Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele

Rethinking conventional notions of beauty and wellness with Living Libations creator, Nadine Artemis

Jaclyn Steele Season 2 Episode 81

Nadine Artemis is the author of Holistic Dental Care: the Complete Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums and a frequent commentator on health and beauty for media outlets.  Alannis Morissette calls her "a true-sense visionary."

Artemis is the creator of Living Libations, a line of botanical health and beauty creations that are among the purest of the pure on the planet.  As an innovative aromacologist, Nadine has formulated an elegant collection of rare and exceptional botanical compounds.  Her potent dental serums are used worldwide and provide optimal oral care.  She and her products have received rave reviews in the New York Times, the National Post, and the Hollywood Reporter.

Her relationship to the cosmos informs her concept of Renegade Beauty, which encourages effortlessness and inspires people to rethink conventional notions of beauty and wellness.  This revolutionary vision allows the life force of flowers, dewdrops, plants, sun, and water to be the ingredients of healthy living, and lets everything unessential, contrived, and artificial fall away.  

Our conversation was delightful and oh-so-enlightening.  Enjoy!

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Renegade Beauty
Holistic Dental Care: The Complete Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums
The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

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Light, Love, & Peace,

Jaclyn Steele

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You know, when we endeavor really any moment, like any sort of moment forward, like, right, it just endeavored to kind of meet life. If we're doubting it or if we wish for something, or we desire something, or we, you know, even if we bring it down to something in the body or like, you know, wanting to clear up acne or something, you got to know it's like, just be confident in the possibility. You know, and because if we're focusing on the doubt, oh, isn't it so uncomfortable to have desire and doubt at the same time on the same subject? Hi,

Jaclyn Steele:

I am Jaclyn Steele, and welcome to self discovery. Howard Thurman so beautifully wrote, don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive, coming alive. That, my friends, is what self discovery is all where that might help. Hello, and welcome to the self discovery podcast with your host me Jaclyn Steele. I want to do a little intro to today's guest before she hops on. And her name is Nadine artemus. She started the company living libations which I have talked about on this podcast with other guests. And in ADS. It is an incredible company. And their products are absolutely gorgeous and the purest of the pure on the planet. So I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing her today and I wanted to tell you a little bit about her before she hops on nating. Artemis is the author of holistic dental care The Complete Guide to healthy teeth and gums and a frequent commentator on health and beauty for media outlets. Alana's Morissette calls her a true sense visionary. Nadine started living libations which is a line of botanical health and beauty creations that are among the purest of the pure on the planet. As an innovative aroma ecologist Nadine has formulated an elegant collection of rare and exceptional botanical compounds, I can attest to this I have some of her perfumes and many of the living libations line of products. Her potent dental serums are used worldwide and provide optimal oral care. She and her products have received rave reviews in the New York Times The National Post and The Hollywood Reporter. Her relationship to the cosmos informs her concept of Renegade beauty, which encourages effortlessness, and inspires people to rethink conventional notions of beauty and wellness. And this book Renegade beauty is something that we talk about in this episode. It's a book that I have an A read and highly recommend. This revolutionary vision about beauty allows the life force of flowers dewdrops, plants, sun and water to be the ingredients of healthy living and let's everything unessential contrived and artificial, fall away. Without further ado, I cannot wait to introduce you to Nate Dean Artemis, the creator and founder of living libations Alright, beautiful listeners. Today, on the podcast, we have Nadine Artemis. She is the founder of living libations. She has written multiple gorgeous books, Renegade beauty, holistic dental care, and I am honored it is an understatement. I've been following you for a long time. And you have been so inspirational in my life specifically when it comes to connecting to nature around me and thinking about the products that I put on my body the things that I put inside my body. And I am so grateful to have you here today. Thank you so much. Well, I'm just so happy to be here. You are such a light. And I feel like you're such a trailblazer. Which leads me into my first question for you, which is this. You are such a sacred rebel in the world of beauty. And instead of encouraging us to buy more, more, to look better, better, better, you really do the opposite. you encourage us to rethink everything we are putting on our skin and allowing into our lives. And I find this as I said endlessly inspiring. Can you share a little bit about your background and what brought you to write this divinely inspired book Renegade beauty?


