Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele

How to be and feel undeniably powerful

Season 2 Episode 97

We are fast approaching 2022. What if this really is your year? What if I told you that it absolutely can be? Well, that's what this episode is all about. It's about 2 simple, but deep things that determine our personal power and if we are able to wield it in the world.

You are incredible and you have everything you need RIGHT now to own 2022.

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Light, Love, & Peace,

Jaclyn Steele

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Jaclyn Steele:

Hi, I am Jaclyn Steele and welcome to self discovery. Howard Thurman so beautifully wrote, don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive, coming alive. That my friends is what self discovery is all


where that man Hello beautiful listeners Happy Wednesday to you. I'm so glad that you are here. I hope your Thanksgiving was beautiful.

Jaclyn Steele:

I hope that if you listen to the last episode on mentally prepping for the holidays, that it was helpful to you during this time. i After pulling a card in the last episode, felt so in the flow. As I was recording the episode. I wanted to do that again. And so I did and this time I pulled from Rebecca Campbell's deck called the Starseed Oracle with artwork by Danielle Noel. It is one of my favorite Oracle Ducks of all time. And I asked again, what do you want the listeners to know? And what should the extension message be based on the title of this episode, which is how to be and feel undeniably powerful. And I'm so excited to share with you guys the contents of this episode. But the card that I pulled is called portal and the lines under it Our doors are opening period, you decide period, rewards, period, wild card, period. And here is what the booklet says doors are opening for you. Your thoughts are extra powerful for you right now. So guys, if you're listening to this, your thoughts are extra powerful for you right now. Planets are aligning. The timing is right. The universe is saying yes, you have the Midas touch, your hard work is being rewarded. This is a time when you can reap the rewards for efforts made in the past. It's also a time when you can achieve a lot. Great leaps can be made extreme transformation can occur. great distances can be traveled in a short space of time you're swimming with the cosmic


current of life. What experience would you like to have? What do you want to create? What new adventure would

Jaclyn Steele:

you like to manifest? Don't lose focus. Use this moment in time wisely. Be conscious and clear with your emotions and thinking projects that you have been working on are coming to fruition. Things are in full bloom, it's time to take your harvest and taste your well earned fruits. When this card comes up in a spread, it's a sure sign that effortless change is possible. If you've been looking for a sign, this is your portal into that new reality. Now is the time to make big changes. If you've been guided to switch things up, you're extremely well supported right now. Use this energy and jump right on in starseed soul inquiry is what would you most like to experience? What would you most like to experience? I love this card for so many reasons. I feel like it's such an affirmation based on the contents of this episode that I'm about to share with you that the timing is right for us to step into our power. And I had a conversation with a coaching client today. And it's not the kind of power that we use to wield over others. It's not a manipulative power. It is not a power used to exercise your influence in any negative way. It is the kind of power that comes from self worth, which is the most powerful kind of power if you ask me. Hmm. Okay, so that was fun. We drew the portal card for this episode. Next, you know what I'm going to say if you haven't left me a review please do if you have not joined my sacred rep Well affirmation, text chain, please do I love interacting with you guys in that way, I send out encouraging texts a couple times a week free service, text me at 480-531-6858. Again, that's 480-531-6858 opt in, type in the word sacred and you will be added to the list. It is free right now I am getting such incredible positive feedback. So many people saying, Oh, you sent this to me just at the right time. And I know that I'm sending things at the right time because it's not really me, their divine Inklings and divine downloads that I'm sending out knowing like, this is what needs to be said right now. So I don't take credit for it in any way, shape, or form. Then, last piece of business, actually two more pieces of business. If you haven't signed up for the scoop, which is my newsletter, it is such a fun breath of fresh air to write. And my goal is that it's a breath of fresh air in your inbox. The way to sign up is in the shownotes. Otherwise, you can go to my website, Jaclyn Steele, calm and there are several ways you can sign up there, there's a pop up, there's a thing on the homepage. Anyways, you get the idea, you're smart, you can figure it out. It's a really fun newsletter to be a part of. And last thing is I'm celebrating the heck out of the 100th episode of this podcast. I am so proud guys, I'm so proud that I am almost 100 episodes in and I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you and your beautiful ears, and attention listening and participating. And clicking on episodes every week. My gosh, I am so grateful. And I want to share my gratitude by doing a giveaway from some of my favorite companies on the planet. I am doing posts on Instagram so you can see pictures of these awesome prizes, but I'm doing three presents each are valued well over $50. And in each box contains or within each box contains some of my favorite things that I use on a daily basis. So stuff from Parker clay, stuff from living libations crystals, the magic of I journal that I absolutely love palo santo incense sticks, rise, which is my favorite superfood, coffee doTERRA lavender oil roller, several other things. And toward the end of the year, I am going to choose names based on this entry system and send it to you guys from my heart to yours. But all you have to do to enter is leave the podcast a review on iTunes or Apple podcasts or Spotify, and then send a screenshot of that review to Hello at Jaclyn That email address is also in the show notes if you can't remember it. And if you want bonus entries, do a video review that I could share on social media and or an audio review. If you want to do all three do a written review and audio review and a video review. Then I will give you three entries to win one of these prize boxes. So it's such a fun thing. I appreciate you guys so much and I want to give back and participate in this Hollis holiday season of gift giving and joy sharing. Okay, so we are fast approaching 2022 Does anybody else feel like 2021 just flew by I feel like I blinked and it's almost over. And around this time of year is when I start to think about what my goals and what my desires are for the new year. And here is my wish for myself and for you. And that is that you would own your worth and wield it wisely. I have in my 35 years struggled with self worth. I get it. It's a concept that is so often thrown around. But it's elusive, if we haven't truly felt it before. So in this podcast, I want to address two things. Simple. These two things, in my opinion, are the essence of personal power. If you master these two things, you will be and feel undeniably powerful. And the message from the universe that we got in the Oracle Card today in the portal card is That now is your effing time, my friend, now is your time. So if you implement these two things, I have no doubt that you are going to take off like a freakin rocket ship. The first thing is letting go of other people's point of view. I'm going to say it again, letting go of other people's point of view, gone are the days when your self worth rests in someone else's hands. That is not a sustainable way of living. It's not healthy, it's not safe. You my beautiful listener, you are the driver of your life, not your dad, not your mom, not your best friend, not your coworker, not the celebrity you look up to, you wake up and go to bed with you, every single day. And last time I checked, that's something that will be true until the day that we die. So my question for you is this? Do you want to live every day in a way that will make you feel proud and satisfied and fulfilled? Or do you want to live every day making someone else feel proud and satisfied and fulfilled, because the choice is yours. And here's the thing, ah, I get it. This can be easier said than done. Especially if we are seeking approval or love or significance from others. However, the greatest gift you can give yourself is the power to be in control of your own life. You can respect your mom and still disagree with her. You can admire your dad, and still not want to follow his career path. You can love your friend so much and still not want to live their life. And what I mean by that is if they are pouring their opinions, or their thoughts on what you're doing, consider this. If their life isn't the one that you want to live, then you don't have to take that advice because it's going to lead you down the same path that they're on. Not always, but much of the time. You can learn from your co worker and still make your own decisions. You can look up to that public figure and still make choices that feel in line with your integrity. With your budget. With where you want to go in life. You can post something that really matters to you. Knowing someone you love will disagree with it. You can change careers because your heart is suffocating. Even though your grandma's terrified, you will lose your health insurance. You can move to Bali, because you want to start over. Even though you don't have everything figured out yet. You could start a candle company because you are wildly passionate about candles. Even though there are other