Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele

A deep dive into Jaclyn Steele with 30 questions

Jaclyn Steele Season 2 Episode 71

In this light-hearted episode, Teri (my right hand woman) asks me a series of questions aimed at letting you see behind the curtain of my life (her idea) to get to know me, your host, a little better.  In general, this podcast is on the more contemplative, serious side, but there are so many other aspects to all of us.  - This segment highlights stories and personality traits I have not yet shared on this podcast AND it introduces you to the DELIGHTFUL, Teri Rosborg.  I'm hoping you'll hear a lot more from her in the future.



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Light, Love, & Peace,

Jaclyn Steele

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Jaclyn Steele:

Friends, this is a special episode of self discovery. It is an episode that was not crafted by me, which is the first episode in self discovery history that was not written and crafted by me. It was written by my brilliant assistant, Terry Rosberg. She had this idea. She was like, you know, I listened to you on somebody else's podcast on bootsy greenwoods podcast. And I felt like your personality came forth and you were able to be silly in on your podcast, you generally are talking about personal development and things that are on the serious side, which I completely agree. And Terry was like, I think it'd be really fun for your listeners to get to know, like more of your personality rather than this just one aspect of who you are. So with that in mind, she crafted a bunch of questions, some of which I know, she is going to ask me, some of which are total curveballs. And I have not heard before. And so with that, Terry, thank you for setting this up. Thank you for all the prep work that you put into it. And please, please say hello to our beautiful audience. Hello, beautiful audience. I'm so I'm so thankful for you. I'm so thankful for the structure and the organization that you are bringing to this podcast because it was a little bit of a madhouse for me before hiring you trying to edit trying to schedule everything on my own plus doing coaching plus doing interior design stuff, plus helping my husband with real estate plus moving and all the things that are going on. So thank you for just being such a giant, giant, giant force of help in my life. You are welcome. Okay, I'm ready to fire it up and get going.


All right. So yeah, like you said, I'm just wanting people to see your funny personality.

Jaclyn Steele:

It will come through. I don't know if I'm funny on the spot. I'm definitely like, not a comedian. If you asked me to tell you a joke right now, I would probably have to search for one for 10 minutes in the very deep crevices of my brain. Well, yeah, I'm


not funny with jokes. I have to look them up too. But yeah, just spontaneously from

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah, you really are. And you are two, which is what I want to see.


Thank you. You're welcome. So, um, if you just want to introduce yourself to people who haven't heard where you're from, like siblings. Dogs. Yeah.

Jaclyn Steele:

I love that. Okay, so my name is Jaclyn Steele. Thurmond, steel really is my middle name. My grandfather didn't have any sons or brothers to carry on the name. So steel is my middle name. It's my brother's middle name. And it's my cousin's middle name. I have two brothers, Pierce and Anders. I am married to Sam Thurmond, who is a real estate investor. And I have three fur babies, tumnus, Pippin, and Shiloh. And I am originally from Iowa. I lived there until I was 18 with the exception of a couple of years in Illinois when I was first born. And then since then I have lived in I'm just going to go through this chronologically because otherwise I get I skipped states. So born in Iowa, then lived in Illinois, then was back in Iowa, then Missouri, then North Carolina, then Texas, then Louisiana, then Mississippi, then Idaho, then California, then Georgia. Now Arizona, and I also studied abroad in Europe for a semester. And I've done a lot of like traveling in between, so I'm a gypsy at heart for sure. Very good. All right. Now I'm just gonna ask you some questions. Okay, fire away.


First of all, describe yourself in three words. Okay,

Jaclyn Steele:

I'm creatives


loving and compassionate. Very nice. If someone was writing your biography, what was the first chapter be about?

Jaclyn Steele:

The first chapter would be about how when I was like two or three years old, my mom scheduled a play date for me. And I feel like this is so indicative of who I am okay. My mom scheduled a playdate. For me. It was with a little boy who was slightly older than me. And this boy's caretaker when she brought him over. She was like, we need to keep a close eye on these kids because this boy can be quite aggressive. And here you have this, you know, delicate, young little girl, and I don't want anything to happen to her. And my mom was like she can fend for herself. She's actually pretty tough. Like, don't worry about it too much. Well, me and this little boy, we're in another room playing. And my mom and this woman were in the kitchen, I think having tea or something and all of a sudden they hear screaming. And the woman looks at my mom. And she says, I told you, we should have kept an eye on them. And they run into my room. And I'm actually on top of this little boy like punching. And so the reason I think this story is funny is because so many people who know me from self discovery, so many people who know me from my online presence, I am very loving, and I am very empathetic, but I'm also extremely fiery. And if a boundary is crossed, or somebody I love is I feel like being treated unfairly or there's injustice just in general. I can heat up like a firecracker. Yes. I love that story. Thank you.


