserve it. And we all deserve to really act on the inklings of our hearts, even if it doesn't make sense to other people. That said, I'm not disappearing, you can email me or find me on Instagram at Jaclyn Steele and message me. And like I mentioned last week, I may come back to podcasting in a couple of months, or a year. I don't know. I'm just respecting my soul's desire to be a little bit more quiet right now. And not have the pressure of coming up with fresh content every single week, giving myself time to get re inspired. And yeah, pour in. I'm going to now draw a card because I felt led to and normally when I draw a card, I do it before I start recording. But today I wanted to do it while I'm recording because I feel like whatever kind of card that pops up is going to be just exactly the message we all need to hear. And if you are feeling disappointed or surprised or any of those feelings based on the announcement that I just made, I want you to know that I understand and that it's okay. If you need to be mad at me for a little bit. That's okay to just know that. I love all of you so much If I talk about it too much, I'm gonna cry. But I love all of you so much and I'm so so grateful for your support. Okay, let's pull this card. This is from the deck the star seed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell and Danielle Noel. And the card is blue whale and orca elders share your song, frequency of sound diving deep. Interesting. Last week, I talked almost the entire episode on frequency. So, of course, this is in line with what's going on. So I'm going to read what it says now. Whale in orca elders share your song frequency of sound diving deep. The whale and orca elders are benevolent cosmic beings here to anchor a frequency of love onto the planet to harmonize it with their song. As they weave around the oceans, they do so much more than any of us know. Their physical presence affects Earth's magnetic field and their harmonies or their harmonics call us to wake up and remember, our own souls song. Locking into the eye of a whale is something you'll never forget. Whales see into your very being. And in an instant, you're changed forever. They see beyond the physical, the woundings, the identity, the personality, the story they see right into your soul. If you pull this card, you're being called to surrender to your deepest truth and share it with potency. To bow to who you truly are. To stretch your heart wide enough to hold it all. To leave your fears, doubts and baggage at the door. to question any part of you that doesn't feel good enough. The whale and orca elders want you to give others the privilege of seeing who you truly are. And for you to see the same and other beings to drop your hangups and personality flaws and get busy revealing the unique note your soul came here to sing. Allow the song that echoes in the four chambers of your heart to emanate in all four directions. peel back the layers of suffering and pain and reveal to others your soul's true song and endeavor to see the Soul of all those you meet. star seed soul inquiry. How are you being called to share your souls unique song guys, I got teary in there because this card is perfect. It is so so perfect for how I'm feeling. I feel like this podcast has been step one. In sharing the frequency of the song that I meant to sing. It's been step one, and me pausing it to go deeper is the next step in me figuring out how to make that song more vibrant, more magnetic. More, more, more more. And I hope that as you consider this whale and orca elders share your song frequency of sound diving deep that you would feel the permission to do the exact same to be who you truly are. arms out wide fear and doubt left behind and to bow to who you truly are. This episode of self worth is elevated by higher dose higher doses infrared PEMF and red light devices are here to elevate your daily health and beauty rituals from detox and weight loss to recovery and relaxation. Their biohacking technologies transform your wellness routine. I have the higher dose red light mask and their full size P EMF mat. The red light mask is amazing and is great for reducing redness, fine lines and wrinkles correcting discoloration, boosting mood promoting skin healing by rejuvenating cells and it leaves your skin glowing glowing higher doses red light mask is also portable so you can wear while you're on the move. I love it and I recommend it to everyone. Now let's chat higher doses infrared P EMF mat just wow P EMF stands for pulsing electromagnetic field. And essentially this means this mat mimics the healing electromagnetic fields that the Earth creates that have been stifled and blocked by our modern world. Do you need to calm down? Get on the mat and put on settings one or two? Do you need to amp up and get energized for the day, and get on the mat and set it on three or four. When people don't believe me on how amazing this mat is, I just tell them to come over to my house and try it. I use it as often as I can. I love using it while I'm meditating. PMF technology promotes rest and digest which can have a calming effect on the mind. It also helps fight inflammation which can reduce recovery time. It reduces stress improves mood relieves muscle pain increases energy helps with deep sleep and higher dose does not claim this but an influential health podcast or just had on a guest who said that P EMF mats help to expel negative effects of 5g from your body expel negative effects of 5g from your body I find that to be mind blowing and so cool all about it. To me the P EMF mat is an absolute must for every household considering the world that we live in. They have a full size mat and they also have a smaller version called the Go mat. higher dose also sell sauna blankets, full size, infrared saunas and so much more. So you can get high naturally, code self worth 