candle companies out there in existence, and your brother thinks it's a terrible idea. You can hire a coach even though your sister thinks it's a waste of money. You can have an Akashic Record reading. Even if your conservative upbringing tells you that it's BS. That was one for me. You can get a dog because your heart is yearning for companionship, even if the timing isn't perfect or ideal. Beautiful listeners 2022 Even right now is going to be whatever you make it and I want to place the emphasis here on you Why oh you? What is it that you want? This doesn't mean that you have to be selfish. It just means that your heart and its desires and Inklings matter more than the feedback you get from the outside. If you feel it, it can be possible. Whatever it is that's in your head and your heart and your spirit. If you feel it. It can be a reality. Don't let another person's opinion sway you stand firm own it, because this is your effing life. So that was the first thing I wanted to address. Letting go of other people's point of view Okay, by now you guys know that I love a sustainable brand. And today I am so proud to say that this episode is powered by packed their mission is to build Earth's favorite clothing company in addition to their mission which is reason enough itself to buy from packed here's why I love them so much. Everything they make it packed starts with Earth's favorite fiber, organic cotton. growing cotton organically saves vast amounts of water and uses no toxic chemicals. Packed also partners with Fairtrade certified factories, so they ensure care for both people and the planet. Thank you very much. Their organic cotton items are bomb you guys I love their socks and panties. In fact, I'm wearing them right now. There's so so so comfortable and such a high quality. This is how I like my knickers made soft and sustainably sourced Thank you very much. They also offer the option to offset the carbon footprint of your shipment. And their range of goods is vast, organic sheets. Check organic T shirts, check organic undergarments for men and women check organic dresses, check organic yoga pants check. And I feel like I'm just getting started. I have a bunch of their panties and socks and a tank top. And when I went to purchase their organic King sheets, they were sold out. But fortunately for me, I have been monitoring their website and I got my paws on their organic king size sheets. I'm telling you these sheets are fantastic. Go to web And use code Jaclyn 20 for 20% off your first time purchases not including sale and cannot be combined with other offers the link in code or in the show notes and you can also visit Jaclyn to see some of my favorite packed pics. If you have been listening to this podcast for any length of time, then you know how vitally important wellness is to me. It affects every area of our lives. And I'm a firm believer that our bodies want to be healthy. That health is homeostasis. But in a world with so much stress, toxic gunk and nutrient depleted food. Sometimes we need a little help. Today's episode is supported by enfant Bothy. This is a revolutionary company that creates at home devices that program Healing frequencies into water. Yeah, you heard me right, you can program water with what are called eye sees. And those are electromagnetic signals that stimulate our body's own healing. So essentially you program the water, the water enters our body and it stimulates our body's own healing devices to heal ourselves. How beautiful is that? Maybe you suffer from allergies or ADHD or you have digestive issues or mineral deficiencies. Or maybe you have mental health issues or reproductive issues or like me, maybe you have hypothyroidism. There are 1000s of ICs and complexes you can choose from to program your water with Healing frequencies. Robert black and I did an in depth podcast episode on this episode 93 as well as an episode on the vital importance of structured water. And all of that information is in Episode 92 InfoPath he has several devices you can choose from to program your water, the starter device is $65. So it's very affordable. And then you subscribe to their monthly membership for $10 A month or $8 a month if you want to pay a yearly subscription. And that will give you access to literally 1000s of ICs and complexes or to simplify Healing frequencies to program their water for optimal health. I personally have all three of their programming devices. You can learn more and read testimonials at WWW dot info And that's and then use code Jaclyn 10 for 10% off your order. All of that information is in the show notes. But again, you're going to head to InfoPath and use code Jaclyn 10 for 10% off your order. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I believe frequency healing is the future of healthcare The second thing I want to address on the road to being and feeling undeniably powerful is owning your worth. Ah, if I could hug each and every one of you right now and look you in the eyes and say that very phrase own you're worth I'd be a happy woman because I believe it I believe each and every one of us is so freaking powerful and worthy. and amazing. And until we step into that, we're always going to be operating from a place that doesn't allow us to show up fully. to owning your worth, you don't have to prove your worth. You don't have to show your worth, you don't have to talk about your worth. All you have to do is be I've come to a place where I know who I am. And if people misinterpret that it's not my responsibility that bears repeating your opinion of me, is not my responsibility. And some may think of this as callous, but it's not. And here's why. Because in this instance, I know who I am, I've done the work around this. Am I ever evolving, yes, but I've put in a lot of time into this work. So I know who I am. I know the purity of my intentions. I know the woman behind the voice and the words, and whatever else presents itself in public. And that woman loves that woman wants the best for humanity, that woman wants to show up as the biggest, most badass version of herself. Because she knows that has the power to make a ripple effect in the world. If someone doesn't like that, I've come to a place where I'm okay with it. Because I know my intentions. And that's enough for me. And those people that misinterpret my attention, intentions or don't like me, or are offended by me, I wish them light and love and happiness truly. And they are free to move on to the next. I used to get really caught up in how I presented myself in social media, in an on social media, I wanted people to understand the authenticity of who I was, and the authenticity behind what I was sharing. And I wanted people to like me, I am someone who really enjoyed when people like me back. I think so many of us can relate to this. This approach, however, in the way that I showed up on social media, and sometimes in life is innately flawed. Why? Because we can never control what another person thinks of us or how they perceive us ever. Their perceptions are based on their experiences, their community, their feedback loops, all of which we have no control over none. nada, zip. So is that a good use of my energy? Absolutely not. So now, instead, I focus on being the truest version of myself. Focus on adding value being helpful, asking questions, sharing research opinions. And if someone doesn't like it, and sometimes they don't, that's okay. Again, I wish them the absolute best. And I go to bed at night understanding that not everyone needs to