All right, what was the title of your biography?

Jaclyn Steele:

So I actually started a memoir. When I was leaving Georgia and Sam and I had just sold all of our things. And I My plan is to continue working on it. But it's based on the song that Sara Burrell is wrote called breathe again. And really, the biography is about shedding all of those limiting beliefs that we carry with us, so that we can feel lighter and freer and be able to breathe again. Nice one sec coming out. Oh, I'm glad that you asked her this question. And I just felt my whole body tightening a little bit. I would say 2023. All right, cool. Look forward to you. You're the best. Next.


Right. Who would play you in the story of your life? Oh, Emilia Clarke.

Jaclyn Steele:

I love Emilia Clarke. Not only is she the queen of dragons, Khaleesi denarius. stormborn. But also, she has played other roles that are just so goofy and funny and lovable. And so I love I love the dichotomy of the power that she can bring to a role. And that presence combined with a silliness and a presence that's also extremely inviting.


Yes. I love her. Me too. What is your favorite childhood memory?

Jaclyn Steele:

My favorite childhood memory. Okay, I'm just gonna go with the first thing that comes up and it would be skiing in Colorado. My family had, we had family friends who had this incredible log, it was essentially a mansion in Telluride, Colorado, and they would let us use it whenever we wanted to. And so we would go to telluride in the summer. And we would also go to telluride in the winter. And I used to race ski race competitively. And telluride has some of the best skiing in the world. And we would go in April when there was still snow on the ground. But it was warm enough that you didn't have to ski with a coat you could like ski in a turtleneck or long johns and I end the the runs are super long. They're like a mile long, which compared to most ski runs there. You know that's just very very, very long. And I would come home back to Iowa after you know a week intelli ride and I'd have raccoon eyes. I'd have like these tan lines from where my goggles were. That would be I would be totally white around the eyes and then brown everywhere else and I looked like a raccoon. Awesome. I love raccoons. Yeah, they're really smart. I had one won't. You didn't want to see a real one. I was like, wow, that's unusual. No, it's my pet. Did you play any sports? Oh, yeah, I did. I was very sporty growing up actually. I was never like the star athlete of anything. But I was like in volleyball. I got there. I got the award for being the scrappiest. You know, I'm five three. So it's not like I could spike the ball over the net and you know, do like kill shots. But I was scrappy. And so I would dive all over the gymnasium floor like trying to get balls. I played Middle back. So I played volleyball, I played tennis. And I did play varsity on tennis for a while and I skied competitively. I ran cross country one year, I did track a couple of years to in junior high. I'm not a fast runner. I'm more of an endurance runner if a runner at all. I learned that very quick with my short legs. They just did not want to keep up as much as my heart wanted to be fast. My legs were not. Um, and I feel like I'm missing a sport. I tried swim team did not like it was not good at it. Um, I think I did soccer furler like when I was really, really young, and I don't remember that very, very well. I played flag football in college too. With all the girls. That was really fun. I think those were my primary sports. Yeah. tennis, volleyball, skiing. Those were like my Happy Places. I was not a sport person. That's okay. I also did theater too. And I did like, student government and Model UN and I just I kind of lived at school when I was in school. Your rap? Yeah. I didn't like school. Yeah, I understand why.


Mostly cuz I was shy. If I wasn't shot, I would have been in like the drama club or something I should have.

Jaclyn Steele:

You would have been great at that. I wish I wasn't shy. Yeah. Well, and being shy. I mean, that it's just a trait we're born with sometimes, right? But there's nothing wrong with that. At all shy anymore? No, you're not.


Sometimes, but all right, what nicknames do you have? Um,

Jaclyn Steele:

I have a couple nicknames. My family calls me jack. And they've called me jack since I was little like my grandfather. If I call him. He'll be like, hello. That's how he talks. And I'll be like, hey, Grandpa, and he'll be like, Oh, hi, jack. How are you? dawn? So yeah, family calls me jack. My dad from a young age. He calls me. He calls me either vivre, which is just a play on a movie lady in the tramp where the beaver in lady in the tramp always says busy, Sunny, busy, Sunny. Yeah. And I used to say busy, Sunny, busy, Sunny when I was alone, so it just became big and then bevor. And then my dad also calls me bu which means treasure. And then my husband calls me. He calls me Eve. And my husband, he's gonna hate that I say this, but sometimes he mumbles and so instead of calling me Jackie, he calls me jaggy jag he like Jay AGI. So yeah, those are some of the nicknames that's not really a nickname. It's just a mispronunciation of my actual name, but we'll let it go because he's cute. I apparently have a lot of nicknames at work. You do? Like what? Some people call me, Tara bear. Oh,


my favorite boss that it's no longer there. She used to call me. Terry Berry. Which is what my other friend calls me now. Oh, and then my brother calls me tea sometimes. Yeah, those are all good nicknames. And I made my own nickname, teriyaki. Yeah, teriyaki. Ray.