15. Again, that's code self worth 15, we'll get you 15% off your purchase at higher dose, full size Saunas are excluded to purchase now go to higher dose.com and use the code self worth 15 for 15% off, you will be so glad that you did. Alright, so I'm sure that if you are human, you can relate to what I'm about to say. We're going to talk about how to maintain self belief when others doubt Okay, here's the scenario you feel a spark of inspiration, an idea bubbles up. The idea excites you gives you goosebumps, in fact, it lights you on fire, you're so excited about it. It makes you so excited. You almost can't sleep at night, okay, I get like this, I'm so excited just thinking about these ideas that I have. I can't even like articulate them. And that's why I'm stumbling over my words. I'm sure you can relate. You want to get started on this idea as soon as possible because the passion inside of you cannot be bridled. And this passion that is exciting you to your very core causes you to tell somebody that you love about this idea, you share your inspiration, you share your idea, you share how excited you are about bringing this idea baby into the world. And then this loved one speaks. And in your heart, you are hoping that they match your excitement. But to your dismay, they share how concerned they are about your idea. And thing after thing comes out of their mouth, how hard it's going to breed be to bring that idea to fruition, how you may experience some serious difficulties, how you may, I don't know lose money or whatever, whatever, whatever. All the hardships that they foresee along the way, maybe they even doubt that you are capable. And they question your ability to bring this idea to fruition. Maybe they go as far as to remind you of another idea that you had in your past that never came into fruition. The soil of your excitement that was so pure, has now had a seed of doubt planted in it. What do you do next. And what you do next, my friend, my beautiful listener is what really matters. You can water that seed of doubt, and lean into what this person said, and choose to believe that what they are saying is true. Or you can take a deep breath and choose to believe that anything is possible in the next moment. And that your past does not define your future. And that people do great things all over the world every single day. And you can be one of those people. You are made of the same stuff. Literally the same start us maintaining self belief. When other people doubt is not easy. In fact, it requires grit and guts and courage. Especially if the person who is planting seeds of doubt is someone you love and respect. Just because they doubt you, though, does not mean that they don't love you, or have great intentions and sharing what they have to share. It's that they are in a mindset of fear and lack in their own way. They are trying to protect you from disappointment and fear and possible harm, maybe even just dashed expectations and disappointment. But here's the thing. Their doubt is their doubt and your belief can be your belief. These two things do not have to cross pollinate if we do not choose to allow them to cross pollinate. We're powerful and our minds are powerful. Your belief in yourself is an inside job. It's always nice to have words of affirmation and people outside of your Self that believes in you. Feels great. However, it's not required. Many people have done things that were seemingly impossible while the world doubted them actively. Still, they dug deep and believed in their own abilities. They believed in their ideas. They believed in the dream that was given to them. And even in those moments, when maybe they had doubted their own abilities or felt fear, they had enough gumption to continue taking action on what they thought to be possible. Do you think Edison discovered electricity on his first try? Do you think that when he brought that idea to other people, everybody was on board right away? No. Do you think Michael Jordan dunked the ball perfectly on his first try? Do you think Elon Musk made a perfect rocket and his first model? Do you think Beyonce hit every note on her first? Try singing? Do you think Margot Robbie remembers every line? The first time she reads a script? Do you think that the greatest inventors designers, changemakers influencers? People who are amazing at their craft, get what they do right? On the first try every time? Do you think that they are surrounded only by people who believe in them and have believed in them their whole lives? No. Here's the thing, guys. Adversity breeds strength and resilience, if we let it and we need strength and resilience to grow, the strongest oak trees have seen many storms. It makes their roots grow deeper and stronger. And we can choose to be the oak tree. We don't have to bend at the first signs of adversity. We can stand strong and choose to believe in ourselves, to believe in our dreams that were divinely placed in our hearts, to believe in our ideas to believe that our dream lives are absolutely possible and that they've been planted in us for a reason. Maintaining self belief, when other people doubt requires gumption. It does it requires you to fan that flame inside of yourself that says there is more to me than what meets your eye if you have been listening to this podcast or following me on Instagram, then you know I love the golden secrets organic, sustainable, and regenerative skincare line. I interviewed the founder of this company Jesse golden in Episode 102 of this podcast, and she's a leader and a wealth of knowledge in the wellness space. I own the entire golden secret line and use at least two of their products on a daily basis at least two but if you are just starting out I highly recommend the heal all oil. It will change your skin if you cleanse with it and then use it as a moisturizer after I've given