Oh, yeah, I don't I don't always know where to start. I mean, definitely, you know, the book was not in my mind as a team. You know, just playing with just all the cosmetics of the day like all of them, you know, and I had I was the youngest so my mother and sister I was like hand me down for cosmetics as well. And I would concoct I mean it before that age I was in the woods can cocked I just had a thing of like, Mick. I was no purpose. But like, what happens if I take these geranium petals and squish them with the pansies and the mud and put it on my body and jump in the lake and, or I go into my mother's bathroom and make such a mess, you know, and mixing, like, the joy perfume was like the Lysol or that kind of thing. So wasn't very productive, or even, you know, go over to a friend's house, whole other new bathroom, you know, let's get you into some trouble with your mom as we mix things. But then it's a great nine, awesome, there was a science fair project, we got to pick her on subject and I found a book on like making cosmetics with a chapter on perfumery. So then I got to actually like, we just had bottles of perfume I didn't really get where they came from, or their history. And of course, they're all synthetic, but just get a whiff of like the history and that they are you know, even though they're synthetic now it's like made from distillates arose, and it went into the history of Egypt, which I always found totally fascinating. So I recreated layer to top, you know, traveling through my teen years, just, you know, again, with all the bottles, and, you know, finding like things like Oh, the body shop was around, and you thought that was natural. So I'm in that whole world, then 18, I'm at university, living on my own, and skipping school. And watching Lisa binay talk about like food, and its connection to health and the health of the environment. And that was very new back then. I mean, we were just about to start recycling, I think, right? As a country. So that was fascinating. And, and I also happened to live on a street with a little health food store that was in a house. And I walked by, you know, go into it every day on my way home from school and got every book there. So it was a real exploratory time, and I'm in university anyway. So you're geared up for researching and all of that. And I'm understanding what's in my food now, because there's a whole book on like, how to read the labels at the supermarket, that was mind blowing, like the the games and the, you know, just the like, just simple things that you realize, you know, that aren't really real substances or, you know, it was mind blowing. And then that just made me glance over to the skincare. and go, Oh, my God, like, you know, the back doesn't match the front ingredients, you know, there's no cucumber in the cucumber face toner do berry is not a plant. All that kind of stuff. You know, the fuzzy peach bath oil is in a sea of petroleum oil. And on and on, right, so I that was just like just just then a whole world of ingredients, just those words that you know, maybe you read at 10 years old as you're having a bath and you pick up the bottle of shampoo, and you just think that's what's on the back of all the stuff in your worlds you just think but then you realize No wait, the food was, you know, fake, let's call it or whatever, there's issues there. And of course, this is not real. And so then all of a sudden, I just had a whole excuse to mix and concoct with a purpose. Because now and I gotta channel the rebel in me into something very productive. Because on one level, this was the ultimate rebellion. Like I don't have to participate in buying stuff from like, without, you know, just that industry. And to me, it felt really productive and totally rocking my rebellious spirit.

Jaclyn Steele:

And that was just fascinating. Oh, and I got chills when you brought up your inner rebel because I feel like and I talked to Julia from your team about this, who are products to me feel like a spiritual experience, because of the purity because of this smell. Because I know I'm putting really high quality ingredients on my skin. There's a ritual to it, which to me makes me pause for a moment, take a deep breath and go, where am I at right now? What am I thinking about right now? How can I be better? How can I be more in the moment. And so I think that is a really unique aspect of what you put out into the world. Because everything, not everything else. But so many other things are so synthetic. So many of the things that we eat are not real. I pick up one of your products and it's in this beautiful glass bottle and then you open it up and it smells real. It smells authentic. It smells like it is a couple degrees of separation from the earth. And there's something so sacred and beautiful about that. So I think to in reading your book and of course I read your background and how you used to play in the woods when you were little and you were so inspired by nature. I feel like you are encouraging us to return back to the form in which we are really meant to be all of these degrees of separation from connection to the earth connection to products that are good for us. It's unnatural, and we're totally out of balance. So it's no wonder diseases running rampant. You know, mental health is out of whack. And everything just seems to be at such a high level of anxiety. And here, you're creating this brand in this product line that just feels it feels very much to me, like you're reeling everything back in and going, how do we create simplicity and beauty? in all of this complexity?