Jaclyn Steele:

I like that one.


As kids raise my mommy. I know. Right. What are your biggest pet peeves?

Jaclyn Steele:

When my husband's sneezes super loud in the car, and doesn't warn me. I think any like really loud noises give me a slight flash of rage at Target. The other night I was in the electronics section. I'm picking out a TV. And over and over while I was there like trying to pick out a TV people were testing the stereo system in the area and they would turn it up to like 150 it will go from like two to 150 so I definitely had some flashes of rage and target Breathe it out. I was okay. Um, other pet peeve. This is like everybody's pet peeve. But when people are rude to people who are serving them like a barista or a waiter or waitress or a bartender, I just find that to be one of the most like on attractive things when people are inconsiderate and don't treat other people like humans. And then when people aren't on airplanes because there's no escaping it There's just not enough airflow so it sits and sits and festers. Those are also flash of rage moments because I'm like, Hey, I have to fart too, but I'm holding it in like a kind, compassionate, empathetic human being.


All right, let's just go into what is your funniest part story? Oh, okay.

Jaclyn Steele:

So I need to set this one up for you because there's some backstory to it that makes it funnier than even the event of the fart. So when I was a junior in high school, no, was I senior in high school, I was a senior in high school, I was able to take college classes at a local college in Iowa called the University of Dubuque. And one of the classes that I took was called the art and culture of Ireland. And one of my best friends from high school was also in the class, her dad was teaching the class. And then, here's the kicker. My crush was also in the class, his name and I'm probably going to embarrass him. If you ever listen to this podcast. We're still friends to this day, and I love him so much. His name is Matt Cesar ready, which is, I hope the perfect name if you are looking over your life and going, I had a crush on this person in high school, Matt. Ready is like the perfect name because it's a name you will never forget. Right? Anyways, we're in this class called the art and culture of Ireland and then get this we get to go to Ireland together as a class, which is such a dream for an 18 year old. I'm going with one of my best friends. I'm going with my crush. And then also my mom, my mom chaperoned. But here's the deal. My mom is actually so much fun to travel with. So it's really fun having her on the trip. Anyway, we go out one night with the rest of the group. And we go to this club and in Ireland, you know, the drinking age is 18 years old. So me in my like, very good girl ways. I was like, I get to drink here. legally. This is so cool. So I order a Smirnoff Ice, which anybody who doesn't know what a Smirnoff Ice is, it's like a little bit of alcohol and a ton of sugar. But I didn't know like I was 18 years old. I didn't know what I was doing. So I have several Smirnoff Ice says, I danced my little booty off in this club thinking like Ireland, I love playstyle. And it was so much fun. Not really thinking ahead to the next morning when we had to be up at like 6am. And going to the museum in Dublin, which now 34 year old me is like, skip the club part go to the museum. That's so cool. Actually, no, that's not totally true. I'd still go to the club. And I am woken up early, early in the morning, I have a not just a regular hangover, but a Smirnoff Ice over which is sugar and alcohol induced. So even as an 18 year old, like my body hurts, my head hurts, I'm dehydrated, awful. We have to walk to this museum as a group. Of course, I was like trying to look halfway put together after a night on the town. And then we get to this museum. And unfortunately, it's not one of those museums that like piques my interest. It is I don't even remember what it was about. That's how much of an impression this museum had on me. But were ushered into this like amphitheater room, and we're all sitting on the ground. And like these big steps, if you can visualize that, and you sit down, and I'm in the back row, and my friend Eric is sitting next to me. And then Matt sees already my crush is one feet over. And at the time Matt and I were like kind of dating kind of not figuring it out, like having fun in Ireland, whatever. And we're sitting in this amphitheater. I know this is a long story, but I'm going to get to the point. And Eric is whisper talking to me. While this amphitheater presenter whatever they're presenting on in the museum is also talking. And while I love Eric, he's a wonderful human. The story he was telling me was so boring, that I started nodding off. And normally I can like keep up a conversation even if I'm bored, but mind you, I'd been out until like two or three in the morning drinking Smirnoff Ices as an 18 year old Vicki. I was you know, so cool. All right, here we are this next morning and this amphitheater museum director person is droning on and on and Then Eric is droning on and on and on and on. And I start to nod off. I literally start to have a dream while I'm sitting in this amphitheater, and all of a sudden I wake up and I wake up to my own fart. I could not believe what happened. It was Audible, and then I started to smell it. And then Eric was like, What just happened? And then I pretended like I didn't know what happened. And I pretended like I was still in the conversation with him, even though I have nodded off to the point of starting to have a dream. And so that is my fart story. And then I'm pretty sure Matt knew I farted too. And so I was so humiliated. I just wanted to retract into a hole for the rest of my life and go back to America. It's funny. Waking up to your own fart when you're sitting in a public place is a very rude awakening. Let me tell you, I can see it was the last song you sing along to? Ah, oh, it was um it was in the car with my husband after we had watched the finale of shits Creek. And it was so good but it was always be my baby My by Mariah Carey. And my husband and I, especially when he's not on camera, you will riff and go back and forth with a song over and over and over and it just becomes this hilarious like thing that we do. And then also, one thing that I have been doing over the last like six months, basically since we got to Arizona, anytime I feel like there needs to be levity in the moment, or something gets awkward. I don't know why I started doing this. But I just started singing Third Eye Blind. Doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. And then it's like, impossible for me to not smile and feel a sense of joy. Yeah. Music is my therapy. It's so good. It's so good.