this to so many people I love and they all rave about it. They keep coming back for more. I also recommend using the youth beauty face oil. I use this every morning before putting on makeup and it moisturizes my skin so beautifully for the day. And it keeps it plump throughout the day. So any fine lines I have really just disappear. Who doesn't want that. The Golden secrets guasha tools and gold pulse firming one are also regulars in my skincare routine. I have found as I've gotten older that I like less but better. And each of the Golden secrets products is so packed with nutrients that you only need a small amount. So a little goes a long way. And also if you are like me and you don't want a 14 step skincare routine, then this line is definitely for you. It's simple, and it balances your skin's microbiome and I promise you, it will transform your skin. I can't rave enough about this incredible clean skincare line. It is just it's next level. And I have a discount specifically for my community. And it is this code Jacqueline 10. So head on over to the Golden secrets.com and use code Jacqueline 10 at checkout for 10% off your purchase. I also periodically do giveaways and special sales with the golden secrets on Instagram, so you can get more information on my Instagram page at Jaclyn Steele the details and discount are also in this episode's show notes I talked about positive triggers earlier this month. Use your positive triggers for self belief. When you come up against doubt from others. Use them anytime you need them put on that song that fires you up. watch that movie that inspires you read that quote that lights your soul on fire. Hold that book that resonates with you pick a card light a candle take a break do what you need to do to fan that flame. Don't let someone else Come in and blow out that flame that you lit. And even if for a moment they did blow it out, you can choose to light it back up, you are holding the matches, you are driving the car. This is your life. This is not your mom's life. This is not your dad's life. This is not your best friend's life or your brothers, or your sisters or your teachers or your beloved grandmothers or beloved aunt or uncle. Okay? This is not their life. And this is also not the person online who likes to comment on what you do in life. This is not the person who gives unsolicited advice to you. This is not their life, this is your life. And you can take full ownership, full ownership in the book do the impossible by Jason Drees have mentioned it several times this month because it's so good. It's in the shownotes. He talks over and over about how we must take full ownership of our lives past, present and future, no one is going to make your dreams happen. But you that doesn't mean you're not going to get help along the way. That doesn't mean that God isn't going to show up in the most miraculous ways. But if you just sit and do nothing, that dream life isn't going to happen. No one can make you feel or act a certain way or do anything but you you get to choose says powerful stuff. You're the captain of the ship. You are the leader in your life, you're the leading lady or the leading man, you are the president of your own nation, you have sovereignty, will you let someone else and their doubt and fear that doesn't know the full scope of who you really are dash your dreams? Will you let their fear rub off on you? Will you let their own insecurity become your insecurity. It's all up to you. It's all up to you. Your job is to exercise your own self belief muscle. I talked about this in the first couple episodes this month, I would invite you to listen to them if you haven't already. Self belief, just like any physical muscle is something that has to be exercised regularly to be strong. You can exercise self belief in something as little as making a comment that's on your heart that you would have otherwise felt fear around. Or it could be as big as declaring to the world what your next move is and then documenting. It doesn't matter how your self belief takes form. It just matters that you continue to form it and use it and build that muscle. I imagine a duck with rain falling down, it's back, let those drops of other people's doubt and fear and insecurity fall right off of you. Like the rain falls off the back of a duck. It's their doubt my friends, it's their fear. It's their insecurity. It doesn't have to be yours, not now, and not ever, and you get to choose what you believe. I want to wrap up this episode with a question will you take full ownership of your life, past present and future if you are willing to take this brave step, there is nothing that you cannot do nothing. I also want to reiterate how much I appreciate every single one of you. Thank you for listening to this show. Thank you for supporting me, thank you for writing reviews. Thank you for commenting, thank you for connecting with me on social media, I hope you will continue to do so I'm not going anywhere. The future is so bright and beautiful, my friends, we are tuning in to that song, just like the card I pulled earlier said we're tuning into that frequency. And we're going to sing it out and we're going to change the world by doing so I'm grateful our paths have crossed. I hope that they cross again very, very soon. And if you want to keep up to date on this podcast and what's going on in my life, and what's going to happen next, feel free to connect with me on social media, sign up for my email list. You can do that in the show notes below or on my website, Jaclyn steele.com and I'll be sure to give updates via those channels meaning social media in the email list. You are beautiful inside and out. Now go be big today, tomorrow and every day that you have left on this beautiful planet and always remember that your self worth is determined by you. I love all of you. Thank you for listening