That's lovely. Yeah. Yeah. And also, when I'm thinking about caring for the body, it's usually like, let's all just step back for a moment. And like, how does it work? Like without our human hand interfering, or whatever, a bottle of this or that supplement this or that? How is that supposed to be working? What's the original design here? How can we get out of the way? And let's see, let's let let it function first. Or, or like no, or that. So before we're like masking band dating, covering up, you know, we got to go deep. And also, yes, I mean, it's about like, hopefully, you're connecting to that part of nature. And, and bring and bring it because again, we don't all get to live in Sedona and by Algonquin Park, Canada. But, you know, knowing really nature's just sort of like right outside of your door. I mean, it's just really outside, right, it's like, even if you're in a city, you know, I definitely had my years living in the city when I was so yearning to be here. And, you know, I had to, you know, you find your pockets, I would find the moon when it was, you know, where I can go sit with it a park bench or bench or see the sun or, you know, how can I find that patch of grass to get some sun in or, you know, where is there a tree producing berries that I could pick or whatever. So there's that, but also, it's about meeting, you know, nature where we're at right now, I mean, we're not going to be going back to a lot of stuff either. But we're also out of, you know, a lot of people on the planet right now are out of that more survival time with the elements as well. We have homes and shelter and running water. So we have shelter from the elements, but now we have almost the luxury of engaging with them, because we don't have to survive them. So let's do it, you know, let's bask in the elements because it's not another bottle of anything. Even though mine may come close. Totally not another bottle of anything that's actually going to like connect you to what truly is replenishing us, which is really, you know, the gifts of the cosmos, it's like engaging with the sun and the air. And that starry night, you know, or walking through the woods or just going for a walk outside and in the city and catching the moon coming up are so it's all stuff that brings us back into a state of homeostasis. Yeah, and we need partners for that. Yeah, not go into homeostasis without the elements. Oh,

Jaclyn Steele:

I could not agree more. I could not agree more. And I feel like in my own health journey, the simpler I go, the better I feel all around whether it's how I feel emotionally and spiritually physically, the more I am in nature, the more I am eating clean, the more I am using products that I feel like, honor the earth and honor myself, it's a self worth thing too, you know, where you put a line in the sand and say, I am no longer willing to put that synthetic chemical that's going to disrupt my endocrine system.


And my body It was so fun to is to take those moments where you're having that and then frame it. So it's like even more in the realm of what you want. So it's like I forgot we just said I'm no longer willing to whatever but just say I am willing to put nature like all over like forget even about mentioning the synthetics like they're gone. They're not even that statement.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, I love that. Yeah, yeah, just a total embrace of the pure. This episode of self discovery is supported by Parker clay. Parker clay creates premium leather bags and goods that provides stable and dignified work for at risk women in Ethiopia. Every item on their site shows how many hours of empowerment Your purchase will create freaking love this company as evidenced by all the items I have from them, which I'm going to share right now. I own the Mercado signature tote the Miramar backpack the Eden carry out the squares, wallet cord tacos for organizing the Toba mini bucket bag the Abby drawstring backpack the ring can tote the podar oh and my friends The list goes on. I've also purchased many gifts from their site for my friends and family. My husband wears the a zash bandana and mask combo which has been great during this pandemic. And he loves it because it's stylish and also provides protection. Every single thing I have from them, I am impressed by you know the quality as soon as you touch the leather, it's so buttery soft and thick and gorgeous. I wear my Parker clay pieces with pride, knowing they are stylish and providing dignified employment for some incredible and deserving people in Ethiopia. And as a side note, these items just get better with time because of the way that they are made. Visit Parker clay calm to purchase your next favorite bag, I'm telling you, you'll be hooked and use code PC dash, Jacqueline s 24 20% off your order again, that's PC dash, Jaclyn s 20 for 20% off your order, you can find the link in the details in the show notes below. Okay, now back to the episode. Your products are so pure, and I have a wide array of your living libations line and the efficacy of each creation is incredible. I would imagine though, as such a disruptor in the beauty industry, because your products are so wildly different from conventional products, that bringing your line to market was not easy. So can you share your driving mindset with us? And is there a story of overcoming a really difficult obstacle in your business that you could share?


That's really fun. Well, I generally I generally don't even think of terms of obstacles. But yes, for sure there are challenges. But I as you're asking, I was reminded of Seth Godin who's like anonymous and stuff. But he has a book, I think in the title, I believe is called like, pick me or pick yourself or something else. Of course, this came out a few years ago, and I'm talking about when I was like 22 and opening up my own store. However, I opened up my own store. And so I really feel like all along, I was always just picking myself, even though that later became a marketing term. So I didn't bring my stuff to whatever market there was at that time, or really ever since I just set up shop, literally, and was my market. And then people come

Jaclyn Steele:

You know, I feel tears welling up in my eyes. And that really hit a nerve with me in a good way it this morning in my quiet time. I was fretting future tripping as I would call it for my own brand and what I'm doing because there's so many things that I want to do. And sometimes I get stuck in overthinking of how to release this or release this because I have wide a wide range of interests and things that I want to do. Sure. And I feel like what you just said was, all you have to do is follow your heart and be yourself.