That's what I call it at work. That's when I knew on my breaks. therapy. Yeah. Yeah.

Jaclyn Steele:

Is I mean, it's that heart language.


Yeah. Okay. What song would you say sums you up the best.

Jaclyn Steele:

Okay, two songs. Breathe again by Sarah braless rallies. How do you say it? Do you say burrell's ever? rellis or Ellis? Ellis? That's probably right. I don't I don't know how it really is. But I know and I always like I say it differently. Every time I say it going, I really should learn how to say her last name correct. properly because I love her so much. Maybe also two songs by Sarah rellis brand again, and little voice, little voice I feel like sums up the first 32 years of my life. And then there's a song by Brooke Frazier called the CS Lewis song. That's all about self inquiry based on CS Lewis quotes that just have touched me since I was in college. So I would say those three songs are just really important for me. And those are songs that I go back to a lot.


I tried to figure out what song summed me up. I don't know.

Jaclyn Steele:

But I think it's that one that you sent me the Broadway one. I don't remember what it was called. But it was so beautiful. It was about like breaking out of your shell and becoming who you are. I don't remember. I'll find it and I'll send it back to you. Yeah, yeah, it's in our text.


I was listening to the greatest showmen. This is Valentine. Yeah. Oh. Oh,

Jaclyn Steele:

that whole soundtrack was on repeat for me for at least a year. Oh, I know every word of every song pretty much. Me too.


I was listening to that yesterday as I like to sing in the car. Mm hmm. So I can't hear myself. What's the worst thing you got in trouble for

Jaclyn Steele:

making out in the back of a car on a like a public street and the police stopped over and made my boyfriend and I get out of the car. And it was so embarrassing. I was mortified. I've never done anything bad. Oh, I am a perfect Angel. I don't believe that. I feel like I feel like you have this Miss GVS I maybe you just got away with it because you were shy for a while. And people wouldn't suspect it. But I feel like there's a there's a side of you that Yeah. You've got some depth there. Yeah,


I just haven't got caught. Now like my brother and sisters. Yeah. Was the good child. Oh, for real? They don't believe you. They were bad. If you could live anywhere in the world besides Arizona, where would it be?

Jaclyn Steele:

Hmm. Right now. I mean, I waffle on this because I have such a like wandering spirit and such wanderlust. But Greece. I just, there's such a like, I love France. I love Paris. I'm French. I also would love to go to Denmark and Norway where I also have I'm no I have family members, because my great grandmother is from Norway. And my great grandfather is from Denmark, so and about all these family members in France, but there's something about Greece that just I hit the reset button. And I love it so much. I also love California. And Sam and I thought we would be moving back to California after we left Georgia, but fell in love with Arizona. So yeah, grease. All of those all of those answers to say grease.


Is it really? greyston? Yeah. Okay. All right. You know how I'm like singers and famous people have their little fan clubs. Yeah, their fans are called certain things. What would your fans be called? Oh, my gosh.

Jaclyn Steele:

This is hard. Okay, well, I have one for you. Oh, okay. You go first. have to take a sip of water to think about this waterway? discovers?


I don't know. I don't know. I feel

Jaclyn Steele:

like you'd be better at answering this question than me. Okay, what popped into my head? steelies. Oh, I love that. I love that. Okay, let's see. Lee's it's subtle. Terry. You're the president.