agree with me. And not everyone is going to like me. And that's okay. As long as I like me. Continuing on with owning your worth, let's talk about what not owning your worth looks like. Okay, sometimes it's helpful to know what something isn't. And it helps us understand to then know what it really is. So this is what not owning your worth looks like. It's second guessing yourself around every corner. It's feeling like you need one more accomplishment. One more feather in your hat on top of all the other things you've already accomplished. Because then, then you will feel worthy of attention or love, or significance. It's apologizing for everything. Even if something is not your fault. It's filling up the silence between sentences because you're nervous. It's texting someone and when they don't reply right away, texting them back again with something else. It's putting your happiness in someone else's hands. It's handing over total control of your emotional life and state. It's the either or complex. Either I win this or I'm a total failure. Either I get the job or my life is over. As not owning your worth friends, life is full of nuance. And there is a much bigger plan at play for your life. I know it in my bones. It's catastrophizing, everything, because you want to be in control all the time, because you have lied to yourself and allowed yourself to believe that the only way you will feel safe is if you're in control. Control is an illusion. It's allowing other people to make your decisions for you, whether that's your parents, or your friends, or the media, or that person you really want to please, or that person you really want to like you. It's being passive aggressive with someone that hurt your feelings, instead of womaning up or Manning up and telling them the truth. It's relying on someone else to make something happen for you. It's staying in the same job you hate because you're terrified to make the leap. It's eating crap food day in and day out, and feeling like crap. Because you don't value your body. It's not taking action on something, when you have every ability to take action on it. And it's what your heart is telling you to take action on. It's refusing to own your own shit, and blame others for everything in your life you don't like it's spinning, and spinning, and spinning yourself into chaos. Because you are afraid to be alone with who you really are. We all do that in some capacity at different points in our lives. When we experience pain or trauma or something that is triggering, it's easier to become busy and just keep doing doing doing doing doing rather than allowing ourselves to be to feel to heal. Okay, so you get the idea of what self worth does not look like. Now let's talk about what it does look like this is the happy stuff. This is the space, an area that I want to marinate to bathe. This is what self worth looks like. It's gracefully, allowing other people to have opinions that differ from your own. Because you know what you think. And you're comfortable with what you think you're also comfortable with the consequences of what you think you know that you can adjust if you need to. It's gracefully, allowing other people to have opinions that differ from your own and hearing them out and actually listening to their thoughts and feelings. Feel like that's really important. During this crazy time politically and nationally in the United States. Its own owning your decisions and not second guessing them my friend. You know that if you win, you will celebrate. If you are wrong, you will apologize. And if you fail, you will learn from it. All of it is part of the experiencing of life. And you are here to have experiences. self worth it's only signing up for the things you actually want to do. You don't need any more trophies or accomplishments on your resume, unless you really want them. And you'll know if you really want them. It's saying what you need to say when you need to say it. You can be kind and still tell the truth. And I would argue that the truth is the ultimate form of kindness. It's not apologizing for taking up space. It's not filling in the silences with babble because you are afraid someone else might be uncomfortable. It's not striving to make everyone in the world comfortable at your own expense. I'm guilty of that. It's texting someone and if they don't respond, letting that be the answer you need. It's owning your happiness. It's understanding that life can be unpredictable, but that you have the ability to be the calm in the storm. You get to choose what you focus on. It's making decisions that are in line with your integrity and rolling with them. No matter what anyone else thinks. It's speaking your truth and laying boundaries instead of speaking behind someone's back or being passive aggressive. It's relying on yourself to make the big move in stead of waiting on someone else. It's making a different career choice, even if it feels terrifying. Because you know, in your guts, you deserve to live bigger and more aligned with your purpose. It's prioritizing sleep and movement, and eating well, because you respect and love your body. self worth, it's taking action when you know, you can. Even if fear accompanies that action, because you know you are worth whatever change it is that you desire. It's owning your shit, your trauma, your whatever, and doing the work to heal from it. To apologize to the people you've hurt, to understand you are human, and to do the hardest work of all, which is to forgive yourself, but also vowed to do better. It's walking into a room of people you respect. And understanding that your opinion of yourself is what matters most. That you can respect their advice, and still choose something different, that feels more aligned with your soul. It's allowing moments of silence to be part of your day. It's being comfortable in your skin, because you're doing the work. It's meditating and facing your fears, your family members, your deepest darkest shit, because you know, you are capable of being the person on the other side of it. And that's who you really are deep down. self worth my friends. It is a portal to personal power. And oh, my gosh, my mind is blown. The card I pulled is portal. This is not an accident. I wrote this episode earlier this week. And I wrote this sentence. self worth my friends is the portal to personal power. And I drew the card portal. self worth is the force behind our decisions. It's the force behind the way we show up in the world. It's the force behind our actions. It's the force behind who we are in this lifetime, who our soul came here to be. And according to this card that I drew now is the time for you to step into that power. And in order to experience this personal power, we have to it is vitally important that we do this respectfully decline anyone's point of view that clouds our hearts desires, or our souls Inklings, or our moral compass, or our understanding of integrity. You beautiful listener, you determine your life and what a beautiful thing that is. No one else determines it for you. It's up to you. So in 2020, to may you know, experience, act on and own your power. May you become the next best version of yourself. And may you feel the kind of joy and satisfaction that spills over. And according to this card that I pulled today for this episode, you are not alone. There are forces beyond what your eyes can see that are pushing you in the most loving way forward. May you be blessed and blessed and blessed some more this day. Thank you for listening