Yeah, now that we see there can get clutter in that, yeah, well that of course the mind is going to bring in clutter, and there's going to be outside people may be cluttering your thoughts or whatever. But in that Pick yourself to I do feel like of any time like I mean, it's so easy almost now to pick yourself because, you know, if you're a musician, you don't have to wait for the record label to come along that whole systems, you know, kind of blow even in my own journey of publishing. So before there was holistic dental care book, I had self published a dental care book, and in like 209, and people were like, oh, if you self publish, like you won't get published, and I was like, I don't really care. And because this information just needs to get out there. Like who cares? Who cares about publishing information? So I just made my own little book, and even at that time in 209 Wow, like it was so easy and there was even like print on demand Amazon. So it literally you could be on Amazon and it would just print the book when people ordered it. You know, like it's like it's never been easier. And I also I really didn't feel like that was a true thing. And of course the book, me publishing it me picking myself. Then it got published because they saw that it was a eight people want to know about this information and had a successful track record. And it was that track record that enabled the publishing and then what was fun is, I mean it was a very it was pretty juicy to publish my own book like I made. I have now I'm like, eight years into publishing holistic dental care. And I don't even think I've come close to the money I made self publishing, even though I probably sold more books now. Wow. But I think it's a great journey for the information because for it to be published, I wait, especially when it's like alternative health information, it just gives it a little more credence. And it's in five languages now. And that's certainly not something I would cram it's an audible book, you know, fun thing. So I feel like it had the perfect journey.

Jaclyn Steele:

I love I love what you said about not thinking in terms of obstacles. Does that just come naturally to you? Or is that something that you really worked on? Because I feel like my natural bent is to always look for the silver lining and thing? Yeah, I'm very optimistic. But I do. I don't necessarily think I feel like not in terms of obstacles as you do. So can you touch on that? And where that comes from?


Sure. Well, I feel like it comes out of I think, stellar disposition. Like I always just feel like I had that I've always felt I just even as a kid, I remember thinking, I'm like, I was just born so lucky. You know? I mean, literally, I mean, you could, you know, obviously I feel like people be like, Oh, yeah, that's a nice life. And it would be everybody would great. That's a great way to grow up. But internally, it was even wasn't just like a because we had a nice house or whatever it was like, I feel lucky. Like, you know what I mean? Like, I feel like I'm carrying a set of aces in my back pocket kind of feeling. So I feel like to have that feeling. You kind of want to you want to keep feeling that way. And I feel like that. So that helped me with challenges and things. But I feel like when you're in those moments, if it doesn't feel good, the story's not over. Yes,

Jaclyn Steele:

yes. I love what Ryan Holiday says he's he studied stoic philosophy. And he says the obstacle is the way. And I love that. Because if your baby for me,


though, I don't even think I'd have the word obstacle in my little. Yeah, there. Yeah, I mean, because the obstacles the way or the ways the way. Like, what we're identifying with obstacle, and that already has so much meaning around. Oh, there's so much.

Jaclyn Steele:

So let's just let's just skip that word. Yeah, yeah. Oh, I love that. Well, and my base belief is that everything is happening for us. Not


Yeah, we have to just you just, it's just a great thing to assume that and life is like, obviously, life's whatever it is, but it's like kind of a game two, right? Like, it's something that you got to kind of, you got to ride that wave. Like, if you were surfing, like, hopefully, genuinely, throughout your life, you're riding the wave. But of course, you can't always be riding the wave. You know, and I mean, obviously, like any, any of us, we've all had moments that just feel like too much for life, you know, like the time when our whole home and business just burnt to the ground. You know, and then you just bought, like everything, and all your work for you know, used to be like, Oh, my God, you'll have to repeat 20 years to get to, you know, here again, are those things, but you have to quickly turn it around, you know, and I feel it's that positive outlook. I don't know if it drives people crazy. But for me, it gets me through things. I just so it's my own. It's kind of a way I can be a companion to myself. Hmm,

Jaclyn Steele:

that's something that I feel like is a common thread throughout this interview so far is that you are so true to your heart and your heart's desires, and you do not betray yourself. And I think that's so beautiful. I feel like especially as women, it's common for us to betray ourselves for other people or we're very self sacrificial in some ways.


Yeah. So we can Yeah, by over we can overextend. Yeah, I mean, obviously I've had all those lessons too. Yeah.

Jaclyn Steele:

It's it's just so beautiful to hear you speak this way with your experience and hardship and having a business but I mean it's just amazing that you're on the other end of it and going leaders of rose auto like up and going, Oh my god, so much money and that's like gone


when I Oh, of like, you know, the flaming situation, but you got to you know, again, this just is like that's not the end of the story just right. We can't This is just a chapter and as the police as a plea as a fire chief said that night you know, hopefully your for now you'll be on veranda and laughing. I'm like, I'm sure we will but like, you know, that was like literally as we're in Little tiny cabin as like the whole thing's going down in flames, you know.