All right. Cool. Starting it up tomorrow. All righty. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Oh,

Jaclyn Steele:

oh, like love this question. Um, okay. Well, I should probably set this up by saying I want to be wonderwoman. Yeah, and I have a slight obsession with Wonder Woman. And so I would say her strength is like, abnormal strength. Right. I said that so and articulately, but her superpower is being like super, super, super strong. Yeah. So I would say that because I want to be like Wonder Woman. Yeah, I didn't ask you who your favorite superhero was. Oh, I love her so much. Well, and I love to, like in the first Wonder Woman, I didn't love the second one if I'm honest. But in the first Wonder Woman, I think what's so powerful is in the beginning, she doesn't know her own strength, and she doesn't know the depth of her own power. But then as she learns the depth of her own power, she's able to take such evil and turn it around, and then use her immense power for such good and to protect other people. And so I just, I look up to that character a lot. And I think we're all immensely powerful, too.


Yeah. I like Captain America. Yeah. Also Captain Marvel. Yeah. Basically, captains. Basically, captains. You're welcome. Oh, I adore you. What is your spirit animal?

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, the tiger commercial and I was born in the year of the tiger. Every animal quizzes that I take. I am the tiger. They are strong. They are solitary, even though I will Love humans. I am very happy being a hermit crab or being like a tiger just wandering around in the jungle on its own. I was born in the Year of the Dragon. Oh, is your spirit animal? The dragon then? Sure. Yeah, no, the tiger is just and like I've had so many dreams about Tigers when I was little I was obsessed with tigers. I had a big Tiger poster in my room and the caption at the bottom, it was a tiger like licking its lips with snow all around. And the caption at the bottom was, How fast can you cross country ski? Just cheesy. So did cheesy capture, but I loved the strength. And the power of the Tiger like loved it and loved it so much that I insisted on having it on the wall. And because I am my mother's daughter and my mother is. Well, my mother has many things, one of which is a designer. And she has this incredible designer. So she took this very realistic. I mean, it was an actual photo of a tiger with this caption at the bottom of how fast can you cross country ski. And she framed it in this ornate French gold frame. Very cool. I mean, I don't know if it was cool. It was very Claudia of her. Very


cool. All right now for the funny questions.

Jaclyn Steele:

I'm excited.


You had a warning label, what would you say?

Jaclyn Steele:

wild and dangerous and unpredictable. We don't know what's going to come out of her mouth. And actually, when I was little, my parents didn't know what would come out of my mouth. So when I turned I don't know, four or so they started like prefacing before we went into any public space that I had to keep my thoughts to myself if they were about anybody else. Like I I was brutally honest. Oh, yeah. Whoo, totally honest. Lots of children are. Yeah, yeah. Oh, for sure. And I love that about kids. No, I just I, um, I got my parents into some trouble, like, my dad Secretary had like, kind of sharp incisor teeth. And when she was little older, she had teeth like a shark. And then I added the, like, chomping noise at the end. Yeah. And then also another, like, kind of bad incident was my dad, my dad, his lawyer. And, uh huh. One of his law partners was running for office in our town. And they were of a different political mindset than my parents were. And I went to the voting booth with my mom and shouted from the top of my lungs and went into each carton in the voting booth at the voting. I have a lot of energy as a tribe, saying who we were going to be voting for. And it was a small and who we were going to be voting for. Got back to my dad's law partner. And caused some issues. Yeah, I know. When I when I say I was like, I was never like a mean child. Uh huh. But I was very mischievious and did not have a filter. Yeah. So


yeah. All righty. What animal would be the cutest if scaled down in size cat? I like this question. And

Jaclyn Steele:

an answer. Okay, an elephant would be so cute. So so so cute. Also a hippo. Can you like a tiny tiny little bit? What? You can walk it on a leash? Oh my gosh. Can you imagine? I am. I love it. I just I love wildlife so much. Um, oh. size of a cat like a kitten cat or like a full grown Cat Cat. Okay, I mean, that'd be a kitten at first and then they'd grow up. Yeah, but full size. They were just the size of a cat. Yeah, Hippo is freaking cute. Um, I think any large cat shrunk down would also be cute. Like a tiger. Um, what Else I started thinking of like ocean wildlife, but we can't have them in the house. It'd be a ha, if they were small, like a cat fish tank, like an orca and a fish tank or a shark. It was scary. I think I'd still be really scared.


You know what, I am scared of sharks. And that's why I will not go in the ocean. I mean,

Jaclyn Steele:

I like I have a healthy fear of sharks. It's not going to prevent me from getting in the ocean. But I also know how important sharks are to the ecosystem. So I hate that. There is such a fear of sharks that they're being killed off in droves.