Jaclyn Steele:

And that's just devastating. It's so devastating, so


intense, it's so intense and to really when you're, you know, because we woke up. Luckily, we weren't in that part of our building, but you wake up and you're just like, it's so bigger than you, you know, I'm just like watching 30 feet high of flames. And you're just in the moment, it's just so much bigger than you.

Jaclyn Steele:

Oh, goodness, gracious, the power of resilience and the power of our human spirit to and for anybody listening, I want us all to know that we have that resilience in us. It doesn't matter if you're dating artists, or you're Jaclyn Steele, or you are whoever we, we were born that's part of our birthright to be resilient. And anytime anybody has doubt, I always think like, let's go back and look in history and see all of these incredible historical figures who have overcome such immense obstacles and come out on the other end, going, how can I give more? How can I share this information? What can I do?


Yeah, how can I live more almost like when you can have those experiences, but then almost live more, you know, it's good.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah. Live more freely, with with an openness, I think, to be able


to, to meet life, you know, like your Yeah, like is a lot of that stuff can kind of it can wear us down. It can make us like less ready to face the world in a way. But hopefully you can find those, you know, places in your mind to be able to, to meet life and to meet what's what's can not be living in fear.

Jaclyn Steele:

One of my favorite teachers, she said, Really, the biggest obstacle that humans face is overcoming our own fears. And if we can live in a state of love, and not fear,


and really well, a fear, there's fear. And I I totally vibing with what you're saying. Fear has a few because there's the literal fear where it's like a bear is coming. You know, so we obviously there's still that innate instinct and stuff. So I feel like there's fear, but might what actually might even be more pervasive. And it's certainly a partner, a friend of fear is doubt. Oh, oh, yes, yes. And I feel like that's sort of one of that. So there's, you know, when we endeavor, really any moment, like any sort of moment forward, like, right, it just endeavored to kind of meet life, if we're doubting it, or if we wish for something, or we desire something. Or we, you know, even if we bring it down to something in the body, or like, you know, wanting to clear up acne or something, you got to know, it's like, just be confident in the possibility. You know, and because if we're focusing on the doubt, oh, isn't it so uncomfortable to have desire and doubt at the same time on the same subject? Right, that's like, just keeps us safe.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yes. It's a recipe for stuckness. Yeah, and it's not fun. No, it's not. And I think one of the things I've been challenging myself too, do you know, and I have many big dreams, but also doubt that accompanies them is instead of trying to stuff the doubt, or ignore it, ask it like I would a friend like, what are you here? To teach me in this moment? Nice. What is it that you want to say to me? And what can I learn from you? Because I want to respect you, I just don't want to let you drive my car. And I think that gentleness, that soft approach has been such a game changer for me. Rather than stuffing it down, like you do that old game where you're like, hammering the little acamol Yeah. markable Thank you, rather than doing that with doubt or fear, saying like, what do you want to teach me right now?


Mm hmm. And is it real? Is it or just a pattern of online always,

Jaclyn Steele:

it is not real? almost in every scenario, it is not real. It is a sense of I think ego, trying to keep me safe. You know,


it was a lovely book on on ego, whatever personality is, is the seat of the soul. Such a classic book. I love that book so much. Oh, it is so fantastic.

Jaclyn Steele:

I read it probably six years ago, I need to revisit it's a great audible. Oh, especially with Oprah interview the one the new one. The Oprah foreword. so beautiful, so beautiful. Next question. Yes. What are your favorite healthy beauty skin tips, healthy, beautiful skin tips. And I feel like your book is so chock full of them, but for listeners who haven't read it yet, what are your top three to five?


Well, I think one of the main main things is washing with oil so get you know what you we got to use soap is amazing, so thankful we have it, but it actually only needs to be visiting your pets and privates. And that's it again, you want to have like a natural soap like a natural bar soap olive oil soap, you know, we make a clay soap, a charcoal soap, nothing that's like with sodium lauryl sulfate. No, we don't. So sodium lauryl sulfate on our yonis you know, and of course the armpits is that area, we shave and so like all that stuff can really seep in a little bit more than on other parts of the skin. So that's like soap, so we don't want to be using soap like all of the rest of our body sudsing it's just gonna be drying, and it just just doesn't belong on our face. We just don't need that. And so really the most ancient method of cleaning skin, including the face cross culturally different, you know, from Turkish people, the Berbers, early Moroccan women, ancient Egypt, Cleopatra, using the fats to wash her face and skin, because it lifts off dirt. It's like, totally compatible with sea bum. And, you know, and then in a modern time, obviously, you know, we can remove mascara and makeup and all of that. So, the evening of the skin tone, the rebalancing of the microbiome, I mean, people it's just so fun, you get like, even the next morning, and people will, you know, just with like two washes, they're like, Oh, my God, like I'm glowingly moving in the right direction. You know, some people cystic acne starts to like they're seeing shifts in about a week. So it's really, really exciting when you just like and that's so and then you're not playing this vicious cycle of like stripping with synthetic saponification. And then like adding back in like, fake oils, or petroleum based oils are soy oils, and then like a whole host of other ingredients. It's not good. And that's like a huge game changer. The we have a whole line of Baskin Evers that have been created for this, but they're kind of the one bottle to do at all. So yeah, they're amazing. I use them. Yeah. Which is? Oh, yeah, it's