Yeah, my sister's favorite animal is a shark really is obsessed

Jaclyn Steele:

about her personality. What does she like is a human shark.


What old person things do you do?

Jaclyn Steele:

What old person things don't? I do? That's a better question. Um, I enjoy going to bed early. I like eating dinner early if possible. I also like eating dinner late like a true European. Um, I love tea. I love tea. I love to read books. Um, I like to take leisurely strolls. Well, what else do I like? I like Bad's I like slow mornings. I like writing things out rather than putting them into my phone or in the computer. Like I like handwriting things. Yeah. Yeah. I also love classical music, and Enya and meditation music. Like if you were to walk in my house on any given day, and I were listening to music as much as I love pop music, if I'm working or doing something that requires focus I have on Enya or meditation music or yoga music, like something along those lines?


Yeah. Um, do you count your change when you go to the grocery store? so much? And then they're always like, Oh, I have that change. counted out.

Jaclyn Steele:

And then they count it out, and then hand it to you. Do I double check them? No. Do you count it out? Like an old person? Oh, yes. Oh, my gosh, I knew it.


I don't know if I

Jaclyn Steele:

do it out loud. But I know I do it in my head.


Yeah, they like to say, Oh, I have change. And then you're waiting for them to count it and find it. No,

Jaclyn Steele:

I don't do that. Because I don't usually have cash on me. I'm almost always use a debit card. My mom does that. Does she really? Oh, man. holding up the line? I usually have a debit card too. I don't usually have cash. Yeah.


Oh, right. Yes, that one. If you were a ghost and could possess people, what would you make them do?

Jaclyn Steele:

I would make them spontaneously. fart in weird places. And surprise people and they would be really loud farts. So they like when somebody is relaxing at home on a Friday night and the candles are lit and the TV is on. All of a sudden there's just like a huge fart in the corner. And they're like, did I do that? Or did somebody else do that? Like I would do something silly.


I would if I was a ghost. I would like move things. That is evil. And yeah, I would like haunt them. Yeah, I would also

Jaclyn Steele:

like repeatedly saying Billy Joel songs. Because if you take certain lyrics out of his song sometimes as much as I love Billy Joel, they're like a little creepy. Like that voice you're hearing in the hall. And then just let it Echo, Echo and echo.


Very good. If animals could talk, which would be the most annoying and then which would be the rudest. Ooh, okay, most

Jaclyn Steele:

annoying would be a hyena. Because they cackle so loud or a coyote coyote is also like there's a lot of coyotes in Arizona and they are loud. And when they're together as a pack. They sound like a bunch of women at the hour going. It they're so loud and then the most rude Did it probably be like a panther or some kind of cat that would just like walk past you and be like, are you really wearing that in public?


Alright, which two items would you buy to make the cashier and the most uncomfortable? to two? Oh, man. Oh

Jaclyn Steele:

okay, first thing that comes to mind is like whipped cream and condoms. Just like make them really like sexually uncomfortable. But really what I would rather do is play mine ninja with them. Like something super obscure, like, um I don't know, the first thing that came to mind was like exercise bands, the stretchy bands and like peanut butter or like something I don't know something weird. Yeah, I would much rather do something weird than like the typical like sexual stuff to make people. That doesn't really make me uncomfortable. I'm a cashier. Yeah, I can't imagine it would not you probably me uncomfortable. Nothing. No, not really. No. But I want to I'm going to like work on coming up with something that will make you really uncomfortable.


No, but I like to make up stories of like, what they're doing to us there certain items. Oh,

Jaclyn Steele:

are there any fun ones? That kind of? Wow. If you just say buy a rope, shovel she they probably have somebody in their trunk. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Also the people that sharpen up my work are creepy. Not gonna say where I work. Oh, yeah, we don't want a lawsuit on our hands. But I also won't work there anymore.


Yeah, not much longer. You're on your way out. In a second. No. What would be the creepiest thing to say to a stranger?

Jaclyn Steele:

This is a good question. creepiest thing. I'm trying to think of something like creepy that people have said to me. I hate it when somebody who doesn't know you comment on what you look like or your body. That's really weird. But um, creepy thing. I don't know, Terry. I don't know. I feel like my brain like cuts itself off when it comes to creepy stuff. I was followed once. And my like creepy meter is high. I also in college, somebody tried to break into my apartment and my dog went nuts. And so anything that like even feels creepy to me. I feel like my brain automatically just goes Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Okay, I have one. Please answer this for me.


You're so clutch you're coming in. You're coming in and saying you just walk by someone and be like, I know.