Jaclyn Steele:

classic. Oh, my gosh, this smell. It's it's, it's incredible. And I feel like personally, for me, I have been oil cleansing for almost 10 years. So I started really young, I started getting into holistic health care and alternative ways to treat our skin a long time ago, because I had a horrible, horrible acne. And all my dermatologist said stay away from oil. And it was when I started using oil, high quality oil. Yeah, that my skin changed. Yeah, totally change from the inside out. And I remember I used to cleanse my skin and it would feel so tight and withdrawn afterwards. But because we're like messing with the lipid barrier, it makes no sense. And then your your skin creates more oil, which clogs the pores rather than having an oil washing with oil where it balances everything out totally.


And then the other hidden layer is the microscopic microbiome, which actually needs a little bit of sebum, it wants to clean your port like the bacteria, we actually have to get out of the way and let the bacteria come back to doing their job even as gross as it sounds. But they need some dead skin cells to eat, you know, and that's the whole, like, we got a little compost cycle going on our face. And we want that because we can't design it better. And we're certainly not gonna achieve it with synthetics at all. Say No. Yes, exactly. I mean, think about it. All of Dermatology was created as a field of study or whatever a practice not knowing about the microbiome.

Jaclyn Steele:

So why don't we do this to us help me when I take a step back and think about it, from what I feel like is a logical perspective, it makes no sense. We have this living organism of a body that when we get out of the way harmonizes itself. I mean, it is miraculous, yet we're constantly messing with it and putting it off balance.


And we think well there's I mean, think about what the body does without us. Thinking about like when not before we go to bed we're like okay, make sure you keep breathing lever please work all night. Like we just we think we think we got it going on but we don't. So that's why we got to step out of the way we've been a little bit too you know, she was poking and picking and preening and primping.

Jaclyn Steele:

Less is more


Yeah. How we can have fun we still want to have fun. We want to have fun with our bodies and taking care of our bodies. And even though less is more, I have a creation problem. And we have a beautiful array of you know so many products.

Jaclyn Steele:

This episode of self discovery is supported by living libations I was turned on to this company after my hashimotos diagnosis. I've always always loved clean beauty products but living libations is clean on another level. I'll explain a little bit about why their primary ingredients are plant oils, and plant oils are botanical miracles. When oils are skillfully combined, the mosaic effect of 1000s of plant compounds burst forth with an intelligence and a life force that defines every single living libations creation. This not only makes their products extremely effective, and I can attest to that because the first night I started using them, I noticed a difference the next morning one freaking night, but it also makes these products smell amazing like heaven. In addition, living libations products are cruelty free, they're Fairtrade and almost all the products are raw, gluten free, and vegan. I cannot say enough about this incredible company, I have so many of their products, I have their best skin ever cleansing oil and seabuckthorn I have their rose renewal serum, it's Heaven, I have their soothsayer serum. If you feel like your skin is aging. This is a perfect serum for you the soothsayer serum, I have their happy gumdrops for healthy teeth, I have their shampoo and conditioner, I have their Frankincense toothpaste, I have their deodorant, I have their love butter, I could go on and on and on about all the products that I have from them. And I am mindfully switching out all of my old products in exchange for living libations products because of the efficacy of their products, the mission behind them and the way that the company is run their commitment to diversity and environmental protection. Anyway, all that to say this is a company that I absolutely believe in and want to continue to support if you are feeling at all overwhelmed by all of their high quality offerings like I was in the beginning, I recommend starting with the best skin ever. In seabuckthorn It smells amazing, and you can cleanse and moisturize with it. Visit living libations calm and use code Jacqueline 12 for 12% off your purchase, living libations calm and Jacqueline 12 for 12% off your purchase. Links are in the show notes. And now back to the episode is your products are so much fun. I put on one of your perfumes this morning as I was leaving and I was like each one. It was night flight. Oh yeah. I love that night flight to Venus. Oh, it I mean, it's just so beautiful. And it's so soft. And it's not it's not overpowering in any way. So I'm glad that you have a little bit of a creation. Okay, so you said oil cleansing is one of your favorites. Oh, yes. Yeah, what else? I mean, I have your deodorant I have. I have almost everything.


We think of the skin like, of course, lots of wasted care. But if we just think of the skin as an organ, then I would also say like dry brushing is really good. You know, it's a great practice. It's very invigorating, you're taking care of the lymph system, the circulatory system. And then so you know, most people can find a dry brush or have a dry brush, but you can also kind of up that game with essential oil that you know is okay to put on undiluted like Frankincense or lavender. We've also made a blend called Verve tonic. And it's got like rosemary, Eucalyptus Cypress, a lot of the Laurel like all the really length invigorating ones and you just put one drop on your palm and then you glide the brush over coat, you know just getting a little bit on each little filament. And then you do your bright, bright dry brushing. And it's really fun. And we also have a really super extra special dry brush, which has like copper filaments. And yeah, and that actually is energizing to the body and it creates like an eye on a sphere and super.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah, I will I understand why that's so no. Okay. You also wrote an incredible book called the holistic dental care The Complete Guide to healthy teeth and gums. Can you tell us why conventional dental care isn't working? And why you are so passionate about holistic dental care?


Mm hmm. Well, there's a lot of reasons why it's not working. But one main area we can look at is the mouth is this beautiful microbiome. It's so key, obviously, inextricably bound to our gut microbiome. So most of the modern and green like we're just talking like, the day to day care of our teeth. All of those ingredients are messing with our microbiome like literally mutating and killing off species. So that's a bit of an issue. And I so I've known for there's this I've known since I wrote my book in 209. This stat that mouthwash so just your question. drugstore mouthwash creates back then it was 36,000 cases of oral cancer a year. And as you can just google it like that

Jaclyn Steele:

people are buying that because it's showing decrease the bacteria in their mouth and keep them healthy and keep their teeth healthy. Yeah.


And here's the thing, it does decrease the bacteria.

Jaclyn Steele:

But But the good bacteria as well. Yeah. So it you know, it's like we've had like an antibiotic flush every day.


Exactly. And so I feel like it's just mess with the whole microbiome because again, like it's just mutating it. And where there are microbiome issues, you know, there can be dysbiosis and disease down the road. And so you know, not to mention the sodium lauryl sulfate, which creates bleeding receding gums. And then once you've got the bleeding, receding gums in the sodium lauryl, sulfates going right into the bloodstream. So there's, you know, there's just our day to day, we're kind of like really wreaking havoc in there, even though it's got the fake synthetic mint, so we feel all fresh,

Jaclyn Steele:

but we're not and it's amazing to me how resilient our bodies are, guess what we do to them on a daily basis, especially in the West, I have your Frankincense toothpaste and your happy comb drops. And I love them. I love them. I feel like they clean my mouth so beautifully. I also feel like they whiten my teeth.


Yeah, yeah, it's natural. It is so not hard to just get the teeth a little bit wider without chemicals and stuff, you know? Yeah, yeah. And you have these eight steps that people do, which is super great, helps people whiten their teeth, gets them ready for the dentist. And after too many years, we'll really 10 years of like thinking electric toothbrush would be fun, but about two years of development. We have a 00 EMF or EMF free toothbrush that has three heads that have special angles. And it is so good at removing plaque like, you know, without even any toothpaste. It's phenomenal. And so it's so fun to use with our toothpaste and we have a really exciting new toothpaste coming out. Oh my gosh, I can't wait. I can't wait.

Jaclyn Steele:

I mean, I'm like the Frankincense toothpaste is just my favorite. I feel like it's so amazing. But I'm gonna try any Oh, yeah, the


thing is, is a beauty. It's really good for sensitive teeth. Although so but it's good for people know, most teeth. Since tooth sensitivity is coming from the guns. It's like usually a bit of a recession issue. Yeah, yeah. Ah.

Jaclyn Steele:

Moving forward. What do you want to see change in the beauty and wellness industry? And how can we participate in that positive change? Oh, that's so fun. Well, I love the


idea of any, like people like yourself being positive people in the change or whatever. But this is a funny answer. But I feel like I don't need anything to change in the beauty industry on one level, because it's so deep and crazy. Like, I'm not even going to pretend. And I don't even know where to start. It's like really, really, really, maybe the beauty industry doesn't need to change. Maybe we just need to really regroup on like how we raise people with some self esteem.