Jaclyn Steele:

The neck hairs on my neck just


terrible or what? My niece used to whisper to me. I like to watch your sleep. Yeah. Oh, that time so that was really creepy.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that is creepy. I stayed at a hostel while I stayed at a lot of hostels. When I was right after I graduated from high school, a girlfriend and I went to Europe for a couple of weeks. And then when I studied abroad in college, I stayed at a bunch of hostels, but one morning I think it was in London. I woke up to this guy taking pictures of me while I was sleeping. And it was like full body What is happening? I feel so it was Yeah, so my creepy like, meter is high. Anything that feels like it's gonna be creepy. I just am like, peace out.


Well, I am around a lot of creepy people because like Russian people don't shop at my store. Creepy. I don't I don't like it when people use my name when they don't even know me. I don't like that. Yeah, yeah,

Jaclyn Steele:

I can I can understand like, feels Like if I were like you


don't know me Stop saying my name. No. What is the worst or weirdest dream you have ever had? The worst or the weirdest dream I have ever.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, this is a recurring dream that I have. And this is so bizarre, but I get to puppies. And I'm so excited, and so elated that when I wake up, I am disappointed that I didn't give the puppies. I don't know, like somewhere in my subconscious. I love dogs that much, but it's happened multiple times.


I just remember a dream where I had I was in a school, and we were running away from a T Rex. Oh, that's a good one, too. That was a long time ago. But I still remember that. Most of the time. I don't remember my dreams. It happened after you watch

Jaclyn Steele:

jurassic park or something?


No. I love Jurassic Park. I hate to I love those movies. Well, and Chris Pratt.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh my gosh, I found there is a meme of Chris Pratt. That is hilarious that I'm going to send to you somebody. Somebody was looking up pictures of Jesus Christ. But it typed it in Google wrong. And it was like Christ Pratt or something like that. And the picture was so funny. I'm gonna send it to you.


Chris Pratt is on my wall. Yeah, it's a dinosaur. He's a cutie today is and what what Disney Princess would make the best spot.

Jaclyn Steele:

Ooh, rah. would make the best spy. I want to say Ariel, because she can sing and swim and hear underwater. And she could be stealthy on all the coasts. Very nice. Good question.


I think Ana from Frozen reflect a wonderful spot. Oh,

Jaclyn Steele:

I have a confession. I have not seen frozen funny. I know. I know. I know. I know. I shaved. I'm obsessed with frozen so much.


I know I need to watch how much people think I'm weird, but I'm obsessed. This is a good one. If you could be a fictional character What? Who would you be?

Jaclyn Steele:

I'm just gonna go with the first that comes to mind. So denarius Targaryen before she goes that shit at the end? Yes. My language. Yeah. Because she was on such a great trajectory. She was helping people. She was freeing people. She was powerful. Yeah, I would be somebody evil. Really? I would not have expected you to say that at all. Like who?


I don't know. Like, I don't know my favorite character of all times the Wicked Witch. Wizard of love. Oh,

Jaclyn Steele:

that's I mean, of course she does melt. Not I want to know well, but in wicked. Um, what's the main character? Well see Elphaba


alphabets? But she's not evil. She's good. She's not born evil. She becomes evil because of her circumstances.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah. Which I think is how what happens to most people that become evil.


That's also my favorite book. Wicked. Yeah.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, that musical so powerful. Yeah,


the book is really good too. I can imagine. Oh, okay. This is good. What would be your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse? Dragon glass.

Jaclyn Steele:

I don't know. Whatever is like the zombie neutralizer. So what you know, I'd probably have to do a little research but whatever. Like the equivalent of Dragon glass is to the zombie apocalypse. That would be my weapon of choice. Even if I had it for like months.


I just want sword. I want swords off time. swords. You can like chop off their head. Okay, that's a little creepy. Okay.

Jaclyn Steele:

The real Terry's coming.


Now, you know, what was the most embarrassing moment of your life?

Jaclyn Steele:

The most embarrassing moment okay. The first thing that comes to mind was it was a few years ago I was doing go at home. On Smith's old bar in Atlanta, which is like a really famous place, like john Mayer's played there, and I was doing this set, and that a couple days before this guy who was in another band that was playing that night, he was like, Hey, I know you don't have a drummer, and you're just playing as a duo for this. But I am going to be there with my drum kit, can I can I sit in and play? You, I would just love to do that. You know, I've done a lot of jam sessions. And it's not in music. It's not uncommon for other players to sit in with other players. Well, I did not do my research in this drummer was not prepared for the kind of music that I play. And he had been drinking, the whole set. He was offbeat. And he was playing so loud. And mind you it was just me and my keyboard player who also played the viola and the guitar, then me and my guitar. So when it was just the two of us, it was not super loud. It was very focused on the music and my voice. And then there's the drummer had no, like, attention. How loud he was playing, is how loud our voices were our instruments were. And this was such a great point of self discovery for me, and I wrote a blog post on it a couple years ago. But what happened was after the first song, I was like, hey, if you just play a little softer, and he was like, Oh, yeah, sorry, sorry. And the next song, he was super offbeat, and I still couldn't hear myself. And then the next song, I was like, hey, maybe if you would just not play on this song, I'd appreciate it. And then he came in halfway through the song, because he felt awkward back there just sitting. And the lesson that I learned in that as hard as it was, because the whole set made me look bad. Yeah, obviously, he looked a little bit bad, but I was, right. But what I realized was, I was more afraid of making him feel embarrassed and looking bad than I was of me being embarrassed and looking bad. Because what I should have done, as a professional musician would be to say, Hey, dude, thank you so much for your offer to play. That, you know, you did your part, that's enough, or good after one song and knowing how bad it was, but I let him play the whole set with me. And that was like, one of those realizations of my own blind spot around self sacrifice, and in some ways self sabotage. So never again, will I allow somebody to sabotage my sat like that. But it was wildly embarrassing. It was a pretty much sold out show at a famous club. And it was awful. Even during the song, I had just released a single called Mississippi center. And we had a background track for it because there's an instrument in it, called the pedal steel. And then we also had a steel guitar. And we didn't have those players, so we had tracks for it. So when you're singing to a track, you have to stay on time, because the track isn't gonna like allow you to give anything and this drummer was so loud and so offbeat, that I couldn't even hear the track to know when I was coming in and out. So I had to ask the sound guy to start the track over in front of the whole audience. It was just, it was mortifying, I've never had a show that bad in my life. Well, you won't ever again. Oh, I sure hope so. I sure hope so. makes me miss playing live though. in a weird way. Yeah, you should do that. I miss performing. And then we can start up the fan club. So sweet and kind and wonderful. Thank you.


Right? I'm just going to end with a little joke. Okay. What word is spelled incorrectly? In every single dictionary?

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh. Onomatopoeia I don't know. incorrectly. No way. No, cuz I thought you were gonna I thought you were going to ask me about my guilty pleasures again. And I came up with a really good answer. So can I answer that question, even if it's not a question? Yes. What are your guilty pleasures? So first of all, first of all, I don't like to call them Guilty Pleasures because I don't want to feel guilty about having pleasure. But I have to tell you a story about what happened last night. So I've been and I watched this really cute movie with Nick Kroll. And after the movie, you know, we got this new TV, and we don't really know how it works. But the movie turned off and all of a sudden, another show started playing afterwards. Yeah, it was like public access or like something like, the smart part of the TV turned off and then whatever, like access channel came on. And it was Baywatch. Yeah, not but not the get this. No, it gets so much better. This is why I'm calling it a guilty pleasure. It gets so much better because it wasn't Baywatch like the California Baywatch with Pam Anderson. It was like that they watch that came after the real Baywatch that happened in Hawaii. Nah, I watched that one. And guess who stars in it that I didn't know. You? Tell me Jason lamola. I just watched that. Like, you did it


while I was on a Baywatch cake one time. I get on cakes. And I watch the whole series. And then that one, and then I was like, Oh my God. That's Jason momoa.

Jaclyn Steele:

I could not believe Jason momoa was in this Baywatch Hawaii version. And for anybody that doesn't know me, like Jason momoa is my celebrity crush, like he does have a celebrity crush. And so young Jason momoa is in Baywatch. And I'm watching this going. This is sense to the Baywatch fans or the people that were in it. But this is the worst show that has ever been made. The plot and the character development


is so bad. It is all about good looking people like running on the beach and then

Jaclyn Steele:

flipping their hairs they get out of the water. But this like the writing and the plotline, again, I don't mean to offend anybody. It was so bad, but I couldn't stop watching it because it was like watching a train wreck happening. Yeah. I'm glad that Jason momoa graduated to such incredible shows like see on Apple TV. Have you watched that yet? I've seen some Yes. Oh my gosh, that is such a good show. Um, and some of the other roles. He's played like in Game of Thrones. He was brilliant. Yeah, like, Man was so good. Yeah. Anyway, that was a guilty pleasure of mine last night. Although I don't really feel that guilty about it, but Well, that's all I have, I hope. Well, that's all folks. Thanks. Okay. Well, I'm there. Oh, really, that is it. So thank you for listening, everybody and thank you, Terry for orchestrating this. You're welcome.