Jaclyn Steele:

Isn't that the truth? Isn't that the truth? Because no matter? How much makeup, how much plastic surgery, how much whatever on the outside, if we don't address what's in here, it will never ever be enough.


Or if we didn't quite get that good start. You know, it can be a lot to kind of catch up on confidence and self esteem.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah. Do you have any tips for confidence and self esteem for those who are listening who are like, I'm just really struggling?


Yeah, that makes sense. Well, I talked to some things in my book. I mean, I think you know, you want to kind of

Jaclyn Steele:

you talk extensively. I feel like in your book. Yeah. But for anybody who hasn't, you know, hasn't read it yet?


Well, I feel like if we go into like what I was talking about with doubt, you know, seeing really, where's that conversation and that inner dialogue of doubt, and we're like, Do you even know what's happening? Like, or is that river of doubt, just babbling brook in your brain, and then you don't even know you've thought all these doubtful things for the past half an hour. So I feel like that's a really good place to start awareness, self awareness, self knowledge, know what's going on in your brain. Because that's really the drainer of any confidence. Yeah, oh, without a doubt, it's so if you've got confidence, you can rock that zit on your nose on the zoom call. Oh, for sure. Not saying I could do that. Or whatever. But you know, I mean, that's really where it's got to come from.

Jaclyn Steele:

Yeah, yeah, I think anytime we hang our hat on what we look like on the outside and have that be where we derive our self worth. That's a very dangerous, shaky ground to stand upon versus This is what I value. This is who I am. This is what I believe in. This is what I stand for.


And sometimes it's a lot to do the outside. And sometimes it's just like people just don't have the confidence or the love to know that they're they can exist, that we're happy to have them on the planet, you know, just really core.

Jaclyn Steele:

That's our birthright. It's our birthright to be here. It's our birthright to take up some space to have a voice. Yeah. Okay, so last couple of questions. I call these my rapid fire questions. So whatever comes to mind first is okay. What do you take comfort in? Hmm. Sunshine is what instantly brings you joy, sunshine. And try her sunshine line


from living libations. I love it. Everybody loves the sunshine, where I created everybody loves the sunshine were like, I experimented with all the plant pigments to see if it was right. It was like 1996 in Sedona, and you know, where I created everybody loves the sunshine. We're in Arizona 1996 July, I was like, I need the hottest month in Sedona. And then I brought all my plant pigments and concoctions and I was just like applying and signing in the hot sun. And I was even I just found even my own camping spot and some little mountainy Hill thing. Cool. I'm right at the source of work. Yeah. That's amazing.

Jaclyn Steele:

Who are what has been your greatest teacher?


Hmm. Gosh, I mean, there's so many I could think of the plants. I mean, liquid. They're just teaching me every day. You know, the sun teaches me my son teaches me. My clients teach me the questions that you all ask, help write a book. I love answering questions together. We're solving or like, oh, women really need that right now. You know, it's great.

Jaclyn Steele:

Favorite book? Hmm. I'll take any roumier Krishnamurti book. Yes, please. best piece of advice you've been given?


I don't know. There's so much out there. Don't know in this lightning round thing? Gosh, yeah, no. Yeah.

Jaclyn Steele:

What do you want our dear listeners to take away from this episode? Just give your beauty the benefit of the doubt. Oh, yes. Oh, and we all have so much beauty inside of us. So much.


Like, we just have to, like, let that show up on our faces, you know,

Jaclyn Steele:

the people that I am most attracted to are not necessarily classically attractive. It's all that inner energy coming to the surface.


There's so many we have so many examples of that, like, you know, the non supermodel women that are just so you just see them. You're like, Oh my God, you're so beautiful. Oh, yeah. like Oprah. Like she is so beautiful. You know, like, so beautiful. Yeah, she looks like a supermodel in part of my brain where I'm just like, the beauty exuding. And I'm just using her example, because I think we all can we all know who she is. Yeah, yeah, there's so many people like that. And you just know, it's like that inner exuberance, that inner energy. And that's really that's coming out on your face. It's cool. And then you know, and then cool, you got the living libations so you're not going to be adding to your aging factors and synthetic and then together just right off in the sunset right with our

Jaclyn Steele:

authentic real beauty. Yeah, that's what I hear from that. Where can everybody find you online?


All right, living life and my books are on there as well. And there were any books are sold, and they're also on Audible. And then we've got living libations official on Instagram and a Dean artemus official,

Jaclyn Steele:

and I will link all of those. Thank you so much. Thank you. I just oh, I enjoy so so, so thoroughly. I was such a fun combo. Good.